Company Name: Danylo Solovei
About: Welcome to the 75 Days Challenge app.
In our app, you are going to find all
tools that will help you create the highest level of physical toughness and
mental toughness possible.
Listed below are our top recommendations on how to get in contact with 75 Days Challenge: Fitness. We make eduacted guesses on the direct pages on their website to visit to get help with issues/problems like using their site/app, billings, pricing, usage, integrations and other issues. You can try any of the methods below to contact 75 Days Challenge: Fitness. Discover which options are the fastest to get your customer service issues resolved..
The following contact options are available: Pricing Information, Support, General Help, and Press Information/New Coverage (to guage reputation).
by JeremyButter
-if you forget to click on a task you complete (reading a book which I do before bed) it prevents you from moving to the next day. For example on day 18 I didn’t select that I read before falling asleep. Upon waking up on day 19 it asked if I failed the challenge. It then allows you to click that you’ve read or anything else you may have forgotten to add but then it keeps you on day 18 or whichever was the prior day without being able to advance to the current day. I’m now 3 days behind because of this glitch even though I’ve competed all tasks daily
-manually input weight even though that’s not part of the challenge, just takes time.
-the water doesn’t allow you to easily check a box. I drink a gallon of water on my first workout but have to select it 4 different times.
by Coachamandamarie
I’m looking for all support. I have been on track for 58 days and forgot to complete this app, a message comes up and asks if you are still on track or if you have failed. I ACCIDENTALLY clicked the failed and EVERYTHING is gone. All my progress picks are stored in the app. Trying to get a hold of some sort of support to recover my progress pictures. When you make it this far this is devastating!!! Someone, please contact me back so I can retrieve my hard work!!! I’ve contacted them through Facebook which is where the app support directs you to and no one is answering!
by Trnatalie
This is basically your calendar and notes app that come installed on a phone. It’s basic and useless and on top of it I can’t believe it costs money. Ridiculous. You can’t even use it or try it without paying so I basically spent $2 on an app that I decided was garbage and deleted anyway. Don’t waste your money. You can easily use other free apps that do the same if not more than this.
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