For example, "je voudrais acheter..." does not mean "I would like to buy...", well it does, literally, but to the French it means "I wanted to buy..." (like when you were a little kid you wanted this). The correct way to say "I would like to buy" is saying "je veux acheter" which literally translates to "I want to buy". The difference is by saying "would" their translators decided to make it past tense, but what really ticks me off about LearnFrenchPhrasesWords, is that it does not even use the normal past tense, which would look like this "j'ai voulu acheter", and mean "I wanted to buy...", it used the second past tense; l'imparfait. The thing about the second past tense is that it implies that a long time has passed since the action; in this case the "wanting to buy". So the person you are talking to hears "when I was little I wanted to buy this". This is nice, but is not what you are trying to say. And to top it off, they misspelled the l'imparfait conjugation of "to want". If you did want to say "when I was little i wanted...", then it is "je voulais acheter", not "je voudrais acheter".