DOP 2: Delete One Part Reviews

DOP 2: Delete One Part Reviews

Published by on 2024-11-12

🏷️ About: DOP 2 is a popular brain game that challenges players to use logic to solve fun and clever puzzles. The game is easy to play, but the puzzles are challenging and require players to become shrewd sleuths to unravel hidden mysteries. With hundreds of entertaining levels, players can enjoy hours of fun while strengthening their reasoning skills and putting their minds to the test.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎👌🔥 Positive experience

🙄💅🫥 Neutral

👿🤬😠 Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 242,895 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Fun and addictive gameplay

- Minimal ads compared to other games

- Easy to understand and play

- Levels repeat after a certain point, allowing for continued play

Read 24 Customer Service Reviews 👿🤬😡😠💢😤

4.6 out of 5

Feels exploitative


I feel like this game is very exploitative in the ads. I am purely writing a review based on ads. But I get this ad every time I get an ad on anything. I don’t like the ads. The ads show people getting their clothes getting erased off. The question will ask them to do one thing and they will begin erasing people’s clothes. What I really hated about this ad was that it was all females. They were all females getting there clothes wiped off. I do not think this game has a great ad. I understand that it is to appeal to an audience. However, I feel like they can find other ways to appeal to the audience. I downloaded the game and played a few rounds. It was in about the second question I started getting things that felt uncomfortable to do. Honestly. This game is very exploitative, and I do not recommend.



This game is fun when you start playing but later on you can’t get any hints at all. I wish it gave out free hints when you start playing the game because then people don’t get mad. I spent 3 HOURS on this game trying to get passed this one level bc most of the time nothing makes since. I’m on level 127 and I have been on that level for 3 DAYS. I have a big test for school today and it didn’t help that this game was making me mad. I also through my phone at the wall. I almost broke it! I don’t know if it’s just my WiFi that won’t let me do hints but I don’t think so bc we just got new WiFi so it should work and it works for other games to so idk you might need to fix the game or something just DO SOMETHING! Thank you!



This game has very inappropriate levels. More often than not there is some innuendo about sexual things or secret hidden inappropriate things. On one level the question at the top was, “What is making it hard for him to work?” There was a computer with dual monitors set up and on one monitor it was a normal zoom looking call with four others on the screen. The other monitor was blacked out. When you erased the black on the monitor there was a topless woman standing there covering herself with her hands. The ads are just as inappropriate. There is one for a cleaning objects game and it shows the player cleaning a glass shower door with a woman behind it and they squeegee away all the fog but her private areas. I’m glad I monitor my daughter’s tablet. I could talk about more but I think you get it.



OH MY GOSH! So sexist! Making kids erase to find a woman’s breast?! What dummy thinks that is okay?! And trying to see naked people?! OH MY GOSH!! Please don’t do that! I had my little sister play this and she brought the phone back to me. On the screen it showed a boy trying to see a woman’s breast! She doesn’t deserve to see that trash! Please don’t do this to kids! What are you doing? Trying to teach kids to do that?! What the heck?! 😡🤬😡🤬SO RUDE!! I mean, some of them are fun like try to save the flower and stuff. But the other ones?! App Store needs to make this game banned because of its badness!! Take this off DOP2 Store!! So inappropriate!! And 12+ why so young?!?!?!? So bad!!! 12 year olds learning this crap?! UGHHHHHH I have said not everything, cause it would take too long.
By: Veronica



I liked this game at first. It was fun to play and solve all the levels, and I could skip right past the ads. But then it stopped letting me skip them, and both the ads and a handful of levels were very inappropriate. In the ads, it would show women taking their clothes off, or inspecting parts of their bodies. I’m sure many children download this game, and they would then want to download those ones, which would not be something their little eyes should see. And in the levels, it showed girls wearing only bras or underwear. That is not something that should be on a game like this. Please remove these things immediately. Thank you.



Its a simple mindless game that i like when i don’t want think too hard about. Its kinda fun. But i noticed when on the 400’s it started repeating previous levels. At first just a few here and there then after i got into the 500’s n 600’s it got worse. It would repeat some times there same level more than once within a short time. Not to mention the inconsistency of the ads. I know it’s free and I’m ok with the ads but maybe keep it like every 3-4 levels then have an ad. Sometimes it’ll do that but a lot of times it does it after every level. Which can be annoying to wheres i don’t want to play anymore. But i can deal with it better than the repeats of the older levels. So i gave it three stars at first but thought about more and put it at two for now to see if you guys listen to us and make some better changes.

Sexiest and Racist


Hi I have not been playing this game for a long time but I have noticed that there is some really messed up things like I just played a level where there was a woman in a bathrobe and the title said scare the girl so you had to erase the misty window to find a man Peking into to window at the woman and once you did that she then dropped her bathrobe and covered the bits that people don’t really want to see so that was really sexist I thought and another one was at the beginning so I don’t remember what you had to do but all I remember was that you could erase her pants to find laced pantyhose’s with bows on them and one more thing is there is not any black people and that’s really RACIST I hate it and wish this didn’t happen

One problem with this app


I love these little puzzles my only problem is the blatant and disgusting misogyny. most levels are fun and nice. then they throw in some incredibly objectifying one about a woman’s breast or body and its honestly disgusting. It makes me feel like a 14 year old boy is writing those levels and they are normalizing treating women and looking like women like this. It is about 5% of the levels but because you fly through them so fast 5/100 is actually quite a few. Please review these levels and at least equalize it with male and female or just don't do it. If you made it equal between male and female derogatory then it would just be humorous, but doing it just to women is normalizing misogyny and objectifying women.

ehh there are a lot of problems


okay so at first this game was actually really really fun!! and i kept playing it for a while but then for some reason it started doing this thing where i would get the right answer and i should’ve won but then it doesn’t go through, so basically im thinking that im doing it wrong so i have to watch an ad to get a hint but then the hint tells me what to do and i do it and it works even though it was the same thing i was doing before!!

it’s complicated to explain, but basically it’s making me watch an ad to complete the question correctly even though i already got the answer, it just wasn’t going through!! like what??

i thought it might’ve just been a glitch for one question but it kept doing that for every single one and it was so obnoxious and not worth playing if i had to watch an ad to get the answer right EVERY SINGLE TIME !!

but if this doesn’t happen to you, i definitely recommend it!! it’s a super fun game but the glitch really annoyed me

This is fun but....


It is a rather simple game I got to level 400 in four days without constantly playing it. It was fun but you’ll get to the end a lot quicker then you think and when do get to the end it starts the questions over. So 401 is the same as question 1, 402 is the same as 2 and so on. Now I’m not one to label things who will do small things that will sexualize women as sexiest. However this games is sexiest. On more then several occasions you have to do things that remove women clothes and highlight parts of their body and it just doesn’t sit right. Not even considering that there a some suggestive questions in a game that is marketing towards kids. Again the things in this game just don’t sit right with me

Has some problems


I love this game and all but my first complaint is there are a little too much ads and it can get really annoying after a while. My second complaint is when I’m like getting rid of one of the things in the picture it says I’m wrong so then I go to click the add button so I can get a free clue, and then I get the free clue, AND THEN IT TELLS ME TO EARASE WHAT I HAD JUST EARASED! And that’s like really annoying cause it’s telling me I got it wrong when I didn’t. If I were u, I would get the game. I was also looking through other reviews and I couldn’t find anything alike or similar. I use a iPod model: A2178 so it could just be my device. I don’t know. Developers plz right me back! Thank you!

Pretty good


Over all, decent. I got to about level 600 before I started to notice repeats which is solid. I’ve noticed a few Karen’s with there 1-2 star ratings saying this game is DISGUSTING 😾😾😾. There are some inappropriate levels but that’s the only reason half the people download it anyway. This isn’t a game made for little children it’s made for 12+. There’s no nudity in the game just some almost naked moments. The game is a good way just to pass time when your waiting for a haircut or just bored out of your mind. Over all I think the game is solid

I like this game but.......


Overall DOP 2 is a really fun game( although I could without all of the ads). But there are a few things that don’t sit well with me. There are things that are a little inappropriate considering his is an app made for kids, I cannot mention these things but the content should not be used in an app directed for young children. Also MY biggest problem with DOP2 is how they say when a female takes off her makeup for filter she is ugly. This is not true you do not need to wear makeup or use filters to look and feel beautiful. I am not saying it is a bad thing but is does upset me. There is a mini game were a girl takes of her filter and looks like a troll. I hope my review did not offended you but help you make your decision on weather to get DOP2.

It's fun but I have a request.


This is a fun game and is a game to play when you are offline in the car and are bored, or are just with internet. But I have a request. Women are not sex toys and should not be perceived that way. The ads are sexual and trying to get people to buy it because you try to like, remove some clothes off women! They are inappropriate and I am a child witnessing this! Children should not be exposed to sexual ads, in kids games! My request is to make the ads not be so sexual, and for you to show ACTUAL levels in the game. I hope you understand, -Jade

I love it but chill it with the ads dude


Hello everybody I love this game it’s just like a Dop 1The original draw 1 part and it’s really cool but every single time I get you a new level it’s always a 40 second ad after every single level and I try to turn off airplane mode because that’s what I always do but it says it won’t work without Internet so I love the game Dop two and Dop oneJust can you chill it with the ads because I’m 13 and I want my six-year-old sister Moana playSubscribe to an app for a five day trial only 499 every day for money and there was no way to close out that’s screen so please please please fix those if there was a way to read it 4 1/2 I’ll give it back but there isn’t so I’ll just give it a four-star Oh and plus Moana was playing a little earlier and she saw a bad word on the screen playing the game

Good but...


So this game is fun. It’s funny and I like having the ability to makes this disappear it really fun and you don’t get to many ads unless you ask for them witch I do a lot the Reason for this is because let’s say it says “help him” and it’s showing a little boy with a kidnapper and a weapon* and I go and erase the weapon nothing happens I try again making sure nothing is left behind still nothing happens then I ask for a hint watch an add and then it tells me to erase the weapon I do it and bam it works! I don’t get this but if you could please fix that it would be great!

* I don’t think that is a level or not but if it is then it’s from the game DOP 2: delete one part

DOP 2 delete one part


The first level is easy I have this game on my moms phone and on my moms phone the level I’m on is like level 102 idk I think I mite check later but I gave it a 5 cause it seems easy I just started playing it today I’m on level 2 now the first level was pretty easy tho and my goal is to make it two level 200 that will be a bit hard tho it’s just a game tho I like the game I hope you like it to😊💜💙💚❤️🧡💛🖤

Watch what your kids download!!!


Personally me being at a young age and knowing this stuff I feel that this game is not for kids lower than the age rate. I you have a child or a younger brother, sister that is under the age limit and you see them playing this, tell them to stop, this game contains big breasted woman and many inappropriate levels. Please tell your children to stop!!! For you own opinion if you think your children are ready for this game that is what you chose. Not all parents are the same!

Is it worth it?


I think that getting DOP2 is worth it but there are a few minor changes that could be made. I am obsessed with this game. And I got to level 500 in only a few days. And the levels repeat after 500. And update the adds. You people are just sick. Trying to have the adds with erasing girls clothing. But the game isn’t like that. So I wrote this reverse a few days ago. And I’m already on almost level 2000 it’s a rly entertaining game and I really like it. What I don’t like is all of the sensitive people in the reviews. Bye ✌🏻

I really love how there’s not a lot of ads!


Hi, I got DOP2 a couple of days ago and ever since I have been hooked on this game. Most games that you get have a lot of ads and they are probably long to, but not this game, you only get ads every 15 or 20 mini games. I have wrote a bunch of reviews satiating that there are a lot of ads, but for a change I’m not....:) I am super happy that I can play this game without ads everywhere that I look☺️....:) To the person that reading this thanks for your time and I hope that you got the game and love it like me...:)




Its so bad! On one level they say what is she hiding and i thought it was like a weapon of some kind and i erased looking for it but then i saw when you erase her shirt THERES BASKETBALLS instead of a breast which is saying one sexists made this and two you shouldnt be happy woth your body shape WHY dont get this unless you wanna feel bad about yourself another has a man and it says what is he hiding i erased a lock with pics of girls in bikinis! They are just half naked girls im 9 i wanted a fin brain game when im bored it was my fun brain game till i saw these things it must be banned then i saw a very bad one! Theres a mermaid on a rock no bra just a black line and a submerine and i was thats uhhhhhhhh incredibly sexist then you unfog the glass everyone is staring and then u make the teliscope come up at her and her hands are covering her boobs! Yup! Makes me angry when games show girls undressing on camera with no cover and having all the details well anyway dont change and i hope to see ya real soon bye

Great game but watch your kids😄👍


I just wanted to say that the game is targeted at people above the age of 17, so if your kid downloaded DOP2 and your mad at the creators you shouldn’t be. You should be mad at the kid, but I get that children get curious sometimes and it’s not wrong for you to put them in their place for considering downloading this game, definitely something they should know to stay away from after seeing the ads and game screenshots before downloading. You’re not a bad parent for restricting them to not play something like this but if you’re child is above the age of 13 and you don’t like the idea of them having this game and your STILL going through their device then, you need help.

Just try to keep a better eye on your young children and if your old enough to play this game/ mature enough then play it. Great game loved every second of it except the ads!

People are annoying


People are so overly sensitive and annoying it’s ridiculous. If you feel the game is inappropriate then simply DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT. It’s not that complicated, if something is offending you then just avoid whatever is offending you. A lot of people enjoy this game, just because a few people are incredibly emotionally SOFT, does not mean that everyone is that weak of a person. If you have a problem with something, then just accept that it’s not for you, stop trying to ruin things for other people just because you are a small, insecure person. To each his own!!

Also, I see a lot of reviews where people are upset because their children downloaded this game and it’s inappropriate for their age. Well I’m here to tell you that YOU are exactly what’s wrong with the world today. As a parent it is your responsibility to oversee your child. You being an awful parent and neglecting your own child is the REAL problem, not some cheesy animated video game. Grow up and stop being so soft and sensitive about everything

Best game ever


I see nothing wrong with the game. If parents or other people don’t want kids to play it than let the parents deal with it. There should be a DOP 3!!! I do have one suggestion though. There should be different settings like ones for kids under a spasific age. So than little kids can play it for fun and older kids like 16 and older can play. So little kids can’t enter that level they could just enter there year of birth and if they are old enough then they can play. That way older people can play the levels they play now and maybe a little more extreme levels if they desire. This game is my favorite game ever and it is very fun.

Is DOP 2 Safe? 🤗🙏

Yes. DOP 2: Delete One Part is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 242,895 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for DOP 2 Is 85.0/100.

Is DOP 2 Legit? 💯

Yes. DOP 2: Delete One Part is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 242,895 DOP 2: Delete One Part User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for DOP 2 Is 100/100..

Is DOP 2: Delete One Part not working? 🚨

DOP 2: Delete One Part works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with DOP 2: Delete One Part? Post a Review


- Effortless gameplay that involves touching the screen and dragging a finger to erase part of a drawing and reveal what lies behind it

- Creative problem-solving that allows players to use their imagination to solve puzzles and uncover unexpected twists

- Hundreds of entertaining levels that are chock-full of tricky brain teasers

- Delightful graphics with a unique cartoon style and cute animations

- Optional music, sound effects, and vibration settings that give players more control over their gameplay experience

- Provides hours of fun for teens, seniors, and anyone in between who wants to keep their brain sharp

- No way to mess up or fail, as the picture will just reset if the wrong thing is erased

- Privacy Policy and Terms of Use available for players to review.