Flying Cut Reviews

Flying Cut Reviews

Published by on 2024-01-15

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About Flying Cut

Hold to fly and slice all amazing obstacles in your way . .


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 18,398 combined software reviews.

900 Flying Cut Reviews

4.5 out of 5


Please read

Great game… pretty satisfying and fun to pass the time. But can there not an ad EVERY 10 SECONDS. The game creators are so hunger for this stuff, it’s pryeety srupid6. All you guys do is make a simplistic fun game and cram as many ads in it as possible… The game “Bounce and Collect” is an OK game it’s just that my phone will literally overheat and the game will crash due how much stuff is being loaded into the. If you play the game you no what I’m talking about just please stop cramming ads in you games and let up have fun… there are other ways to make money….. having the player pay real money to buy more coins… or exclusive really cool swords to play with. PLEASE TAKE OFF THE ADS!!!!

I also want to add that you really to stop nagging on ads.. like really????? INTERNET REQUIRED????


No point.

Honestly, the game is fine. It controls ok, it’s kinda satisfying, but my main problem is the gold. If you do well, you get tons of gold. Problem is, there’s nothing to spend it on! I’ve had the game for months, and it always says the skin shop is “Coming soon !!!”. There’s no point to doing well on the game! At least add a feature that lets you upgrade how many swords you start with on the start screen! Anyway, the game is fine. Play it if you need something to do on the train. Three stars.


Fraudulently necessary to have internet connection

There is no reason for this game to force you to be connected to the internet to be able to play the game. Are you telling me this is a multiplayer game? Are you telling me that I can't play this silly little game on the airplane because the game studio is that hungry for ads?

This is becoming rampant in these tiny little "Instagram-ad" games that require no internet connection whatsoever except for showing ads every 15 seconds.

This doesn't seem like it should be possible for these game studios to put arbitrary rules for you to follow to be able to play the game. Please stop this!


Fun game but unplayable

The game is fun just like most of the games you guys make. only problem is the games you make have so many ads that I can’t even play the game. The ad lag is unreal, I die add I get to tap the “no thanks” button saying I don’t want to watch an ad for extra points I get an ad. I get extreme lags everytime the bottom ad changes. Every second there is an ad, for what? Money? Because at some point people aren’t going to play there games because of how many ads we’re getting. Not only is the game spammed with ads, the ads aren’t even good most of them are just really gross.


It’s ok

First of all when you tap for 10 knives or swords idk they only give you 2 or 3 and the. They all appear at the end it’s super annoying. Secondly there are so many ads like I get you need money but the ads are unreasonable. Third thing I like to say is in the bonus the money moves so that you can’t get it all and it’s super annoying cause the money will just start to float up after the first cut

That all I like everything else about the game 😁


ruined itself

used this game to help me fall asleep because the sounds are really soothing, but when i tried to get on the next day there were rampant loud ads that weren't there before. i don't mind ads being on the side and such but forcing me to sit through a loud disruptive ad is insufferable especially when i'm trying to calm myself down for sleep.
Suddenly the piece of paper i was playing as turned into a knife as well with zero input on my part, and i couldn't figure out to to change back! i really liked the paper it was cute and made me happy :(


Reason to require internet connection

Mobile games are suppose to Not require connection but this game requires it with no multiplayer, I don’t understand why you must need this requirement since you don’t have multiplayer but alright may you please respond with a reason, Thank you


It’s okay

The game is awesome! It’s Satisfying. The game has a lot of ads and that’s like the only thing you do in the game. The game is satisfactory that means satisfying in till you get to the ads. The game also glitches and first I thought that it was the internet but I check with the other 3 games I have and they were just fine so I knew it was the game.

So remember if you download this game there’s a lot of ads and it’s glitches and it’s satisfying.



very fun game, good for when you’re bored or just need to kill time. but recently i’ve been getting ads in the middle of levels?? this makes it very hard to recover after the ad is over and i have to start the level over again. please consider fixing this!!!


Downloaded and DELETED in FIVE MINUTES

I downloaded this game and was BOMBARDED with ads the second I opened FlyingCut . 2 ads in a row before I could even play the game. When I actually started playing flying cut, it was disappointingly unsatisfying. Midway through my second game I got another unskipable video ad. MID WAY THROUGH THE GAME. Voodoo has no right to put so many advertisements on their low effort games. It’s unbearable. I deleted the game after FIVE MINUTES because of how many ads there were and the POOR and SLOPPY game function. Voodoo, stop it please.



Honestly great game for me no ads at all don’t know why but eh don’t care much better. Although I wish there was newer and more challenging levels and new swords/katanas to use. Overall one of the best mobile games also really satisfying. Good job keep up the work. 👍🏽🙏


1 pro and numerous cons

The game is kinda fun to play and challenging, but not overly so. That’s where the pros end.

1st con - can’t play without a connection so useless if I’m not home or on a flight.

2nd con - ad after EVERY level or EVERY time you “die”. So even if you died after only 1 second, you would get another ad. I’m not going to play a game where I spend most the time watching ads. I’m okay with a short ad every minute or two, but the ads in this game are MAJOR overkill.

3rd con- GLITCHY as all get out. Makes it even harder to play well and I would have to lose out the game every couple levels. Not worth the time.

4th con - there is nothing to spend your coins on. There is a store con, but when you tap on it it say “coming soon”. You can rack up coins really fast, but what’s the point?


Really want that update

So it’s been saying that skin shop coming soon for like months now and it still has not happened anyway that’s all thanks bye


Changes need to be made

For me the game is very laggy, it is way more laggy than all of the games that I have. You should also be able to buy backgrounds, swords, and themes. Why would you need a connection to play, you should add a single player mode where you can play offline and a multiplayer mode where you race other people that requires a connection.

I like where this game is headed but things need to change.


Fun But Unplayable

This game is fun and a bit satisfying , but there are to many ads. Whenever I cut through the gold bar at the end, I get an ad. Also, the ads are laggy and weird. So every time I get an ad, I have to close FlyingCut and restart the whole level. I have had this game for months and I can’t get pass the first level because of this.


Unfinished and ad filled

The maker of this game has ads after each level and I would understand if they were a small company but voodoo does this with all their games. There’s nothing in the game to keep you playing it at all after you reach the end once thats really all there is. No upgrade system no cosmetics no point even for the coins you get for each level.


No variation. Little replay value. Do NOT buy this.

Only AFTER the ads have enjoyed you enough to pay $2.99 for this game do you realize that it’s basically the same 5 “maps” over and over on repeat. If every map was actually different, this game would be lots of addictive fun. But the way it is will bore you within an hour. Not worth removing the ads.


Flying Cut

It was fun at first and i would play the game almost every day but then it got to the point where the maps ur pretty much the same there are no skins for the swords and it won’t even load me in i will lay it again when it’s not crap and boring


To many ads.

Why is there a need for connection for a sill game like this? This game is not multiplayer. So why do I need connection. This is very stupid there is a ad every 15 seconds I was in the middle of a game when a ad popped up and it messed me up.
This game should NOT need connection.
And it should NOT have so many ads
If you don’t like ads don’t download this game it’s a waste of time.


Fun game, but it is nothing like the ads

The ads show you controlling a knife, but in the actual game you’re controlling a FLYING PIECE OF PAPER! I am completely misled! Please fix your game so it looks just like what’s being advertised! But overall it’s a fun game and I don’t seem to get any ads at all!


Nothing but a money hungry scam!!!!

Voodoo Games has a pattern of bombarding games with ads— making them practically unenjoyable. By the way, I timed how long normal gameplay time is: roughly 30 seconds. After every game you are shown a 15-30 second ad afterward. If we did the math, twenty plays is only six minutes worth of game time and the (longest ad i be gotten was 26 seconds btw) Watch time for ads would be five minutes and twenty seconds. If big numbers doesn’t mean anything then this will: You seemingly spend the same amount of time watching ads than the game which is a HUGE problem considering FlyingCut has a bug every three weeks and crashes 1/4 plays. This gaming studio FORCES you to watch ads because you MUST connected to wi-fi to play. It’s not just this game though: most, if not all Voodoo’s games have the same format: slice/collect/shoot the —/ and their seemingly simple but once you download it’s nothing but cheap gameplay and so many ads!!!! Do better voodoo🤦🏾‍♀️


Good game but a few suggestions.

The game is satisfying and fun over all, but there are ads after every level (each level lasts about 10 or 20 seconds) so I was forced to buy the no ads. Second I think they should create more levels with like different types of stuff to cut instead of the same thing over, and over again. Also I feel like they should add a bigger shop with creative swords and knives because rn the shop is super small. And also my second suggestion is that they should add like upgrades to buy like for example: more money earned, and sword durability. (These should not cost actual money) that way you can spend the money you have instead of having it pile up with nothing to do with. Also i think it’s stupid you HAVE to be on wifi in order to play. I would rate this a 3 and a half if I could.


Too many ads

I would have rated this game probably a five or a 4 if it weren’t for the ads. It truly is ridiculous I mean I get that you need to make money because this is a free game but this many ads and after each level is just too much for me. This game also requires Wi-Fi for some reason and there is no multiplayer. Other than the ads the game is decently fun. A couple things I would add to the game if I could I would make a bigger store there are barely any swords and knifes to choose from. Another thing I would change is the variety of things to cut, I often feel like I have played the same level many times I would also make the levels longer it only takes about 20-30 seconds to finish each level and don’t forget there is an add waiting for you at the end of each and every level.



I understand that with a game like this there is gong to be a ton of ads. You can tell which ones are just filled with ads. However, I think this game is completely overkill even with the type of game that it is. You spend more time watching ads than actually playing the game. The levels are very short and after every single level you have to watch an ad to keep playing. There is never an exception to a level where you don’t have to watch an ad after. I’ve also had times when the ad pops up mid level. It really destroys an otherwise fun game that can be played to pass some time.



This game is fun and satisfying but they need to add more things to cut through bc its just the same stuff every level also i really hate the amount of ads in this game everytime you complete the game theres a long 30 second ad its really annoying and also i dont understand why this game needs internet connection, mobile games are supposed to be able to play without internet. maybe make the game playable without wifi and add more levels and less ads and i will give it a 5 star ⭐️


Really disappointed in VooDoo.

Obviously there isn't any problems with the game itself, other than the fact that it's extremely repetitive and the shop is small. Though, after every single level, you get an ad. The levels take about 15 seconds to finish, and it's almost like every button you click there'll be an ad. It completely takes the fun out of the game and VooDoo has done so much better with other games. The sad part is that they probably wont do anything about it since they only care about money.


Rainbow mode

It’s really fun and I have a great time playing it. I will say however, I was kinda bummed out after realizing that hitting the rainbow boost at the end of each level doesn’t carry you all the way through to the bonus money. Also, I think it’d be cool if it gave you a sword count so you can see how many swords you’ve collected while you play.

I really enjoy it, but those two things are keeping me from rating it higher.


Type of game to give you an ad mid-game.

This is easily the worst game I ever downloaded. Its not even funny how bad this game is. If I could give it 0 stars, I would. These ads are overly excessive because the game is practically 50% ads. One time I litteraly had an ad playing DURING ANOTHER AD. And their advertisements for their game specifically say that they have no ads, but it is quite the oppisite. Second of all, the sword is WAY too hard to control and the tutorial makes no sense at all. Personally, I would defenitly not reccomend this brainless game. 0/10


The Game

I’m writing this review to anyone that’s wants the game. I’ve played to level 543 and I have 14 mil coins but ONE there’s nothing to spend money on. TWO there’s no purpose to the game besides getting to the end. THREE there are a lot of ads. FOUR it’s not a multiplayer game but it requires internet. Even tho I will continue playing I can see why some people get mad at the game



This game is absolute garbage. It is a good concept and okay execution but my problem is the ads. Not only does it put ads after every level, but what absolutely outrages about it is that it will put ads IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR GAME!!!!!! This game is so desperate and indecent that it will make you lose because they want a 1.50 more dollars. It is absolutely outrages that someone can be so insane to think that people will play a game that is impossible to win because of ads. If I could give 0 stars I would. Absolutely do not buy.


Misleading ads on other games!

Downloaded this because i got an ad while playing another game that said this game has no ads. That’s literally a straight up lie! Sometimes an ad shows before i’ve even reached the end of the level. I’ve had several voodoo games over the years so i know how horrible the ads are, but the fact they literally lied is disgusting to me. the game is satisfying and could be a good time waster but the fact that they lie about the game not having ads just gives me the ick.


Dumb and ads and easy

So I’m so good in then a ad pops out of now where so I fall and lose if that didn’t happen it’s easy so much ads so much ads the reason why I gave it to is because it’s easy and there’s ads and I’m sick of it. I feel like I’m going to explode. All my other games are better than this one. I do not think you should get it because it will do the same thing as you, and always look at the reviews to see if it’s a good game like mine😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

Is Flying Cut Safe?

No. Flying Cut does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 18,398 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Flying Cut Is 18.2/100.

Is Flying Cut Legit?

No. Flying Cut does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 18,398 Flying Cut User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Flying Cut Is 34.6/100..

Is Flying Cut not working?

Flying Cut works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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