I have played this game for over a year. The graphics are good, updates on a regular basis, scenes/ objects challenging, etc. It’s possible to play without pay if you’re patient. However, during this same year there have been constant update glitches, lost progress towards rewards without cause, and changes to scenes resulting in cluttered graphics. In addition, the new quests have become impossible to complete without buying your way to the end— which, from the developers’ perspective, is probably the point, but from a players perspective just plain aggravating. G5 has 64+ games and their response to customers issues has gone downhill. The latest update, January 28, 2019, has caused multiple cases of load and crash. G5 in general states they are aware and are working on a fix. To individuals, G5 blames the crashing on either lack of storage or IOS systems not current (an excuse when players state this isn’t the case). Check fan forums for all the glitches on this game before you start playing. If G5 repairs the crashing problem, I may keep playing a bit longer. But I confess I’m at the delete point—- this is supposed to be fun, not another source of frustration in the chaos of daily life.