Tile Master 3D - Classic Match Reviews

Tile Master 3D - Classic Match Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-20

🏷️ About: Tile Master 3D is a new and stylish puzzle game ever than before! Power up your brain and increase your memory speed. Hundreds of cute and diversified combinations.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

👿🤬😠 Negative experience

😎👌🔥 Positive experience

🙄💅🫥 Neutral

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 25,153 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Addicting game

- Fun and brain activity

- Team options and more goodies with the new update

Read 31 Customer Service Reviews 👿🤬😡😠💢😤

4.6 out of 5

Cash Cow


I recently downloaded this game. It was actually a fun game but……there are so many ads that it’s comical. This game is so desperate for money that there are ads even when you are trying to just leave the game. When you are right in the middle of playing and you need to concentrate-ad pops up-loosing your concentration-not even done finishing-ad pops up again!
You finish the round-another ad pops up! I get showing ads between sessions, but why are there ads right in the middle of trying to complete a round. And there is more than one ad interruption during a single level. It’s so annoying and of course they want you to buy ad free services. I tried contacting TileMaster3D to find out how long I would have ad free for 7.99$ and I got no answer. I asked three different times and no response. So I don’t know if the ad free fee is weekly-yearly-monthly for 7.99$. Truly, don’t waste your time. Most of the games I play have ads, but not this many!! There are way too many other games out there that are not this bad. Don’t waste your time with this one.



I rarely leave reviews for games, but it’s very necessary for this game. I truly enjoyed this game...at first. The first 10–12 levels are great. After that there are so many ads you can’t really enjoy playing, especially true w/the ads you’re forced to watch DURING the game! I’ve played a lot of these match 3 games but I’ve never had an ad start in the middle of a level. It’s absolutely ridiculous that you expect players to sit patiently & watch 2-3 ads, then just revert back to gameplay as if there had been no interruptions. For example, you’re playinga level with a timer of 4.5 mins, & you’re playing really well until suddenly you’re watching a stupid ad! After the ads the game resumes, but you’ve completely lost momentum, are trying to reorient yourself, as well as trying to remember where you saw specific items before the game was interrupted. Its just absolutely ridiculous; I understand the necessity of ads, not a problem, but play them before or after the level, NOT DURING! I’m deleting the game after I submit this review. Its a shame that I’m forced to do that, but there are too many other match 3 games available to put up with this nonsense. I apologize for the lengthiness of this review but I thought it was necessary. And, the total amount of time it takes you to read this is a lot less than the length of the 2 or more ads you have to sit through in order to finish playing 1 level on your game.
Thanks for your time.

And just for the records


That star is a big ——MINUS——
I downloaded this game because the ad for it shows a completely different game. So I thought, “Oh that looks interesting”. BUT when I downloaded it, it was a completely different game that did not even resemble the ad. So I would like to ask the developers just two questions! Why do you falsely advertise, and why don’t you advertise the game exactly the way it’s played?? You would keep a lot more players if only you were honest. I’m sure you’ve heard the age old saying, Honesty is the best policy? So instead of trying to reel in players with your false ads, try showing the play of the actual game and see where it goes. I realize your probably not hurting for players right now, but when I download a game that’s advertised falsly, I look at the developers name and write it into my notes and I won’t knowingly download from that developer the next time. So I would think you would want at least a good name. So I’m putting this game into my DELETE FOLDER and your name into my DEVELOPERS BLACK LIST, and hopefully you will start being honest with us. Try it, we can handle it, I promise.

Watch 20 ads for every level and still lose


No, thanks, way too stressful. I don’t mind paying money for a game, but when I start a game and it’s nothing but ads, all I see is greed from the developers and it turns me off immediately. I am only on level 20 and it shouldn’t be this hard. The number of ads on each level is absolutely ridiculous. Every couple moves in the game it shows an ad which completely breaks my concentration. You get close to the end of game after watching 20 ads finally and you run out of time and have to start all over!

Some advice to the developers: take a look at the really popular games that have been around for many years that have been wildly, successful, such as candy crush. These are free games that you have a certain amount of lives for. If you run out of lives, you can watch ads or pay money or wait until your lives accumulate again. You earn boosters, but you can also purchase them. I have spent a great deal of money over the years, playing Candy Crush, pet rescue saga, Toy Blast and similar games. I will not pay a cent to your game because from the moment I started, it has been all about ads. Your greed has resulted in your game being ruined and not being fun to play, it’s just frustrating and annoying. I understand you need to make money, but you’re going about it and all the wrong way.

Too many ads


It doesn’t matter how fun a game is when you can’t get through 1 level without 4 ads playing during the level! That doesn’t include the ad before the level or the ad after. They let you play a few games right at the start without any ads but it gets progressively worse. I just played a level and had 2 consecutive ads right at the end in addition to the ones that play in the middle of a game which prompted this review. I get that companies that offer free versions of their games need to pay the bills but 6+ ads for 1 level is too much, it makes the game unplayable. I saw another review that says you can go ad free but I haven’t seen an ad for that, though I won’t be purchasing because it seems like they’ve purposely made the ads obnoxious to force you to buy. Also, the ads are the obnoxious kind that play audio and require multiple taps to close. Banner ads in a level and ads before and after levels? Yes. Consecutive ads and ads in the middle of a game? No.

My hands down favorite game until …


I started playing this game in June 2023. The more I played it, the more addicted I became. Two days ago, I was on level 774 (I might be wrong on exact level, but it was right around that level). I bought in app purchases in the form of bundles and was actually just how much I have spent when I went back and added all the bundles up. Last night I went to play the game and was floored when it had me back at Level 1. All my progress was gone. I played every day and no clue what happened. I contacted support and tonight saw their response which in no way answered how or why this occurred, but they were going to give me an hour of free play. I told them while an hour of free play is nice, I don’t care to start over from scratch. I had joined a team and was active in it. A week ago I would have given an excellent review, however, I would not advise anyone to play this game now that this has occurred.

Love this game, you changed it, am going to delete


I have downloaded about 8 of these games and also deleted them! For me they were impossible to play more than 20 or 30 levels and they would have so many items on the board and give you 4 or 5 minutes to finish them, there was no way I could go any farther without spending a fortune, which I don’t have. So I deleted them, this game gives me enough time to get the levels done. I watch a lot of ads so I can get extra points and I think with doing that I help you get paid good.
Thank you so much for thing of us elderly people who really need those extra minutes. Without putting out a fortune, which we don’t have being on a fixed income! Thanks for making the time so low there is no way you can finish it! Thanks for nothing, I am going to delete this game the same as I did the rest of them, Shame on you!

Changing review from two stars to one since zero is not an option


The longer I played there were more and more commercials and the commercials got progressively longer. As someone else said, I get so aggravated that I’m on a roll only to get interrupted with commercials in the middle of a level of the time sensitive game. Plus, there are now lots of glitches, such as placing a finger on an item without it moving to go on to making another match. I’m deleting the game and reinstalling to see if it works better. If not, I’m done.

I reinstalled the game. Very early on in the levels - long before there are lots and lots of different items to match that can be obscured by each other - the game was interrupted within a level with a lengthy commercial. Takes all the fun out of playing the game. I’m done. Application deleted.



I have played this game a little over two months and have thoroughly enjoyed it, i’ll be at I have spent a considerable amount of money. However what really got my ire up was one day last week (two days after putting $45 into tools for the game) something appeared over the game blocking my access to the game. After numerous attempts to get back into the game, I did what I do on other apps when this happens. I deleted it and reinstalled it.

However, this presented two new problems:

1) after reinstalling it, it had not been saved on the cloud and the remainder of the $45 I spent from two days before was not returned to me;

2) I thought this was just a fluke so I spent another $10 to get back into the game. However the game had changed as it was not the same as it was originally set up. In fact, they had shortened the times considerably (several times to one minute for a whole screen full of crap).

My $10 lasted me exactly 2 days and I quit in the middle of a game and have no intention of returning. My belief is that this particular site is just interested in getting the money at the expense of the consumers enjoyment.


Great game…but…


I’ve downloaded this game 4 times and loved it 4 times with 2 exceptions, the second of which has done me in and I’ll never download it again. I can live with ads but throwing 4-6 ads at you in a 3-5 minute timed game, each one lasting more than a minute is egregious, boring (same bait-and-switch Royal Match at last 2 times every single game), and pretty much ruins the game. But the thing that has finally done it is that every time, you get so far and one of the ads freezes and it NEVER comes back. Only choice is deleting and starting from scratch. I’m done. Just done. Sayonara, so long, good-bye. Enjoy the game but you absolutely kill it with ads and every one makes me more determined not to waste money on it , knowing that with or without ads, there’s a freeze in there somewhere and my money will be wasted. Back to evony.

Too many ads, too hard, $$$


I really liked it when I started, but the ads on the free version are way too many, too long. The graphics are great and the objects fun. I got over level 40 in a few days, and I liked that some of the levels are long and complicated, like over 20 minutes and lots to sort through. But then it got too hard… impossible for me… giving the player 10 minutes to get through something that needs more like 20. I’m pretty decent as these seeking games, not a genius, but above average. They obviously want you to buy your way out of the harder levels. After paying $7.99 to get rid of the ads (I was having fun) I’m really disappointed because after only a few days I’ll have to pay more to keep playing. Not worth it, they should learn from great money makers like C Crush, they would make more money if they kept the prices lower and let the player get farther.

Game not as advertised; Ads extremely annoying


I downloaded this game based on an ad which was very misleading. It showed a grocery store type shelves scrolling with the middle one going in the opposite direction, and you had to move objects to match 3 of a kind. It seemed like a game I might like to try. Instead it’s a pile of objects you have to match 3 of, and if you don’t touch it just right it selects the wrong one. If you get too many in the row at the bottom you lose the level.

Additionally, there are ads in the middle of levels sometimes more than once which is distracting. The levels are timed, so the age level is not correctly listed on this game. It is a somewhat fun game, but the interference of game play with ads is making me think about deleting it. I don’t think I should have to pay to remove ads to be able to complete levels without being disrupted by them. This is the only game I’ve ever played like this. I don’t have a problem watching ads between levels.

Ads hanging on


Love this game! Your ad department needs help! Ditto on “Stormysmom “review. The LYFT AD TOOK ME COMPLETELY OUT OF THE GAME TO . Safari and then to Yamaha ads!!! Good grief! Clean this mess up, please!!! I’m really tired of playing games... loosing them to ads and having to start over! Granted.. we are not penalized, but you will be loosing players if it continues... thank you... Back for the third time!!! I think I’m done with this game... the battle with the ads is ridiculous. The last game went to an ad in the last 18 secs and when I got th3 game back would not let me finish the last 12 items!! And if I see another one of those fat girl get skinny over nite ads I may scream!!!

It’s me again! Never know if you get the previous notes. New complaint….. three times in a row I’ve reached a point where I have to endure 10 ads to get extra points to finish up a game with 60 seconds that I’ve just accumulated. Finish ads ..go to play… goes to screen that shows get 60 seconds by paying 1200 points and I’ve just paid 800 points! I truly done now … and sad about it…But, you biously don’t watch your computer programs very well!!

Love Hate


I actually really love this game. I’m very disappointed with the updates because I no longer play it because of the updates. I deleted it from my phone and my tablet. When I first started playing it, I loved all the colors and the cute objects. It was a happy game, that was addictive. I deleted it because they started adding unhappy toys to the pile. They added unfamiliar objects, like shields, coffins, monster heads. Instead of the happy familiar cartoonish, 3-D objects, it switched to death and depressing or unfamiliar objects.

Initially, what I did to get past that was uninstall it and reinstall it so that I would get the cute happy through the objects again, but then once you get to a certain level, it goes back to the death and depressing things, so now I’ve stopped playing altogether. I hope you change it back to the way it was. I’ll keep checking back intermittently.

I enjoyed this game until…


I enjoyed this game until I reached the upper levels where it is virtually impossible to complete all of the matches on the board before the time runs out. You’re pretty much forced to spend money to purchase boosters.

The only clear instructions for this entire game state that you must match three of a kind. There’s nothing regarding the different kinds of boosters and what they do. On the home page with the purple background, I have no clue what the whole bunch of options that you can “Activate” are, let alone what each booster/item does.

I have emailed the company three times already and haven’t received any response. The fact that there are no real, clear instructions and that they do not respond to customers is very unprofessional.

I understand the need for ads, but this is simply too much


I really like this game. The first few levels are great. Of course, there are ads between levels. Everyone expects that and has no issue with it. The developers have to make money somehow after all. Then as the levels get harder and longer, bam! All of a sudden your game and concentration is rudely interrupted by an ad. In the middle of a timed game. Granted the timer pauses, but you had just found a match and we’re going to click on it only to have the same ad you’ve already seen 8 times pop up again right in the middle of your round. I tried to get past it, convincing myself that it doesn’t bother me that much, but it really does. So I deleted the game. It stop bad because it really is fun.

No Thanks


I pushed myself to make it to level 150. That’s all I could take. There’s no explanation/instructions to play the game. You have to figure out everything by yourself. All trial and error and that’s not cool. I actually deleted TileMaster3D and reloaded it with the knowledge I gained from the previous played game.
And without any instruction, you have to sit through all the ads, which are on every free game I understand that. And I was willing to sit through them, but I gained nothing from it.
I actually deleted TileMaster3D and loaded it again with the knowledge that I had with the previous game.
I absolutely enjoyed it tremendously, BUT!!! you run out of tokens/free saves to use, the only way to get more is to pay for them.
I’m sure there’s a trick to it. No need for any more review, but have plenty more to say. Level 150. That’s all I got period. I’m going to move on to something else out of frustration while keeping my money in the bank!!!

Recommendations from player


I’ve played this game for years and really enjoy it most of the time. But……I have a couple of recommendations. Consider allowing the option to to trade tools that are won/purchased; I.e.; player has several shuffle tools but prefers hints or redo tools, it would be nice to switch or exchange them. Even if it’s 2-1 trade it would make the game more fun. Also, I never understood the purpose of the cards you win. I know the intent but ultimately they aren’t helpful, interesting, or fun. I would suggest allowing players to win/select different items to match. Searching for the same items game after game - level after level - gets old. Maybe with a win have the option to exchange tools or search items. By allowing players to select different options the game would be more appealing to different players. Maybe developers read the reviews…..who knows. I’ve made recommendations for other games and a couple were implemented.

Tile Master 3D


I have a complaint! I’ve played this game for months and have spent countless dollars not including the ads. This game says for ages 4+ years old. It is not! You have to match 3 of a kind without touching objects, especially small ones, within a time limit. If not, you fail and start over. You play for the next pile of objects but eventually you pay for the right to continue the game. It’s tedious and a little unnerving. Now, between matching 3 items of a kind ads appear between these sets which don’t last long.

My complaint is that tonight suddenly there appeared an ad for “King’s Throne”. There appears to well endowed women and you pick which one you want by pointing to the bust of the women. The game does say 17+ years old but what’s it doing showing this kind of ad on a 4+ years old game? I’m a 72 yr. old woman and I was offended by this ad not only for the reasons I have mentioned BUT to point to a woman’s breast including to the nipple is sexist. Ads should be monitored and warned of such degrading as well as absolutely NOT advertised in any game you are offered such FILTH for even 17+ yr. old gamers.

Sadly, I will not play even though I really have enjoyed the game. I’m leaving about 20,000 coins to continue playing. I’m saying beware of such material that pops up as ads!

Would be 5* if not for the constant ad interruptions!


1st I would like to point out that their game advertisements are deceiving... i down loaded this game because the ad showed a cube that made it more like a puzzle game although, we were “supposedly” able to match the pieces from different angles... it appealed to me so I downloaded TileMaster3D ! & quickly found it wasn’t at all what they advertised..., it was a match game I have seen advertisements for plenty of times but was never drawn to it! Ok w/ that said being board stuck at home I decided to give it a go.., it’s free, w/ the option to buy “extras” & as w/ any free game you have to deal w/ the ads! I don’t mind dealing w/ the ads before each new level BUT I do have a problem w/ ads interrupting while playing the game! Mind you, you are given a certain amount of time to complete each challenge! So the worst thing that can happen when your on a roll! Is loose eyes on the screen because.., they decided to throw in some ads! When I have to deal w/ this sort of thing in games as often as it happens here, I tend to get aggravated and this game w/ probably only get played once in a while... if even that considering it wasn’t / isn’t what I wanted when downloaded it to begin w/! The only thing I find appealing is the challenge of trying to beat the clock., other than that the game is a “no brainer” ( pun intended) if your looking for something more challenging for the brain... this isn’t it..,

Problem with their game


I have been playing this game for quite a few months and have enjoyed it during my play time with one exception. I have now twice lost my 8 lives packet. I tried to contact them through settings in the game four times now and they will not answer my complaints, which is very irritating. I bought the 8 lives packet again after losing it the first time, but I don’t want to pay for it for the third time. I really wish someone would get back to me asap as I do really enjoy the game. I do have a suggestion though. When you lose a step a player should not be penalized and have to go back to step one, since you seem to divide steps in threes, maybe you could send the player back to the previous third round. In other words if you make it to step 21 and lose a round you go back 3 rounds instead of going to the first step again. I don’t know if that makes sense but it might be helpful for people that can not afford to constantly buy more game play.

One of my favorite games…. but


I love this game, I’ve played it for a very long time. But recently when ur towards the end of a set and your clicking on the last 20 or so items on the screen and you’ve got plenty of time and you know you’re gonna win but then when you start tapping the items the closer you get to being at the end the items don’t move to the boxes they stay on the screen and so you’re having to tap them for five times before they will move to the boxes and then you’re down to the last two or three items on the screen and your time runs out because it’s taking so much time to tap the items to get them in the boxes. The glitches need to be fixed cause it’s unplayable.

Fun but time to delete


This game has been a lot of fun! Just finished level 106 and yes, it is absolutely addicting! Here’s why I am deleting:
1) kudos to the creators! However:
*too many adds
*as the levels get harder there appears to be no
way to win without having to buy things to give
aid in beating the levels
*directions? Don’t understand what most of the
purchasable and no charge extras do. How
about adding a directions feature?
*assuming since creator wants us to buy extras
that is why offering minimal extras as you
achieve a level
*don’t take away my extras that I have earned
after I loose at a level and have to replay it
*make it fun! Why not offer an extended play
feature at no charge to allow us to complete a
level and how about letting us use extra time
from early level completion on the next level?

I’m sure the creator/developers have made good money putting this all together and good for them! Can’t fault them for that. Thanks, deleting the game now…….

Way too many Ads


I get the pay to play ad free options on most games but with a game like this where you are on a time limit to beat the clock, the last thing anyone wants is to have an ad to interrupt several times during one game which uses your concentration only to be distracted repeatedly. Then, you have the ads after each level you beat, which is fine! If not for the ads that interrupt several times each level, I might consider paying to go ad free, but by incorporating the ads not once, but several times during a level, is definitely not going to make me pay to play. I might consider it if it wasn’t so annoying.

Mixed Emotions


I do enjoy the game however there are too many ads and when you get an ad it takes your consecutive points away. Also there are some ads it won’t let you turn the sound off which is really annoying so I have to only play it when I’m by myself. Another thing my pig is full there are no instructions to tell you if you can buy some thing with pig money so what’s the point of earning more coins if the piggy bank only let you have so many? Lack of instructions, too many ads some with no sound control, fun and addicting! I like the brain activity but I am a little tense playing it at times. Also what in the heck are those power ups or power levels that you get at the beginning of the screen you have a lack of explanation of what all of these things are. I’m giving it a four because it’s fun if you don’t mind putting up with the annoyance of the other things I mentioned.

Nearly impossible without spending money


I actually love the challenge of finding 3 matching objects but the time allowed is way too short. The objects stack in multiple layers and even if you see your match at the bottom of the pile, it is nearly impossible to click on it without accidentally selecting wrong pieces which then fills up the 10 spaces with no matching pieces. Of course you can purchase helps such as a tile scrambler. But it seems the developer obviously shortens the time allowed so you have to purchase helps just to level up. Because of this I refuse to spend money so I happily exercise my brain by searching for matching objects but not expecting to win. On occasion when I do win it is so satisfying.

Love the Game


I do love this game. However, my main complaint is the Ads. This is the only game I have played where the Ads come DURING GAME PLAY! I rarely do purchases. I did this time to get rid of the Ads. Second complaint, you have to have 1000 coins that only will give you a paltry 60 seconds to extend the game time! Even though I love the game, I really am considering deleting it. I have also noticed how expensive it is to purchase packages. Developers, great job on a great game! Honestly, you Developers are so busy trying to collect as money as you can, that creating a great game could not be your main purpose. Getting as much money as you can from your loyal game users must be your main purpose.

Fun game to pass time


I’ve been playing this game for well over a year and I really enjoy it. There are a good bit of ads but unlike others, I know to expect that with a free game. I don’t have the issue the others have of an ad cutting into my game time, but I do have an ad-related complaint. When playing the bonus games in the Playground, sometimes an ad will pop up and it freezes the screen. The ad doesn’t actually play, it’s just a white screen and you can’t click out of it. The only thing you can click is the banner at the bottom for said game being shown but all it does is take you to TileMaster3D Store. If you go back to the game, it’s still frozen. In normal gameplay I can just close out and go back in and it picks up where I left off but not in the bonus games. When this happens I have to close out and that game is gone and no longer playable that day. I love the bonus games. Please fix this, and maybe make those games more available!

By far my favorite game


I downloaded this in IOS a couple months ago and have been addicted since. Ok, at first I considered deleting because the ads were incessantly annoying, constant and with every ad it would break my concentration, so I opted to pay to play ad free. It was Definitely the right choice!
I play this game daily and am currently on level 1131! I updated TileMaster3D recently and it’s super nice with team options and more goodies but My only complaint is with the new update they made the objects on a larger scale size and it takes up all the space so it’s impossible to “move objects around” to find the hidden ones underneath. You still get the same amount of objects and same amount of time to complete but with absolutely no extra space. I get the reasoning because before the update I Definitely had to wear my glasses to see the tiny objects but I would rather have them smaller so I could shuffle the objects to find what I’m looking for than large objects that are impossible to move. This is very frustrating and makes my game play less enjoyable. If all 3 objects aren’t on the top or at least a portion of the objects visible, there’s no way you can find all 3!

I ask the developer to consider with the next update to minimize object size some to make finding objects not so incredibly challenging and sometimes impossible. Other than that I am Completely Satisfied with this Game!
Thanks for creating this game and giving my brain a workout daily!
GOD bless!!



Addicting but love this game, however I had to pay for no ads because the ads were way too much. After each level or sometimes in the middle of the level an ad popped up and I don’t like that so I paid for no ads to keep playing this addicting game. If I didn’t have the money to pay for the game I would of just deleted the game due to the excessive ads. I hope I don’t have to pay for this game every month, if it takes $7.99 out each month I will stop the payment and delete the game for sure.

Tile Master 3D


I really enjoy the game a great deal. I enjoy the challenge of seeing how far I can get without having to pay anything. Of course there are way too many ads , but that’s all games. The items are colorful and well shaped and challenging. I never get tired of playing.
I have one recommendation for the game. When a player makes a mistake, like too many items , please let us see where our mistake occurred. By not showing the error, a player might think that you, the designer, is tricking us into believing that we made the mistake and not you. We can learn to avoid the same mistake.
Thank you for this exciting game.

Is Tile Master 3D Safe? 🤗🙏

Yes. Tile Master 3D - Classic Match is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 25,153 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Tile Master 3D Is 25.1/100.

Is Tile Master 3D Legit? 💯

Yes. Tile Master 3D - Classic Match is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 25,153 Tile Master 3D - Classic Match User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Tile Master 3D Is 42.6/100..

Is Tile Master 3D - Classic Match not working? 🚨

Tile Master 3D - Classic Match works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with Tile Master 3D - Classic Match? Post a Review


Tile Master 3D is a new and stylish puzzle game ever than before! Power up your brain and increase your memory speed.

Tile Master 3D is a good game you must fall in love with once when you play it first .

Within limited time, clear all items, pass levels and collect more rewards.

- Different layouts are waiting for you challenge, Powerful boosters to facilitate.

7 different items in the collect bar, FAILED.

Hundreds of cute and diversified combinations.