Stick With It Reviews

Stick With It Reviews

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About: Tap to jump, stick to stuff. Simple, right? You control a squishy blob that can
stick to almost anything.

About Stick With It

Stick your way up terrain, metal beam things, pipes, moving platforms, spinning platforms, and more.

But like I'm serious when I say impossible because I doubt anyone will ever complete the game in impossible mode.

Impossible mode has no checkpoints and a faster arrow.

The game features two difficulty modes: hard and impossible.

Hard mode features checkpoints and an undo move button.

Keep your cool, improve your jumping skills, and stick with it to the very end.

Time the moving arrow and tap to jump.

You control a squishy blob that can stick to almost anything.

Be careful, however, as one wrong jump could land you back at the very beginning.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 5,806 combined software reviews.

20 Stick With It Reviews

4.4 out of 5



Hey, not only do I own this game on PC and iPhone now but I LOVE it! This is probably the hardest game I have ever played! It’s even harder than getting over it! But I have a few suggestions, first: customizable skins, you can customize your weird blob thing to be a different color or have a different face! second: In app purchases, like a premium thing so if you buy it you can remove ads to undo your move without watching an ad and it gives you special premium only skins like better colors and better faces along with different particles. I would also like a tutorial mode in the game to help beginners get better and if you beat the tutorial you get a pink color and a happy face that you can equip in the skins place. Also it would be amazing to make a new obstacle like a fan that blows you back and with the momentum you have from the fan you can reach higher platforms but it’s only on the impossible mode, only on the impossible mode because it can blow you back so much that you have to undo your move or die on purpose to go to your checkpoint. Also I would enjoy a new button on the death screen so you can restart from the very beginning but when you click on it then it would ask you “are you are sure you want to restart from the very beginning? This cannot be undone!” And you have to wait 10 seconds until you can click confirm. I know it’s a lot of things but it would make the game much more enjoyable, thanks for reading this!



I haven’t played much but on the first level it’s very hard (I am playing on impossible mode) but it’s fun also I like the character having a face and the soft sticky thing about it because it can make some funny faces I have not seen bugs and is just a (Extremely) hard and fun game like if I had to rate it on hardness from 1-10 it’s a 11 and it’s a fun (frustrating) game! But here’s an idea bosses. It would be simple like jump on a certain part to attack it if it jumps on you you explode and have to start over (and other ideas) and it would change depending on difficulty like in normal it’s normal falls pretty slowly in hard it falls faster and jumps more frequently and in impossible as the name suggests it’s HARD it’s covered in spikes except the space you are supposed to hit, jumps practically every time it touches the floor, etc. like it’s unfair like it would take like a hour to beat hard another idea baby mode it’s text would be like “goo goo ga ga” or baby sounding things so first you could make check points anywhere you want and the boss in it just dies the second you touch it (if it would be in game) and if you fall too far or in certain places you grow wings and fly up back and if you beat it you get a skin which would probably be a pink circle wearing a diaper and sucking on a pacifier and it’s text would just be something funny like “the skin only for true babies) just some ideas!


This is a pretty good game

This game is really good but there is one thing that BUGS me. I think that you should add a feature to were you can watch 3 ads for 5 or 10 seconds of invincibility. Before you click of this review I think you should add this because there are some people that are bad at this kind of game and so that younger kids can play and know that if it’s too hard they can watch some ads. Or you can add a skip button which you would only be able to do when you die in the same area from the last spawn point to the next spawn point which would be 5 ads anyway I hope this review was helpful and I hope you like the pun lol


A very hard game

So I have beaten the game on all of the modes and I have all of the skins except for the king blob skin so I don’t know if This is just a bug in the games coding however when I was going to play impossible mode one time it said that you don’t think that anybody can beat it, so after spending so much time on the game it is kind of annoying to not get the final skin when I did what I had to do to get it I just thought that this is something that might be useful to know, also after you beat the game on all of the modes it gets kind of boring because you don’t have anything to do so hears a suggestion after you beat the game on every mode you could unlock a level create screen where you can make your own levels, it would add something else to do after you complete the whole game and if there isn’t a way to get the king blob skin without spending money I think that you should just say that instead of saying that you can get it through playing the game. But all in all I would say that this is a very good game and I would suggest it to anyone who is looking for a very difficult game, thank you for reading this and I hope that you enjoy the rest of your day/night!



The Game consists of several interesting features that make it enjoyable. The controls just feel nice to become a master of timing. The design of the level is amazing. The graphics aren’t the best but they kept me interested. For whatever reason when you fail you don’t completely shatter your phone, you move on and attempt to find the end even though nothing should compel you too, with no story and no knowing of what your getting yourself into. The game is great however it could be better. Maybe skins or tutorial levels or a level creator. Or maybe some angry enemies.

However there are two main bugs I have encountered that sometimes ruin the experience. #1 when playing and stick to something if you leave the game and rejoin you will no longer be stuck to the thing. #2 if you are playing on hard mode and you want to come back after death and you hit undo then you go back before you jumped. However whenever I have hit undo more than once it makes it so when I tap on the screen I don’t move I’d think it’s my phone however all the other buttons still work so I am forced to restart at the last checkpoint.



I wanted this game for a whole year almost 2. It’s MEGA fun you should download it but it is difficult I played for like 5 days and I’m on level 4. I have a few suggestions first maybe a baby mode or a easy mode where it removes all the extra normal mode spikes and you don't need to watch an add to undo your move. Maybe like every other time. Also maybe there could be bosses. It might change gameplay too much if it has like a boss a level but to beat a difficulty you must defeat the final boss in easy/baby you whould have 5 lives normal 3 lives hard 2 and in impossible you whould have 1 and impossible you could have to start all the way over. It is a rage game after all:). I do have a problem with it there is not much to do after you beat the game since all the skins are beat level in this difficultly so maybe there could be this online versus where you need to get through a level to make possible maybe a map creator that whould make infinite game time and more undoing move which means more money for Sam hogan a win-win


Fun, but too many bugs

I like to play this game when I’m bored, and it is a really fun and challenging platformer. But when I played the game, I came across a lot of bugs and glitches. One of the most common bugs I had was when I pressed the checkpoint button on the top right corner, but at the same time the “you ded” screen would appear at the same time. This caused the “you ded” screen to show up when I went back to the checkpoint, and I couldn’t see what I was doing while it was still there. I tried to kill the character again, but the “you ded” screen was still there. Every time this happened to me, I had to close StickWithIt and go back into it. I wouldn’t mind this bug much if it didn’t happen often, but it kept happening to me a lot. And it is really annoying. If the developer is reading this, can you please try to fix it? Other than the constant bugs, it is a fun game! And if it weren’t for the bugs, I would rate StickWithIt 5 stars.


Fun, and challenging!

First of all, I’m sure you’re wondering about the ads. Any free game is pretty much as good as how many ads there are, right?
Well, there’s barely any. The only time you get ads, from what I can tell, is when you voluntarily click the ‘undo’ button to undo your last move. And, it’s just a quick 30 second ad! If you’d rather avoid it, you can go back to your checkpoint, but sometimes you’ll find it’s perfectly fine to watch something for a bit.

As for the gameplay, it’s rightfully fitting of it’s name. It’s quite fun, and challenging of course, but it’s rewarding to finally reach a checkpoint. I will admit I’ve been stuck in normal mode for a bit, but you can make slow progress without stress :) overall, I’d definitely recommend giving it a try at least!


Pls Read and Adjust

The game is fun - and definitely rage-worthy! I can tell this game had a lot of conscious effort in it! But there are a couple of problems I would like to point out…
For example, I tried using an undo move and I watched the ad and everything, but afterwards, it gave me the “You Ded” screen again and only gave me the choice of a Checkpoint. When I clicked that, it reset me back to the beginning of my level again.
Secondly, my blob sometimes sticks on TWO things sometimes, and if that platform is a moving one, it stretches my character apart and throws it down on the kill block. :(
Last of all, some of the blobby characters aren’t very … blobby. They are flat and stretchy and glitch out a lot sometimes.
But still, the game itself is pretty fun and still REALLY rage inducing (thanks a lot). Please try fixing these minor bugs and I’ll definitely upgrade my three stars! Stay safe!


Amazing game, hard, but-

K, so before you might say; “You watched the video, ur just writing it” But I downloaded this BEFORE I read the reviews and watched it, and I am astonished how good it is, considering it was made a mobile game in 24 hrs. Though, I think you should’ve used a different color scheme: Orange and blue isn’t bad, it’s a decent color scheme. But, you could’ve done a more.. adventurous colorful scheme. Of course, unless this was for a reason, the color scheme could be better. And the spikes make it stray far from the pc version, I might make a video on it. As it is an amazing hard game. You also can’t pause, sure it’s not needed, but you need time to react to things sometimes. Sure you can go back to your checkpoint, but still.


Actually Hardest GAME EVER!!

This is one of my favorite hard games to play when bored/kill time or just to play for fun, but I have some suggestions on making this game even better than it is! First, Make a button for a map to check where your current location is in the game, so when we’re playing it, it does not look like we’re going in a circle. Second, Add more features to terrain like mud to make you slow, snow to make your blob shiver and be hard and not sticky. Third, make a easy difficulty or a training area to know how to use the controls and how the game works, if it’s not in the game already when ever you read this. Thanks for taking your time to read this, I appreciate your time!


It's a good challenge, but without satisfaction

This game offers a decent challenge with a simplistic and charming premise at first hand. It follows the navigation of a slime circle through a winding tower of spikes, death pits, and parkour. The controls add to this challenge also, mostly through their intentional wonkiness. Basically, it's a free version of Getting Over It. Where this game falls short for my experience is how it grows repetitive and dull after awhile. Becoming a slug-fest of trial and error or a marathon of ad watching to undo a move. (Although the undo move system is a clever and fair way to profit, without forcing ads) There isn't much satisfaction along the journey either, it's climax just rewarding bragging rights and a sense of wasted hours. In conclusion, a good game in premise, but not in reward. Wouldn't recommend, but nothing to write home about.


Hard but also fun

so, I watch Sam hogan, I started watching him when he did his remake of MineCraft, so I thought he was a cool coder and subscribed with the bell on. Then he recorded himself making this game then like 2 months later I realized that it was playable on mobile, so I went ahead and downloaded it. As of right now I’m on the fifth checkpoint of normal mode, it’s hard but when you reach another checkpoint, *H U M A N I T Y R E S T O R E D* also the checkpoint sound is satisfying. Oh and I like how you can undo a move and the button to automatically move to your last checkpoint, makes it a lot easier. The best thing is, there’s no pop up ads! just ads if you wanna undo a move, which is really nice! ok that’s about it bye


I didn't lisen

So, I want to say good job to the dev and I HATE YOU for making this. I started making games in unity resently and this is way above what I could do... At the moment. I watched the video of you making the game and I should have listened. Why did I download this?

I'm really am just giving the game 5 stars to support your channel. I don't know if I could support the game. KEEP UP THE... I can't say good work.

Game mechanic suggestion: a platformer that slows down time every ? Seconds with to many camera visual effects that u can't see but you won't die because the enemy's move to slow to kill you. So, to succeed in that ? Seconds you have to smash buttons and hope you killed something.


The BEST (and only) rage game I’ve ever played!!

I’ve seen all the videos of Sam hogan making this game, and I love how amazing it is! It has that one little bit that makes it so much different from getting over it. Although I do have some suggestions for the next update. First, maybe for the first time your playing, there could be a small tutorial lever teaching the player about the mechanics of each game mode. Also, I love the additions of different skin types, but I was wondering if there could also be different unlockable particle effects. Maybe it could be a particle streamer while you jump around, of if it’s changing the splatter particles when you land, it would be awesome!


There is a bug

The bug is where you are on a moving platform, and it gets close to a wall. Your character sticks to the wall and the moving platform, causing you to stretch and fall. There’s also another, albeit weird, bug where you die, but right before you do, you watch an ad to undo your last move. When the ad ends, the “You Ded” screen appears, but there is no option to undo your last move. You have to go back to the last checkpoint, which can be frustrating at times. Please look at these bugs and fix them so that we can play with no problems. Thank you!


Frustratingly Fun and Addictive!

StickWithIt is awesome and I have been playing for a month so far, and I am really loving it. I recommend you make the levels a bit shorter, because if you are very far and you die at the end of the level frustration builds up, and can make very frustrated users delete StickWithIt . Besides that I think the game is amazing, (although I’m on level 1 still) and I really think you should continue adding onto it. I haven’t experienced any bugs in the game, which is great and means this game is well made. I think this game is awesome, and I even have put money for it. I hope you read this dev!!


Very Hard, but Enjoyable

It is very fun and difficult, but I have one problem. After you pass the seventh checkpoint, you have to hop on a bunch of small pipes around spikes. After that, there is a super fast platform you have to jump on, but even if you manage to do that, it is impossible to stay on. The stick mechanic fails to keep you on the platform, and you are thrown off. This happens after it moves back and forth TWICE. This makes it way too difficult to progress, and I may have to wait for this to be fixed before I can continue.


Lives up to expectations

It is hard but fun. So glad it’s now on Mobile. If your going for a true experience I would go for the impossible mode and if your just not up to that right now there is a slightly easier mode. Both are hard and I still don’t know where it ends. There are a lot of glitches but that just makes it better. A quick laugh in the mist of rage. I have been playing for a while still don’t think I am even close to the end. It’s definitely hard but don’t be one of those people who gives a one star because it’s to hard for you. Perfect game


Good Game, But Needs Updates.

So, I Like The Difficulty. It’s Hard, Like It’s Supposed To Be, So I’m Not Gonna Say We Need An Easy More, Because We Don’t. However What I Do Need Is The Ability To Undo A Checkpoint Press. For Example, What If You Got To The Very Last Jump Before The Next Checkpoint, But You Accidentally Press The Checkpoint Button? Then You Need To Make It All The Way Back To The Next Checkpoint, Because It Doesn’t Let You Undo That. Also I Would Like Some Sort Of Infinite Mode Where You Can Play Forever But Don’t Take Out The Normal Mode. Also Please Put The Infinite Level Robot Game (Find Bill, I Think) On Mobile. That’s All And Great Game.


This game is Golden!

Hi, I’m one of your biggest fans of this game! I love it, it's super fun, I haven't Really seen to much bugs but there's a few, the game is really hard on impossible and hard mode,
But normal not so bad, I absolutely love how you added skins and normal mode! But you haven't updated this game in a year, are you just gonna leave all your fans in the dust!!! We want more skins, new course, some sort of multiplayer! Sam please!!! I watched your videos On making the game, and you said you're going to add skins abd normal mode to save the game from becoming a complete failure! Well you did, but please update it before 2022!!! I completed normal Mode but now there's nothing really left for me to do! Except try to get to the fourth checkpoint on hard mode! Which is so hard!!! I don't wanna be rude but can you please respond to my review and tell me why you're just leaving us in the dust. Please Sam. Love the game Super addicting but needs a major update!! Have fun bye.


Sticking with it

So, the game is AMAZING and beat it. Just not on impossible or hard difficulties, you WILL pull your hair out. The skins are fun and funny, and even have unique hit boxes! And, you can go through the whole game and not see a single ad. Or need to pay any micro transactiony lootboxy garbage. There is a SINGLE micro transaction, for unlocking all the skins. Did ya screw up? You CAN watch a ad to undo a move...but you don’t have to. Also, the game is VERY well designed. Top quality level design, quality sound effects, and fun. Hard and impossible modes are what one can call a “rage” game, which it does wonderfully. I do have some complaints, mainly the final checkpoint in normal mode. A track of spikes runs through moving platforms, and if ye get hit, and watch a ad, when you spawn, you instantly die, because you spawn in the spikes. I hope this gets patched out soon. Other than that, amazing experience!

Is Stick With It Safe?

Yes. Stick With It is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 5,806 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Stick With It Is 48.0/100.

Is Stick With It Legit?

Yes. Stick With It is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 5,806 Stick With It User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Stick With It Is 64/100..

Is Stick With It not working?

Stick With It works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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