National Weather Reviews

National Weather Reviews

Published by on 2024-02-28

About: Get accurate and detailed weather directly from NOAA. Designed for the iPhone
with a user friendly interface and the ability to get the weather information
you need.

About National Weather

What is National Weather?

The NOAA Weather App is a weather app designed for iPhone users to get accurate and detailed weather information directly from NOAA. The app has an intuitive interface and provides users with all the weather information they need in their pocket. The app is designed to use the user's current GPS location to get the nearest weather information automatically.



- Radar maps sourced from NOAA.

- Location finder which uses your current GPS location to get nearest weather information automatically.

- Exclusive 1 hourly weather forecast for next 7 days.

- Exclusive 24 hour forecast graph to show visually the forecast temperature, maximum, minimum, humidity and rainfall.

- Exclusive 7 day forecast graph shows visually the forecast for the week ahead. Get forecast temperature, mean monthly maximum, mean monthly minimum, humidity and rainfall.

- Exclusive sun and moon information from sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset to major and minor periods information used by fishermen and hunters.

- Statistical climate weather information. View the seasonal changes for all locations.

- Rain radar to predict when rainfall will reach you.

- The app contains weather information only about the United States of America and its territories.

- Use this app information as advisory only and not critical decision making.

- The data is sourced from The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and was not developed or published by NOAA. Any questions, bugs or recommendations should be sent to [email protected] or visit us at

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience


Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 3,965 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of National Weather

- Everything one needs to know about local, state, and national weather

- Local rainfall totals down to your street address

- Hour by hour forecasts, wind direction, barometric pressures and moon phases

- Easy to add locations to favorites

- Main screen presents a lot of information

- Gives an hourly prediction of due point

20 National Weather Reviews

4.3 out of 5


Is this a BETA version?

I want to like NationalWeather enough to use it all the time because the forecast is more accurate than the others I have and it also can zoom in to my actual neighborhood- which is helpful with all the microclimates in my area, HOWEVER, it seems buggy and so,e things are overly complicated, not intuitive- like it took me about 15 mins to add a new location the other day.
The other issue is the ads. It’s not that there are ads that occasionally pop up , it’s that they are often the worse kind- full screen ads with no clear way to close them and move on so many times I’ve been taken out of NationalWeather and to the advertiser’s site on my browser- very irritating! Especially when I’m in a hurry and trying to do a quick weather ck on the fly. Please stick with banner ads or NationalWeather is a hard no for me.


Locations are strange

NationalWeather is very colorful and has useful info.

I have three problems with the locations. First is that the location list reset to the default for no reason. I suspect it downloaded an update and did not remember my custom list. I think that because the instruction overlay came up again. The feature overlay is nice when starting out, but gets old quickly.

Second, my default or auto location is not correct. I am in Irvine CA not Cowan Heights. That location is northeast and inland from my location. If you are going to track my location data as part of the price for this free app, at least get it right.

Third, while it is easy to delete locations, a new location can only be added to the top of the list, and the list can’t be reordered. That means if I and a new location I have to delete and re-add my home location to get it back to the top of the list. New locations should be inserted below the currently selected location or at the bottom of the list. By list I mean the favorites list with the star in the title.

It wIll not take too many more time fighting this basic UI functionality if my favorites list to earn you a delete.


It’s not the app it’s the accuracy

I got this phone new a month and a half ago. Always had noaa on three previous phones and loved it. The alerts don’t go off unless you pay them. Sure you can pick up your phone and see tornado warning but no alert sound. I took my phone to Verizon and nothing is set up wrong. I’m a programmer but I went for a second opinion. Two of my past phones i gave one to my mother one to my spouse. Their alerts stopped going off recently when I put the same version I have on their phones. I swore by NOAA being accurate but since April I was outside when the wind started picking up. I looked at my app clear mild wind. It started darkening I started grabbing my things but couldn’t make it in my house in time before my metal arbor held down with five rebars and copper led lights went flying twenty steps from me and hit the tree next to me. 60 mph wind gust and a tornado watch was put on local weather



I used to think NationalWeather was wonderful, but something changed that prevents the radar animation from opening promptly. So now I check the forecast here and then go to the My Radar app for that picture. Also, the adverts: Some of them when they come on are LOUD! This is extremely irritating. I know you need to run adverts, but the loud ones I kill immediately! Thank you for NationalWeather , but for the long delayed or nonexistent radar AND the LOUD adverts you get two strikes.


NOAA The best weather APP‼️

I love NationalWeather‼️. Everything one needs to know about local, state, and national weather. Local rainfall totals down to your street address. This is important information to any one who is tending, planting, pruning, and seeding zone appropriate agriculture. Hour by hour forecasts, wind direction, barometric pressures and moon phases. NationalWeather used with the Old Farmers Almanac gives ideal soil temperature and conditions for a successful growing season. I rely on it everyday, and it’s the first APP I open on any of my devices. Thanks for your dedication climate reporting, since it changes every minute of everyday.


Weather Review

Site provides the basic weather stats but offers no user information to use interactive charts or optimize the site. Lots of cities are listed but I am really only interested in a couple of cities. How does one remove unwanted cities that are listed or changing the order of cities. Finally, I could not find predictive forecasting for my area other than the general (ie chance of thunderstorms this afternoon). NOAA warnings were given for parts of my state located far from my area of interest.
You need to see what other competitive weather sites are doing to optimize your weather site.


Updated - Unable to delete from favorites

It is easy to add locations to my favorites but I am unable to find anyway to delete them. It came with several places in favorites that I don’t want.

So after using this for a week I really do like NationalWeather . It did take me awhile to figure out how to delete locations from my favorites.

I do like the main screen and all the information presented. Much better than other weather apps I have tried.


I like this app, but...

NationalWeather have some nice features but also some issues. For example, after I selected to rate it and it launched NationalWeather Store app my cities list was deleted and the long default list was back. There are display issues and I still get an occasional full screen ad after purchasing the full option package. I do like getting the data direct from NOAA as well as the list of local stations.

I wrote to the developer and then noticed NationalWeather hasn't been updated in well over a year so I guess that was a waste of time.


Radar doesn’t work

I have had NationalWeather for three or four years and I have loved it. It. But lately for the past two weeks or three weeks the radar will not come up, now it comes up but it will not show the bigger portion like the western section or the whole United States you hit on those links and it just stays in the local radar. You need to fix this no one is going to use your app. So could you please fix the radar so it works. My phone has all the updates and it still is not working. Why is it not working? I didn’t really even want to give you one star but it made me pick something


Has great potential, but there are some kinks

A weather app that gets its data straight from NOAA is a fantastic idea, but there are a few problems that need addressing. The current conditions icon is actually an icon for the forecast for the whole day, so that definitely needs checked out. In the location list, I couldn't find a way to delete the predetermined list of cities, which could be annoying. If these bugs were fixed, this could be a phenomenal app for weather, but as is, it's a bit on the buggy side.



Who wants an app that plays music and other sounds without warning as part of their ads? How does it work for people who are in an office environment and they don’t know that they’re going to be given in the ad with audio? Then the technology on the mobile app is clearly in need of work. If you look at the forecast and click on a day you are delivered words in a font size that has to be maybe a font size 1? Unreadable even with classes. Then there is the ultra conservative forecasting. How does that serve us? Often times precipitation is truly forecast within the last 36 hours.


It doesn’t rotate with the iPad!

That’s a pretty important feature that’s missing . I’m almost exclusively a horizontal user of the pad - so the lack of a rotating option is pretty disconcerting.
On the plus side, the humidity is included in the forecasts and such and you don’t have to search for it as in other weather apps I’ve been using. And that’s great!


Inaccurate and cumbersome to use

I usually just go straight to NOAA’s website for local forecasts, but I tried NationalWeather for a week, hoping it would be easier to use from my phone. Unfortunately, I have found it to be inaccurate, with the current temperature sometimes as much as 10deg F off. It is also difficult to use. The daily and hourly forecasts are difficult to navigate and read, with an annoying pop-up graphic over the graph that can’t be minimized. After a week, I am so irritated with NationalWeather, that I am deleting it and going back to using the website.


So-so app, but could easily be better

I started using NationalWeather instead of NationalWeather from the Weather Channel because the forecasts seem better. Unfortunately, toggling the forecast information brings up a forecast where the font is so small I can’t read it. How difficult would it be to leverage my iPhone’s display settings and use an appropriate font? This makes NationalWeather a whole lot less useful for me, and I wind up reverting to the Weather Channel app.


Good 2020 WU replacement

After the formerly best WU app destroyed by latest update (and member upcharge) I found this one that gives most of same info reliably but needs work. Update: oops! Ads don’t go away after purchase as described and no response from support. Generally a bit buggy with links sometimes going to wrong link. Not as clean interface as it could be but not bad. Includes scientific discussion and aviation info which I use daily. Also use MyRadar which tho also buggy better than NOAA radar apps.


Not sure yet

Had a different version of noaa weather where I could add and check various cities’ weather, but now it seems weather info isn’t free and I’m not gonna pay for weather. NationalWeather I’m still trying to figure out - I’m no meteorologist, I just want to know if it’s gonna rain or not, if a hurricane is nearby, stuff like that. And IF I have to maneuver this site with an overkill of ads, it will be deleted.


Inaccurate wind and low temp reporting

Your wind direction indicator is pointing backwards. Weather vanes always point in the direction from which the wind is coming. So, an East wind would have the wind indicator pointing East, not West as yours does. This is elementary meteorology. Also, by listing today's low temperature as the overnight low for tomorrow morning puts today's morning low in yesterday's data. Today's low usually occurs this morning, not tomorrow. Both of these anomalies in your app have me wondering why you avoid these long-standing conventions.


NOAA, you can do better than this.

I keep trying NOAA’s weather apps, because I like getting my weather straight from the National Weather Service. However, so far I’ve been disappointed, and am deleting their app once more. Every time you click on NationalWeather , a very loud ad blares at you, the forecast only goes out for 7 days, all my weather info. isn’t on the main page. The main page contains weather for parts unknown, while I have to swipe left to see my forecast. Not nearly as user friendly as the other weather apps I’m used to.


Good but...

I like NationalWeather it’s pretty thorough for what it is. One complaint would be that if you choose the “current” temp display for NationalWeather icon, the temp doesn’t updated until you’ve opened NationalWeather . I am used to a “temp at a glance” with my old NOAA app. Also, font and graphics are a bit small with no way to enlarge. Still a pretty good app.


Due Point Forecast

If you are trying to decide between opening your windows or wasting money running the AC unnecessarily, you need to know what is happening as far as the due point. To my knowledge, this is the only app on iOS that gives you an hourly prediction of due point.


Not very helpful for the future.

Radar showing only the past and not even the near future? Perhaps I haven’t figured out how to get real time radar. I have always said the weather forecast would be more accurate if one predicted for the future the same as what was seen today. Apparently the support staff of NationalWeather has similar ideas. If one assumes that the top 10% of a graduating class gets weather predicting jobs, how bad must the other 90% have performed?


Completely useless to me

I’d give negative stars if I could. NationalWeather is totally useless to me. The opening screen shows a farm field. Whoever made NationalWeather seems to have no idea that farmers rely on weather AND often have slow internet connections. NationalWeather NEVER loaded my location. Did not give me any of my local locations. Never gave me the weather for today. Said it Did Not have my local town- then I found it on their list of cities. But never showed me the weather.

I tried to get my local city to load. It never did. Kept giving me Indianapolis. When I tried to reboot - it stayed on the opening screen - the farm field - for 45 minutes. Then asked me- for the second time- to rate NationalWeather .

Why is it that ads load. Indianapolis loads. Rate NationalWeather loads. And. None of my local cities load????

Total waste of my time and money.


Paid but still getting ads

I paid for the full version of NationalWeather for iOS expecting it to be free of ads, yet full screen ads are still being shown. I have force closed but that made no difference.

Also, the widget shows the temp in Celcius and i can’t see a way to change that.



I love NationalWeather. I can find the temp instantly, check the radar anytime, have my kids’ cities loaded so I can see their weather. I can check out the entire week’s forecast with daily spots and then the cool chart. I love it and depend on it and carry it in my pocket on my phone. Go NOAA!


Worked for a week

Really want to like NationalWeather; installed it; paid to remove ads and enable other features. Loved it so much I installed it on my wife's iPhone; even though we share paid apps, NOAA made us pay twice, it was so helpful for a week, this morning no longer works, rebooted iPhone, deleted reinstalled, not working, don't have time to play the fix it game. Btw; ads still appear even though we paid!


Doesn’t update properly

For an app with ads, I would expect more. For example, if you check on your weather too early in the morning, the days get messed up. It’ll still say the previous day even though it will have today’s weather. The ads are an annoyance too. Great ideas for NationalWeather , but too many inaccuracies.



I love NationalWeather , I use it whenever I’m traveling and at home. Only gave it four stars because I get real tired of the other ads that pop up when I’m trying to view it. It really is an excellent app, I just don’t like the ads.


Red numbers in the app icon

I really like NationalWeather. I use it along with my Hurricane Tracker app. It has a lot of potential. However I hate the red numbers that appear in the corner of NationalWeather icon on my home page. I don’t know where they came from nor how to get rid of them. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


Hate Ads

I would be willing to pay for a no ad version.

Is National Weather Safe?

No. National Weather does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 3,965 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.3/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for National Weather Is 15.4/100.

Is National Weather Legit?

No. National Weather does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 3,965 National Weather User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for National Weather Is 36.4/100..

Is National Weather not working?

National Weather works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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