Z defense - Zombie Games Reviews

Z defense - Zombie Games Reviews

Published by on 2024-01-26

About: Go escape and save yourself from the zombie tsunami! They are coming to get you
and they are billions of them! This place is like a zombie farm, are they
breeding here? If you try to escape, you will probably regret it. You need to
become a zombie catcher and you need big guns to shoot and stop this zombie
tsunami! Discover new zones in this zombie game, unlock new weapons and
upgrades to make you as powerful as ever and be a.

About Z defense

Zombie catchers are powerful and they don't need zombie tutorials to teach them how to hunt down a zombie tsunami.

This place is like a zombie farm, are they breeding here? If you try to escape, you will probably regret it.

Upgrade your weapon, unlock a guard to help you with dealing with the zombies.

Mow zombies with your machine gun and beat them to secure your territory.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 47,568 combined software reviews.

960 Z defense Reviews

4.7 out of 5


More effort than it’s worth

I’m on the third map and I’m already tired of navigating my way through my base. each map has about 10 levels that you go through, defending your base. After each level you run around your base and rebuild each gate/door that’s been damaged, as well as collect resources that have dropped. As you progress through the levels your base gets bigger. I.e. There is more real estate to navigate, Locating each damaged door and collecting resources while avoiding hidden ads on your base. The ads look like a legitimate part of your base until you run over them and you’re instantly teleported to another screen that you have to close out to return to regular gameplay.
Then there are all the other ads that you get to watch as well throughout gameplay. There are the intermittent ads that pause gameplay, The ads to watch for bonuses at the end of each level, the ads for chests for extra material, the ads to watch to acquire an extra level of damage and so on and so forth. Most of the ads are voluntary, some however or not and do interrupt gameplay. There are also banner ads that never go away.
If you’re looking for a fun game that the developers have complicated to ensure you spend the max amount of time running around doing stuff; like running over Hidden ads, watching mandatory ads that pause gameplay, and increasing bandwidth through mandatory ads and banner ads then this is the game for you.


Not so many ads

The game is awesome the one thing I don’t like about it is the ads there’s like so many if the ads weren’t there so much probably like the game better and they should add more worlds like they have an added worlds that much but I I really like the game also there should be like the skins cost too much 500 diamonds that is so much but anyways everything else I love I will show it to mostly all my friends hopefully they download it and that’s it


Add more please

Fun game with a little bit too many required ads (people would happily watch the gold and gem rewarded ads more if there weren’t ads every 3 rounds) but add more content. There isn’t any point in playing past like level 90 as there’s no new worlds to progress to. When you do add worlds please add more to them (tables created by manipulating 5 cubes in a 3D software, dartboards, go wild and make a laboratory map or something!) because it will not be fun spending a crazy amount of gold on more empty rooms that don’t introduce more content like earlier levels were doing. If you make the levels generic, I’m sure people will still play them and produce advertising revenue, but speaking from my experience, for the enjoyment of the player, you need to introduce new content and in turn you will make more money as more players stay engaged until the end.


Too much ads

To start off the game is fun. It’s like a simplified version of call of duty zombies but what’s making this game suffer to play is the ads!! There’s way too much!! I decided to buy no ads pack and a VIP pack but when I returned back on the game it forgot I had a subscription and no ads soo I started suffering again!! And to make it worse when you click on the ads to get coins or upgrade your gun, it is extremely common to get nothing from it!! You need to watch an ad 2-3 times to get that certain reward.
This is ridiculous! The point of the game is to have fun but you can’t do that because at every corner there’s an ad! The entire screen is covered in ads!! It is ridiculously too much!!
I wouldn’t recommend this game. It’s fun but it’s invested with too much ads that most of the time doesn’t you get anything.. if you are reading this keep scrolling! This game isn’t for you! They should change the name to Z ads defense!


Good game

It’s a pretty cool game overall. I mean so far my purchases were processed and I got everything I paid for. Though, I kinda wish I could choose the world i’m in. Im on level 368 and been in the same world a little before level 300 and still I haven’t gotten the option to change worlds. Just the beach/island. I just kinda wish I could choose worlds cause I kinda thought the Volcano world was pretty cool looking… also I kinda wish I could change modes like maybe do that survival stage where I’m in the arena cause that’d be pretty cool.. of course more guns and more upgrade options and more drone options would be cool too.. oh also more characters and maybe even options to upgrade em would be cool too! Aaand maybe making the zombies look a little cooler would be awesome too ofc :)


Was great

Honestly. Too many ads. But that isn’t even the issue. I have had this game for a few weeks and I was having a good time playing. Then they added new stuff in this latest update. However, it screwed up the game. At least for me. Now the camera has moved which at first I thought was weird but I didn’t hate it. But it doesn’t end there, the camera is moved but now I can’t move around. At all. The touch “joystick” thing shows you that you’re making an effort to move but all your character does is spin around. You can’t see any of the zombies until they are on top of you. The game is utterly unplayable. It was a game that, aside from the endless ads, was fun and I was able to play it in my down time but now it is just a waste of time to even open the game.. please fix. Otherwise I will be forced to uninstall.


Payed for no ads twice

It’s a fun game but the ads’ were getting on my nerves so I decided to pay for no ads which it states removes video ads from playing the game in the banner at the bottom it removed half of the Avs the banner at the bottom never disappeared I close Zdefense thinking that I just had to reset forgot about it an hour later and went to play it and it’s saying I never paid to get ad free thinking that it didn’t go through that’s why I still have the banner at the bottom paid for it again like an idiot still it keeps resetting and saying that I didn’t pay for it now I have both of the ads back others and this one hiccup it’s a fun game


No Ads?

You need to be more specific if you’re gonna advertise No Ads for a price. If I pay for no ads, then I expect no ads. I don’t want to have to watch an ad if I click on the option for extra coins after a round, try a weapon or any number of ad related things. If your sale of no ads only means the random unavoidable ads between rounds, then advertise it that way. There are many other games out there that will completely remove ads. Even the ones you’d normally have to endure to receive a bonus you clicked on. You just get the bonus, ad free, because that’s what you paid for. Had I have known you weren’t going to provide that as well I would’ve never wasted my money paying to remove ads. It’s a fun game but that experience has ruined it completely. Clean it up!


I liked it but I’m now encountering two issues

I really like this game. It’s fun, it passes time, and unlike others on here I’ve never seen ads in this game. However, this comes at a cost. Sometimes during waves, my game will suddenly crash. If I try to reopen it it starts over the wave, and this can be pretty frustrating to deal with. However this is not the worst of it. Now, whenever I log into the game the camera is located far out of the world. Kind of a game-breaking but, because I can’t see my guy going around shooting zombies anymore. I’d give a screenshot, but this review system doesn’t allow me. Anyway, please fix the broken camera and the frequent crashes please!


Fix this and gimme my money back

Games fun for when your bored and wanna play something for maybe 20 minutes. I spent the what like $3.99 to remove ads and was having fun. Turned the game off and went to bed. The next day when I felt like playing I was having fun until I got an ad again. Went to the store and was able to buy remove ads. I did thinking maybe a bug happened later went to bed. Next day when I wanted to play I opened it up and again got an ad. Either fix this or I want my what like $8 back. Seriously I shouldn’t have to pay for no ads every time I wanna play and if I do I’m not playing anymore that’s just ridiculous.


Pretty fun game!

Let me preface this by saying that although the game is early in development, the game has tons of potential. Has a pretty moderate level of difficulty up until a certain point. I did purchase the $5 pack to get rid of the ads fairly early into the game, so I didn’t experience much of the default ads. With the new update that released today, I do enjoy the new arena and zombies that were added. Great job devs! Edit: With this new update, traps don’t appear to work in the 200s,although I do see the option to enable them,clicking doesn’t do anything


Keeps crashing

Game was fun and I paid to remove ads and a starter pack as well. The levels don’t progress after a certain point and the game is the just the same thing over and over with zero new additions. Also the game continues to crash, I can be playing in any mode and it will randomly crash and force me to start the level over. Game could have been much better but it seems they have up on it. Also why does the camera only allow you to see such a small piece of the map. It’s not fun playing through a microscope. Needs updated and changes if you want people to play for more then a few days.


Too many ads

It’s a pretty fun game by itself, but there are way too many ads. Even when you buy to remove ads, there are so many built in to obtain upgrades, etc. Speaking of buying to remove ads, this game took that away from me. It’s $4 which is steep just to remove ads, but I’m impatient so I bought it anyways. Zdefense crashes about 15-20 minutes later, I reopened it, and all ads were back with the option to remove ads again for $4. I even hit the button to restore in app purchases which did nothing. It’s very greedy and despite being pretty fun, I will not be reinstalling since it won’t honor purchases.


New Update

Update is very fun. couple small bugs. Can’t seem to upgrade weapons or buy traps that i already had in between rounds. The spots where the traps were are empty but a menu pops up that says add spikes or add flames. either option you can’t click. the weapons have to be updated during the round. also im obsessed with this game it’s so fun im on level 350 keep up the good work.


Empty game

Easily beaten, I've seen many people complain about ads but I have an ad blocker so be weary about ads. I'm on level 296 and I've been there forever, there isn't another world just false hopes of starting the next one. The game doesn't feel finished and there are plenty of missed opportunities for more content (for example, more guns/cosmetics/zombies/rooms/themes and thats off the top of my head) but generally speaking it's an okay game. If you don't have service/wifi this is the game for you but other than needing a mobile game you can play on a road trip/flight I wouldn't recommend downloading it as it really only is a waste of time.


Easy Ad Fix for Serious Players

So the best way to remove the ads is to turn off the cellular data of the game in iPhone settings. Doing so will remove all ads (as long as you aren’t connected to WiFi) so that you don’t have watch any. However it still deserves 1 star.

I maxed out the starter weapon, upgraded everything in my base fully, and keep getting stuck on level 37. It takes forever to rebuild every wall, and no matter how many times i circle the base, I still get killed. The only thing I can do is buy a better weapon using real money. Not worth it. I can fix the ad problem, but I can’t fix the pay to win problem


Great Game… Stole My Money.

Really fun game. Enjoy every second of playing it. Unfortunately I purchased the “No ads” for 3.99. Not a bad deal. Cheaper than others. Came back the next day… and I had ads… thought that was strange and checked. Re-purchased thinking maybe I bought it for a different game.
Then the game crashed…
Opened it back up. Re-closed and -re-opened Zdefense … the option to purchase “no ads” was again available. No matter how many time I “restore in app purchase” I keep getting ads between every round… just really disappointing. Hopefully it’s a bug. But that’s a pretty big bug and will bring the score WAY down.


Crash and Ad problems galore

I’d give this game 5 stars because you can play, progress, advance, etc. without having to spend more than a couple or few dollars. Really a great game to pass time.

However, you have to constantly watch ads that are all 60 seconds and Zdefense crashes ALLLLL the time. Nearly completing an ad for a bonus? Crash. Nearly defeating a high level in wave defense? Crash. Too many zombies on the screen? Yep! It crashes!

Overall, spending 60-75 seconds per ad where as almost every other game is 30 seconds coupled with the game crashing all the time make this a game to avoid.


This game could have been really great

This is an example of a game that could have been really awesome if more thought was given to monetization, the ads, watch ads for upgrades, and the balance of the game are all geared to make you watch as many ads as possible in a short timeframe. I know that is where revenue comes from, but you don’t get any revenue if I turn off my Wi-Fi and data to play this game completely nullifing the point.

I think that old game Idle zen did ads right.
Make ads give me something that I want, but don’t need. It has to be a big enough bonus to make me want it, there are no forced ads, and I don’t actually need ads to beat the game. The issue here in this game is that all the bonuses are not super enticing, and ads are forced every few minutes.

Like I said, I think I would really enjoy this game. Someone needs to take the idea and rethink the monetization.


Great game but suggestion

It’s probably just the crappy phone that I have but once I got to level 13 I started lagging really bad and I think it is because of the amount of zombies there are. If it is just my phone then carry on great game. If it’s not then maybe try to fix it. 🙂


Good game

Realistically I enjoy games like this. And this one is a fun game as long as you turn your cell data off so you don’t get any ads 😂 but I’m on level 310 and reading some other reviews it seems There is no progressing from here. I legit can’t buy anything else and other than the 500 and 1000 achievements I’ve got nothing left to do. There seems to be another map but unless you get to it at level 1000 I don’t think you can get to it lol it was fun while it lasted I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


The first one I did is the first time I’ve seen a picture like that

The first thing that I noticed was that the only thing that I could do was to make sure that the top of the door was closed so that the top and back were open to go to the top and bottom of


Ad Blocker;IAP

I consistently pay for no ads on almost any game I download, so I did so with this game as well. Then I went to watch an ad for new missions and the game closed out on me and voilà, the banner is back and the remove ads buy button is in the shop. Would appreciate some help on this. Good game so far though.

Then I bought the starter pack and only got the ray gun and NO ADS, hopefully I get my gold/gems. I don’t understand. A refund on my original purchase would be nice and the rest of my items. I like it but don’t like being screwed over


The game is great

The game is great Only downside is I do believe there’s a bug with collecting gold coins. I at times on regular levels will get more gold coins if I just tend to kill the zombies in one room and don’t really move too far from there if I go trying to make a loop around the house, it seems like I will get less coins

Is Z defense Safe?

Yes. Z defense - Zombie Games is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 47,568 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Z defense Is 76.8/100.

Is Z defense Legit?

Yes. Z defense - Zombie Games is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 47,568 Z defense - Zombie Games User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Z defense Is 92.1/100..

Is Z defense - Zombie Games not working?

Z defense - Zombie Games works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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