Google Translate app not working? crashes or has problems?

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I have a problem with Google Translate

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️
Not working


Something else


Problems reported in the last 24 hours

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Summary of Google Translate Problems 🔥

• Editing process is difficult and time consuming

• Cannot highlight and scroll at the same time

• Update makes the product worse instead of better

📋 10 Reported Issues:

Randall 2023-11-15

My google messages used to translate automatically although it was intermittent. The functionality no longer appears either for received messages or with sending messages. I have cleared cache and storage for Translate but it still does not work

Sigrid 2023-10-28

Google translator app android 10 suddenly stopped working Internet Connection is ok

Allan 2023-04-29

App on iPhone 14 max pro gets message ‘Google translate was unable to establish a network connection”. Phone is connected to network. I reinstalled the app and still not working

Ray Heindel 2023-04-26

Google Translate app not working in only one account. I have a Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4. The app stopped working a few days ago with the "check your connection and try again" message. However, when I switch to my other 2 Google accounts, it works. I tried GT with my problem account on my laptop using various browsers on the same Internet connection as my phone and I had no problem. I also tried using other browsers on my phone and had no problem using the problem account. I have uninstalled the app on my phone, restarted the phone, and re-installed the app. Again, it works on the other two Google accounts but not the problem one. I have matched the permissions on the problem account to the other accounts but no luck. The problem account is my primary Google account so I don’t want to remove it from my phone. This issue has nothing to do with Internet connectivity nor RAM.

Denise 2023-04-22

The app won’t open. It keeps saying it can’t make an connection connection and to check my server.

Dave 2023-02-15

The ap worked for a month and then crashed. No connection bug makes the ap useless. Online one is a bit better, it worked twice and then crashed. I have heard older versions work way better.

Rob Hall 2022-12-12

The Google Transate App has stopped working most of the time on my cellphones. (I have two, both Android Pixel 5's). It seems to be location-dependent, but is not working at home, where I am 90% of the time and have a solid WiFi connection and strong cellular signal. Meanwhile Google Translate is working fine via a web interface on both phones.

Robyn 2022-11-29

Google translation app is very slow, it freezes for quite a long time before I can continue typing and completing the word.

Garmasescu 2022-10-13

Google Translator it's not opening on my iphone device

Tim 2022-05-27

The app keeps saying check my connection. My connection is fine. Have cleared cache and data. Uninstalled and reinstalled several times. Lets me translate a few thungs, then crashes again. Keeps saying bad connection.

Showing 1-10 of 10 reported issues:

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