Basket Battle Reviews

Basket Battle Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-06

About: Throw the ball higher. Take it from above the basket and throw into the basket.

About Basket Battle

Hit the opponent to stop him/her throwing the ball into the basket.

Take it from above the basket and throw into the basket.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 217,978 combined software reviews.

1060 Basket Battle Reviews

4.7 out of 5


Laggy, underdeveloped money-grabbing game.

I have a fairly good phone. My phone can run a lot of things, but this one game straight up fries my computer. Whenever I open the game, my phone is 10 times slower than it usually is. Even when the tab is open and Iā€™m at my Home Screen, everything is still extremely slow. I believe this is because the game is trying to load tons of ads at once. That also brings me to another point. This game has way too many ads. I know, you may be thinking that itā€™s just how they make money. HOWEVER, these ads pop up even in the middle of games, making a very large lag spike and making the game unplayable. And also, if you check out the developerā€™s page, you could already tell that they are the type of company to just crank out low-quality games knowing they can make money off of the abundance of ads. Also, a lot of people talk about the fake multiplayer, and itā€™s 100% true. It is obvious that there is no multiplayer, since ads can go on in the middle of a round and everything can go back to normal afterwards. Also, I would like to point out that you need an internet connection to play this, even though there is clearly no multiplayer. Also, to the developers, if you respond to this, donā€™t even try to claim that any of what I said is untrue. I know what type of company you are, and you do too. Donā€™t waste your phone space on this piece of junk. Hope this helps.


Signs of fake multiplayer... STILL FUN though so donā€™t worry!

To the developers, this is a really fun game, however, I see fairly obvious signs of fake multiplayer, like ads playing in the MIDDLE of my games, and when the ad ends, games then resuming exactly where they were right before the ad, and games never pause for me, meaning the other ā€œplayersā€ donā€™t see ads, no matter what, but I do.
This is still a SUPER fun game, and a unique concept! This game has a lot of potential, so why donā€™t you make a real multiplayer mode? One where ads donā€™t play mid-game, preferably. Also make there no requirement for internet connection in normal mode. I understand that multiplayer games may be hard to make, and that server costs may also be a problem. However, I donā€™t really like the requirement for internet connection when I play against bots, it makes us think the players are real and makes no sense without. Makes it impossible to play the game even though weā€™re against bots without internet. Hope you see this review and improve the game!


Good concept, bad execution

So basically, this game has a cool idea behind it, but this game itself is really not good. The game is obviously not multiplayer because you slow down time when you pick up the ball, and ads play in the middle of the game. So this brings up the question, why does it need internet? Well the truth is, it doesnā€™t, the devs just need a way to get money. When you donā€™t have an internet connection, the game just stops and whenever you try to click on the screen it says ā€œno internet connectionā€ and doesnā€™t let you do anything. It obviously does not require a connection, because itā€™s just tapping on a ball to teleport to it in a single player game. This really frustrates me because it is so obvious it doesnā€™t need internet but without it, they canā€™t pause the match every 2 seconds to interrupt you with an ad. Itā€™s a pretty crappy game so I hope someone takes this idea and also takes more care of it.


the game was good the quality was bad, there was hackers

I really thought this was going to be a fun game which it is ā€” but just it freezes and i think that BasketBattle is going to crash. Way too many ads + ads are long and cant skip until 15sec. somebody had 83 points without doing anything. It takes the actual player 0.18seconds to shoot. They are much quicker, whereas they are 70% more able to shoot more accurate. They Have a 400j hit whereas its 20% harder to shoot theyre ball. They are much quicker and makes you EVEN slower when they dodge you. Why wont you make an ad every 10min and block hacker from the game. You are the creator and you need to stop this. Please. We need updates. (i dont know if this is new BUT PLEASE REMIND me when its easier) and if i find out that YOU DONT REMIND ME then im banning this. Im sorry, but, this is overwhelming. The reason people are used to this is cause they play for long and are adults. Im different at only 9.


Very entertaining! Few complaints but. Eh

I downloaded it when I saw it on an ad and I thought, oh another play for like 2 seconds and be done but instead Iā€™ve been playing it for quite a bit and loving it more than I should. The only complaints I have is that ads go off in the middle of games sometimes instead of before or after, also the enmities wear cosmetics but I canā€™t seem to figure out how to get my own which is annoying. Finally thereā€™s not really any specialty to any of the maps, theyā€™re kinda like all the same. Other than that Iā€™m loving it and I hope it gets updated more. I mean itā€™s been like 2 weeks and Iā€™m already on level 2000 something and I still want to play more, my little adhd brain canā€™t get enough and I need more updates please. šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


Very suspicious āš ļø(PLEASE READ!) āš ļø

So, my wifi is bad and just doesnā€™t work very well, so i usually turn it off and just use service. However, it just doesnā€™t work because of the network weā€™re on, itā€™s pretty slow. However, until I downloaded this game, the only problem was that it simply didnā€™t work. After I downloaded it, when I go onto safari when my wifi is on (which it turns itself back on after a certain amount of hours.) a message pops up saying google is trying to impersonate me or something, I canā€™t tell you the exact message because I try to get out of it as quickly as I can. However, if you scroll down to what data it collects, one of them is ā€œidentifiers.ā€ So, what are the chances that itā€™s a coincidence that right after I download this is game that collects identifiers data, tries to identity as me? Not likely.

Lol, I wrote this when I was tired so thereā€™s probably some grammar issues sorry.


Violating the basic dignity all ad games should have

So I started playing this game and at first it was pretty fun. Itā€™s a cool idea. I got like one or two ads and I understood that that is the way they make revenue. Iā€™m fine with that. But then it started. I was playing against this really hard ai (like level 6 or smth) that would win the game in two baskets. So I had to keep knocking its ball away. But as I was doing well and doing that, it gave me an ad mid throw mid game. A 30 second non skippable ad. I finished the add and was still in the same game but the guy had almost won. I played for maybe 5 seconds more than another ad during the same game. I smhw won and played like two more levels and the same thing happened. At least wait until after the game for ads. Donā€™t make the game UNPLAYABLE and UNFUN just for the purpose of more ads. You will lose users doing this. Ima delete this game right after writing this.


Great game, some ideas for the next update, and complaints.

Okay so I got this game from seeing it in an ad and I love it. But there are wayyyy too many ads. In the middle of games they just pop up and I loose my focus and inevitably loose. Just today I was about to buy something with coins in the shop and an ad popped up randomly. My idea is put the ads only before and after the games and leave the ads to watch for stuff in the shop. Also, the maps are very simple and it just feels the same for half of the time so maybe some new maps with special abilities? Other than that I really love the game and Iā€™m obsessed with it but please take not of these for the next update because I canā€™t with the ads.


Really fun and addicting, but a couple of problems

I got this game a few days ago not knowing what to expect, but it turned out to be really fun. It can be easy and challenging against the bots, so it never gets old. But one thing that does get old are the ads. This is the main problem because not only are there so many, but you usually get them in the middle of the game, which makes it even more annoying. This is a huge problem that Iā€™ve seen in most of the reviews here, so itā€™s a big problem for everyone. Another thing is that there are only 4 or 5 maps, so a few new maps would make this even more fun. Also there are a few bugs and glitches, but there really small.


A pretty good-ish gameā€¦

Itā€™s a nice game donā€™t get me wrong I do enjoy playing, but thereā€™s an elephant in the room once you start playing. Ads, there are way to many ads, like I get your a creator and you need funding and ads is the way to go, but seriously the ads are so often. I play the game, make one swish, ad, so I wait and the ad finishes and go back to the game, however when I beat the bot, I get another ad. And I brush it off and keep playing bit again before I even get to attempt to shoot a basket, boom, yet another ad. This is a pretty big issue and itā€™s very upsetting. I like the game and I want to continue to play it however itā€™s fun is completely ruined by all the ads.


Great gameā€¦ but ads

I saw this game on an ad and thought it looked pretty fun. I downloaded it and played, and after finishing the first 5 levels, I started to get ads. It wouldnā€™t bother me very much if it was before or after games, but it was during. And then when a game would end, I would have to restart because I lost unfairly due to an ad. Aside from the ads, this is a pretty cool game, but it would be way better if you changed when youā€™d get ads. I want a game made by a company who wants people to have fun playing their game, not one who just wants to make money and give their players a bunch of ads.



As is the bane of all cheaply produced, barely functioning mobile games, too many ads ruin the game experience completely.
Firstly the game barely works, baskets not being counted, missed shots being counted, itā€™s a poorly made game.
Secondly, the game was fine until the update which only says they added new skins, but they actually added ā€œmultiplayerā€ functions, meaning you have to watch the ad 10 seconds into each battle, as well as the ad after every battle.
Thirdly, the multiplayer is not real, your enemies are very clearly bots, but they still require an internet connection, and coincidentally so do the ads.
This game was fine until I couldnā€™t disable ads, not great but passable, now itā€™s a garbage fire of what could have been a really fun game.



first of all the opponents body went in the hoop and it counted as 30 points the persons body Canada is 30 points the ball wasn't even near them wasn't even near counted as 30 points then he made a shot that should've cost 10 points and it cost 28 which is ridiculous how does your opponent win by 28 x 2 shot and also they only made two shots and they won how and you said there's each basket is like one point in it when you get three win it's all $0.50 that means there's a range there's a range of the basketball so I actually should've won because it made two shots and I made like 18 but I had like 47 out of 50 and then he had 3828 out of 50 and he won with one shot this is not have the distraction of the game this is not fair I want a discount


The game is ok, the ads completely ruin the experience and forced me to restart my ipad

The gameplay itself is ok, you just have to get the ball into the basket, which can be fun. The ads completely ruin the experience though. You get 1 ad before a single game, 2 ads throughout it, and 1 ad afterwards. 4 ads. For an otherwise about 30 second gameplay experience. And also the ads are terrible. They last around 15 seconds and are unable to be skipped. And also, theyā€™re very glitchy. I had a ad that was so glitchy, it made my device unable to work, and I had to literally FORCE RESTART my device just so I could stop playing the game. Please, fix your ads or something. The game is not worth going through that.


It is good but wow, the ads šŸ˜’

It is a really fun game and I love the fact that you get to teleport to your ball. I also love the fact that it goes into slo-mo when you are holding the ball, but the ads šŸ˜«. I would be having fun playing a match and then while Iā€™m about to make an amazing shot and I have the arrow lined up perfectly there comes and ad. I mean, I get having ads to make money and all , but cmon seriously at least save the ads for the end. Donā€™t get me wrong it is a really fun game I just hate that you get and ad in the middle of a match.


Fun but limited

This game has been a ton of fun, especially since Iā€™m teaching myself game design and this game is a fun study. It also is just a great time killer. My only problem with the game so far is that there isnā€™t much to it outside the initial stuff. Only a few levels, boss fights are the same each time, the ai rarely gets more challenging. It just gets very repetitive. I love the game and the concept, but once I max out the game, Iā€™ll probably move on to something else. Hopefully more comes, Iā€™d love to continue advancing through the game.


Great game, a few problems

This game is very fun and addicting, also its bot too easy or too challenging, wich makes the gaem never get old. That said, I do have a few problems with the game. First, the ads are almost always in the middle of a game instead of before/after. this takes me out of the game and forget what the score was, or what i was about to do before the ad. Also I think the game needs an update. Maybe some cooler maps. For example I think an ice level would be fun and add a new dynamic to the game. Overall, really fun game.


Nice game but one thingā€¦

I absolutely love this game and Iā€™ve been playing for a while but thereā€™s one thing about this game that pisses me off. The ads. There are so many ads throughout the game and whenever Iā€™m in the middle of a game, an ad pops up, if you could just limit this to just when your done playing the round because it can get really annoying. I get that you need money because your a starter and small company or whatever but its basically like you get more ads than the gameplay, please change this part and i will reconsider giving a better review.


Very good but..

I saw this in an ad and in need of some entertainment, I downloaded the game. The game is fun and has a nice art style and concept but my main problem is that an ad would appear every 25 seconds or so. I just find it really annoying. I tried getting around it by turning off wifi and turning on airplane mode. But the game requires wifi to play. The only other way to stop the endless amounts of ads is of course, to pay up. If there is ANYTHING you can do about this, please fix it. Your game is fun like I said, just needs a little less ads. Thank you


Great butā€¦

Just to start this off this game is very fun, and if a single flaw was fixed it would be a perfect game. So the flaw is in the middle of a game it randomly plays an add, and since this is an online game this will cost you the game. And you canā€™t really do anything about it. So I gave this review 5 stars so that someone will see this and hopefully fix it but otherwise I am not going to continue playing this game


Ads ruin this game

Iā€™ll say one thing, this gameā€™s concept is AMAZING, and this game had the potential to probably be one of the best games Iā€™ve ever played. But one thing ruins it and Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not alone on this. Ads Ads are everywhere, the game literally plays ads in the middle of the basketball game and you canā€™t do anything about it. Even if you turn off Wi-Fi it will tell you you need to play with Wi-Fi to play this game. So if you want to enjoy yourself then 2.99$ to enjoy. I have never seen a game that plays an ad in the middle of the game ever. Games great, but ads completely ruin it entirely, and the reviews are 4.7 because itā€™s either used to be great in the past years, or the reviews are fake bots Devs if youā€™re reading this, please please please change this. This game is very good and the concept is amazing. Please let this game playable rather than making it feel wack because of ads being played in the middle, give us more options that makes us look at ads rather than playing ads in the middle of the match. Feels frustrating and is dragging your app lovers down and makes me disappointed in you. Maybe even more disappointed in you than they are disappointed in GOT season 8. Please fix it. Without ads, games a banger. With ads? Bad game


Too. Many. Ads.

I know evryone's heard this a million times before. But here it is again: this game has too many ads. There's an ad in the middle of EVERY ROUND. AND another one at the end of each round. The rounds are always under 3 min, so you feel like you're watching more ads than actually playing the game. I don't mind the one at the end, but it's really annoying when you're in the middle of the game and get interrupted by a 30 second ad.
Ads aside, this is a good game. I've never had any bugs or something like that. I'm a frickin boss at this game, so it's pretty fun for me. I just smash every opponent. The upgrades in balls, characters, and other stuff take a long time to get cause the main way to get coins is to watch more ads. I don't mind that, cause I absolutly hate games that you can just get every upgrade immediatly.
If you lessen the ads, I WILL give this game that last star. If I haven't deleted it yet, that is.


Please Read

Dear developers, this game is a joke. Iā€™m playing an advertisement. You get through one 30 second game (if ur lucky without an ad popping up halfway through the game) just to get met with an advertisement after each game. 30 seconds of an advertisement to get 30 seconds of game play sounds fun!!!! This game might as well be 2.99 because itā€™s almost unplayable without having the no advertisements IAP. Then on top of that you canā€™t play without wifi, so you basically are being forced to consume more ads then gameplay. Donā€™t get me wrong this game is fun and very unique hence why i am writing this review. Normally i would just delete a game if itā€™s this ridden with ads but i have hope to be able to play this game without being swarmed by ads. Please developers remove the ads, make this game playable without wifi, or make the no advertisement purchase $1. Until change this game deserves 0 stars which sadly isnā€™t an option, but if ads were to be reduced and the game becomes playable this would very well be a 5 star game!


Great game, but needs some fixing

This is a good game having it only downloaded since yesterday, but the problems arose today when I was in a match as usual, but then a player came in, threw the ball, and got 114\50, That is not possible unless itā€™s a hacker, I was about to win too. Please fix this. And then there is levels that there is a roof covering the hoop, please fix that too, I know you guys are trying to make the game fair but come on, that isnā€™t needed at all, unless you guys want the game to be very challenging, I would recommend you stick to other options, but this game is good and if these things get fixed I would bump the rating to 5 stars. And I know this game is fairly new but I know you can fix these bugs because you have done development on games in the past. But I do like the game. Just fix the bugs and I will be happy.


It could be better

The reason I put it could be better for the title was because the game gets repetitive and thereā€™s to many adds and not even real players your going up against when I first download the game I thought it was fun but now itā€™s boring. A reason I gave a 3 is because Itā€™s mostly better than the other mobile games I play I also think they can do so much more with this game like put modes in and different type of maps of when you go against the bots they should also do a mode of where there is an actual 1v1 of you against a real human person because the bots are just not challenging. Some positiveā€™s I give to this game is that you can put clothes on your character and get different basketballs and different balls and kinda hard getting money to. So thatā€™s why I put the title as It could be better.


AMAZING GAMEā€¦ruined by ads

I love this game! I love the concept! There is fake multiplayer but thats fine and It really doesnā€™t affect gameplay.. my only issue is that there are SOOOO many ads! Theres an ad before playing, theres 2 ads while playing, and theres another ad after the game! Which makes 4 ads every match and each match is around 2 minutes long so if you think about it.. its an ad every 30 seconds can you imagine..? And this game has so much potential but its ruined by greedy developers who have a thirst for money and this game would be perfect for road trips but they donā€™t let you play without wifi despite having fake multiplayer, its just so that they can make a lot of money and keep the ads in the game like seriously developers you are killing youā€™re own game and I really wish this game well because I really like it but unfortunately the world we live in is full of ambition and greed


once again, too many ads.

I have read many reviews complaining about how thereā€™s too many ads and how the game is money-grabbing. This is true, but letā€™s talk about the MULTIPLAYER. First of all, if you download any ā€œmultiplayerā€ game and you cant change your name, ITS FAKE. If I was playing against REAL PLAYERS, they wouldnā€™t let me just bully them in a corner with a basketball. But anyways, I get ads EVERY 45 SECONDS. You get ads in the middle of A ONE MINUTE MIDDLE BATTLE AND AT THE END. They even forced me to watch one for a bonus! This game might be good for curing boredom but there is way too many ads. Your game is literally a joke and I bet barely 6 people have rated it 5 stars. There is no way you should have this many bad reviews that are TRUE, and get called out for being money-hungry. I know for a FACT this is true because I have not seen ONE SINGLE response from the developers.



I get on and Iā€™m playing then I make the basket but all of a sudden I get an ad RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GAME. So I start getting annoyed then I finish the game winning and it makes me pick a card which both have to be through ads so Iā€™m watching an ad either way and thereā€™s no way out of it. Second is it just gives an ad at the end. Maybe have an ad at the end only because stopping people in the middle of a game? Thatā€™s messed up and can anger a lot of people especially me. I just want 1 ad and not have it force you to watch an ad for a power up that you canā€™t get out of unless you exit BasketBattle and go back in.


Good Concept, Awful Execution

I got to admit, the gameplay of this game is good. I really enjoy playing it for what little time that actually happens. What the majority of your game time is spent on is watching ads. There are just so many ads. It feels like everything in this game revolves around getting you to watch the maximum amount of ads not matter what. I donā€™t mind watch ads in exchange for something, but long pointless ads being constantly thrown at you just makes the game no fun to play. The devs know this to. They even say, ā€œWe know ads are ruining your experience.ā€ And yet they do nothing but give you a pay wall if you want to get rid of them. Itā€™s just sad that such a good concept was ruined by poor ad management.


10/10 concept, 10/10 gameplay, ads ruin it

3 stars for gameplay and concept and playing. 2 stars are taken away because of the amount of ads in this game. Ads in the middle of the game, game requires internet to force you to watch those ads even though there are numerous signs of fake multiplayer, ads in the middle of the game and they put you back where you are, so there is no multiplayer and your fighting against bots, so you dont need internet. i dont mind the fake multiplayer, just please remove the ad in the middle of the game, the one at the end is enough, or you could add more options for us to watch ads, like complete a mission automatically by watching ads. add a multiplayer mode, a real one, with no bots as they are clearly bots, im gonna delete BasketBattle until you remove that ad in the middle of the match, dont waste your storage on BasketBattle.


Too much ads and too much lag

I just started playing my game then this ad poped up and I said this looks fun then I downloaded the game and I played my first match against the AI and got a ad then after I won the round can you guess it? AN AD YES YOU HERD ME AN AD Then I unlocked merge mode then a wheel poped went I was as merge mode mergin AN ANOTHER AD then I unlocked battle mode and it was so laggy on the last 3 rounds and every single game I won in mode I got an ad then after I got done play battle mode I deleted the game then I installed the game again and I got an ad right when I started then I deleted the game again but after I did deleted the game I got cards in my screen it was two cards it said race mode or endless mode I picked race mode and it was fun then I deleted game but this game has too much ads and too too much lag thank you for taking you time reading this god bless you all and have a great day happy Halloween and merry early Christmas


Great game!

I have loved this game so much! It's really good to play when you go on a long trip or just in an everyday life. I think people should choose this game if they want to feel good about beating someone or if they like basketball... If you like neither you will enjoy this because it moves along time like in a time glass. My family usually focuses on my brother because he always needs or has to do something so while they are busy with my brother I play this game. This is a game you won't want to pass on when you see it in a ad.


Ads in the MIDDLE of the game? Seriously?

Just so you know, all those 5 star reviews are either fake or people who payed $3 for no ads. Why do I say that? Like the title says, ADS IN THE MIDDLE OF A GAME!!! I would have liked it if it werenā€™t for the ads every 30 seconds. I usually get 2 ads in the game, and ALWAYS 1 before and after. Iā€™m about to pull off the game winning shot when the game says nope and gives me an ad before I can shoot it. Next thing you know you lose, then another ad pops up. You press play. Another ad. Then the ads in game over and over again until either you spend $3 or quit and never play again. Iā€™m doing the second one. This company is one of the VERY money hungry companies that make some crappy games and throw ads everywhere in them. Now I will quit and never play again.


Definion of mid

The main problem with this game is the adds and i know everyone agrees. I know the devs make money and produce other games off the adds, But i simply donā€™t understand why you need so many and 3 dollars just to remove them. In my opinion (a guy whos never thought of making a game) I could manage the add situation so much better. Im not saying they have no talent becuase over all its a good concept but in my opinion they need to put less work into the other games there making and put more money into this one. I think they came into this ā€œdeveloper studio ideaā€ unprepared for what was to come in the future. They can fix it but they simply wont . Another problem is the multiplayer modes or whatever is such a scam if your at a place with no internet you could play it and have fun but come on. Ive been playing this game for 2 months and really think its time to let go thanks for hearing my opinion


It's fun but it's trash

Now the game idea is really creative (I take that back, there are plenty of games where you throw something and you can teleport to it). Other than that aspect, you get SO MANY ADDS!!! I can't even play this game without adds popping up, I know that you guys have a high budget and instead of making a great and original game, you copy off of every one else and you maintain that high budget because you don't put any effort into the game your making. But this complaint isn't about the devs. Now the only thing i have to say is add a real multiplayer and not just make bots, like i said, you don't put any effort into the games you make and i'm pretty sure that the only "effort" you will put into the games you make are the No Adds, and the skip it's that don't even work. Overall i'm disappointed but not surprised.


Awesome, everything is awesome and perfect

All right, so when I asked my mom like can I get this game. Sheā€™s like sure, of course and so when I got it, I start playing it and I was like addicted to it. I cannot stop playing it the characters there little eyeballs are so cute. Everythingā€™s the best so the best game in the world. I have like 50 games on my iPad but this is the best out of all of them so far itā€™s so fun I was already on level three and I beat everyone that I played against. Itā€™s like the best game in the world do you have to get a lot of points the more levels you keep going up but itā€™s it just keeps getting better and funner. Itā€™s awesome you should totally download this game it is so fun.šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€


Very annoying features

There are so many things that annoy me about this game and Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only one. First off the ads. They play in the middle of the games. How greedy do you have to be to put ads in the middle of a game like that. But even if you pay for ads and let the devs win there are still so many problems with the game. There are constant pop ups like the ā€œplay building meta gameā€ and the bubble that I have to avoid in game where if the ball touches it another thing pops up and it makes your character hold the ball so if Iā€™m about to score something big and I hit the bubble it will take it away from me. Also everything is blocked behind ads. Another thing is in the building meta game there is a spot where you can walk over to watch an ad to get gems however there is no confirmation so it will put you directly into an ad so thatā€™s another thing you have to constantly avoid. Also if you reload the game after accidentally clicking on the ad it will get rid of all the gems that were on the floor. Also some of the bots are so insane at the game itā€™s not even fun. They will shoot around the room scoring shots from very far away even bouncing it off the walls and ceiling without missing. They will end you in less than 5 seconds.

Is Basket Battle Safe?

Yes. Basket Battle is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 217,978 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Basket Battle Is 64.1/100.

Is Basket Battle Legit?

Yes. Basket Battle is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 217,978 Basket Battle User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Basket Battle Is 90.6/100..

Is Basket Battle not working?

Basket Battle works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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