Yea, ok, PianowithSongs may not be the best. At least for me. There just isn’t enough and you have to pay for a subscription to even play any more songs, they give you maybe 10-15 free songs but once you’ve played them all it gets boring, also when you play a song you just tap on the keys, and it’s really hard to do on a small screen, especially when the keys are coming pretty fast at you even on “normal” speed. It would be cool if you could add something and I would probably like the game then, because I really hoped that this game could just like play the song tutorial thingy, with or without sound, depending if player wanted sound or not, and instead of tapping every single key it just plays it and you don’t have to tap, that way you can follow along with your own piano or keyboard at home and listen and watch. So anyways this game isn’t for me, also it tends to freeze a lot, but thanks anyways, bye.