For those of us moving from "paper" to the "digital" form of Time the experience has been transforming. Time is aiming right but there is room for improvement. I love multimedia integration and all the unexplored possibilities only possible in this media format. Time needs to continue thinking "outside of the box" and move this media to include more reader interaction including social media. On the other hand, Time needs to think about EXPANDING it's regular contents in specific areas such as Economics, Sociology, Law, Science, Technology, Internet and Health. I will suggest to develop these areas by giving the reader the opportunity "to custom expand the reading experience at will" with more in-depth information carefully crafted by experts taking the advantage of the "tablet form". This will allow, for example, that an intelligent corporate lawyer look deeper into an interesting topic about neurosurgery or vice versa, if he or she chooses to. The latter not only informing but providing the opportunity to educate and expand personal knowledge evolving Time into a new informative-learning experience-platform attuned to our times.