Company Name: Mohamad Bachir Sidani
About: Qibla Pro accurately finds the exact direction of Qibla (Kaaba) from almost
anywhere in the world.
Qibla Pro is the one of the most accurate qibla
Experience the elegant and smooth flow of the compass that will
direct you to the correct location of Kaaba.
The following contact options are available: Pricing Information, Support, General Help, and Press Information/New Coverage (to guage reputation). Discover which options are the fastest to get your customer service issues resolved.
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by AverageQuranEnjoyer
I found this app on a Reddit post and it’s really useful, easy to use and doesn’t blast you with ads as soon as you open it, best thing about it is that you don’t need internet connection to use it, so it’s really useful when you don’t have time to waste.
by Bk1927
This app is perfect for finding qiblas. No need for additional features that makes other apps feel convoluted.
by Atton The Great
Need to pray without worrying about a 15 second ad because the creators are using it to make money? This is the app for you!