1) Matrix Reasoning: It tests your ability to analyze situations and problems, and helps you improve your performance at work and day-to-day activities.
People with very low intellectual quotients (70>) are defined as holders of a mental disability disorder and may experience, despite the intensity of work, more difficulty than others in intellectual activities and may also maintain, in spite of themselves, difficulties in social behaviours despite the strength of their will.
4) Verbal Analogy: This section measures your ability to select a word based on other words and their relationships or analogies.
6) Numeric Reasoning: Measures and improves your ability to calculate, think fast and solve real-life problems.
3) Spatial Reasoning tests: Assess your spatial visualization ability and how to draw conclusions from limited information.
People with much higher than average IQ or intellectual quotients (>130), also called gifted, tend to be more at ease than others during intellectual activities.
An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a total score derived from a set of standardized tests or subtests designed to assess human intelligence.
7) Logic test: This section is aimed to measure problem solving ability.
The application doesn't just measure your IQ score but also helps to train to perform better at aptitude tests.
It assesses the ability to quickly come to conclusions based on the available data.
5) Memory test: This section tests your short-term memory, and how accurately you can recall information provided to you.
- Meta-cognitive awareness: they know how to identify and reuse plans, concepts and strategies that they can employ to solve problems.
2) Pattern Recognition: Measures how easy it is for you to learn and adapt to incomplete sets of data.
Improve your score through a set of personalized training exercises with 1000+ questions.