We LOVED WHDH7Weather in its previous version. We used it all the time when riding bikes to see when we had to stop, where we had to go to avoid localized showers, and of course for the forecast.
Now it is UNREADABLE on the iPad!!! The giant 7 logo background and the forecast white scrolling lettering makes it IMPOSSIBLE to read! You can't see the words anymore! Ahhh, but you can see the ads just fine.
Look, we know ads are the point for you and we don't mind, but when you make WHDH7Weather unreadable for its main purpose, you have lost your audience and then the ads aren't seen by anybody, something your paying clients should be concerned about.
I'm deleting WHDH7Weather when I am done writing this review. It's too bad. Your very visible ads won't be seen when you lose your audience due to purposeful unreadability in the rest of WHDH7Weather . Sorry to lose this once very useful app.