Ice Scream 3 Reviews

Ice Scream 3 Reviews

Published by on 2024-02-05

About: The ice-cream seller has come to the neighborhood! He has kidnapped your friend
and neighbor Mike and you've witnessed it all… He has frozen your best
friend using some sort of superpower and has taken him somewhere with his van.
Your friend is missing, and worse… What if there are more children like him?
This terrifying ice-cream seller's name is Rod, and he seems to be very
friendly towards kids; however, he has an .

About Ice Scream 3

To do this, you will travel through different scenarios and solve the necessary puzzles to save the frozen child.

This terrifying ice-cream seller's name is Rod, and he seems to be very friendly towards kids; however, he has an evil plan, and you need to find out where is it.

If you want to enjoy an experience of fantasy, horror, and fun, play now "Ice Scream: Horror Neighbor".

- Solve puzzles to rescue your neighbor from the clutches of this horrific enemy.

He has frozen your best friend using some sort of superpower and has taken him somewhere with his van.

Your mission will be hiding inside his van and solving the mystery of this evil villain.

- Move to different scenarios with the van and discover all its secrets.

Each update will bring new content, fixes, and improvements based on your comments.

It is recommended to play with headphones for a better experience.

- Rod will listen to all your movements, but you can hide and deceive him, so he does not see you.

The action and the shouts are guaranteed.

All you know is that he takes them into the ice cream van, but you don't know where they go after that.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 8,608 combined software reviews.

700 Ice Scream 3 Reviews

4.5 out of 5



I love these Ice Scream games a lot! I am excited for what the 4th one would be like. I know that in those trailers that we have to destroy Rod’s house so we could stop him once and for all. I think maybe what the 5th one could have maybe where he is back and he still wants to freeze us all. And maybe even has a second scar on his mask, that would be cool. Idea: maybe the 4th or 5th one could have where it’s every single location and we have to hide from Rod and The Evil Nun. And maybe Rod gets a second pet to stop us. And what if Rod makes a robot version of him? Maybe Rod decides to make an army of robots of him... Robo-Rods... Maybe they have glowing red eyes?
And maybe where we have to save our friends before he turns them into ice cream.
Idea for Episode 4: We get sent to a secret lab location that Rod has to keep us and we need to get out of it and help each friend and try to stop Rod. Maybe Episode 4 is when we burn his house and Episode 5-7 is when he is back and isn’t giving up. What if he kept his ingredients for his ice cream in his truck so he is able to try again.
I hope these ideas can get you some ideas of what to do with Episode 4 and maybe even Episode 5. I do not want this game series to end, it’s a masterpiece.


My Opinions

This is a really great game!!! I love the story, the plot, the characters, the graphics, everything!!! I know it just came out two months ago, but there’s some glitches I wanted to let you know about! When I would try to move my screen slightly up, it would make my screen look all the way up as well as when I would try to look around it would do the same. Another thing is, when I would try to use the crowbar for the wood in the stall, it wouldn’t work. I don’t know if that’s what you use it for, but if it is then it wasn’t working for me. Now, I’m not mad it’s just that I would like for it not to do that please! There’s also something I kind of was wondering if you could take into consideration too. When Rod is chasing you and you try to run behind something, he already knows to turn around and go where you’re going, which I might sound like I’m just trying to make it easier but, it’s kind of unfair. In real life, he probably wouldn’t do that and yes, I know this is a game but you know what I mean! I’m sorry if I’ve made anyone upset or anything and if I made the creators scoff or laugh at anything that sounded stupid!! Thank you for reading this!!!


A really good game but...

Oh my gosh such a good game I can’t stop complaining on how good the game is. It’s a really fun game all the areas are really big and fun to play in. But there is a few things that I want to say that are messed up from this game please fix the bugs. It’s really annoying are used outwit on my computer and I put a wall around Mike in the cut scene and then after the cut scene I got teleported to Rod and I couldn’t move I went out of the game and I couldn’t play for a week after that week I went back into the game and I was stuck in my room and I close IceScream3 and I went back in and I couldn’t move but please win a new game comes out can you please fix the bugs I will be super happy and I am not saying that this is a bad game it just needs some fixes So KEPLERAINS keep up the good work



This is a great great game when you see that ice cream maker makes some like kind of noise I don’t know it looks like when you step on something boom and there is also some bugs One time I get the map go to the circus and then I go to walls when I touch a wall I can go into it and then it’s very fun I want to attract rod Number two bug. The number to bug is that when you climb ladders like in the circus or the camping and then you use Mike electric shotgun and then you climb the ladder and a track that stupid ice cream maker and then shoot it when it tries to climb the ladder one minute will be out and then when it wakes up you can touch him he won’t catch you to death and he he cannot go anywhere he’s like I don’t know. This game I also know how to win this game or beat this game but I filled every time but I will be harnessed I will not give up anyway I will never let Rod get Mike never ever


Pretty cool👍

This is awesomely made but factory of chapter 4 it’s so hard the new ice scream chapter and keep doing the good work ice scream owners! From evil nun as ice scream presents Evil Nun, that game is automatically hard because Nun hears everything like the whole game is hard of evil nun I pretty like things the owner made and yeah. Also ice scream owners! You guys make the famous game in town! You would earn an award for the best game and coolest! This game as everyone appreciates you might earned an award, As you guys have merch it’s a famous game that you guys made But as I say pretty cool is that there is a problem like I said in the title pretty cool, as I wrote pretty that means ice scream has an problem and evil nun the problem is that both of the game don’t give you allowance to jump that’s one problem so just fix every chapter! That’s why I say it’s a bit hard it’s kinda hard I say, keep up the good work!👏🏻👏🏻



I know that in those trailers that we have to
destroy Rod's house so we could stop him
once and for all. I think maybe what the 5th
one could have maybe where he is back
and he still wants to freeze us all. And
maybe even has a second scar on his
mask, that would be cool. Idea: maybe the
4th or 5th one could have where it's every
single location and we have to hide from
Rod and The Evil Nun. And maybe Rod
gets a second pet to stop us. And what if
Rod makes a robot version of him? Maybe
Rod decides to make an army of robots of
him. Robo-Rods…. Maybe they have
glowing red eyes?
And maybe where we have to save our
friends before he turns them into ice
Idea for Episode 4: We get sent to a secret
lab location that Rod has to keep us and
we need to get out of it and help each
friend and try to stop Rod. Maybe Episode
4 is when we burn his house and Episode
5-7 is when he is back and isn't giving up.
What if he kept his ingredients for his ice
cream in his truck so he is able to try
I hope these ideas can get you some ideas
of what to do with Episode 4 and maybe
even Episode 5. I do not want this game
series to end, it's a masterpiece.


Ice scream 4 plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know that the end of ice scream 3 seemed to be the end but I mean come on, we have to know more about Rod and his family like, what was Rod’s dad’s life like, or why they all became evil or why did Rod’s mom leave or about Rod’s sister and yeah. Even evil nun has 2! So like there’s gotta be an ice scream four. I’ll share my ideas later but, ice scream 4 has to exist! Like it can’t end like that how they all got frozen at the end except for J, it cant end at all! Anyway Liz and Mike, HAVE to end together. I’m not trying to be mean or anything, i’m just saying, if this is the end overall I won’t like this anymore. Anyway overall, the game’s great. But remember to make an ice scream 4 ok? And if u are planning on it or adding stuff to the ice scream games then great!


I is good but I have some recommendations

This game is very good but I have a lot of recommendations for the all the games. my first recommendation is that it has a arrow that points to where the item is so then they can finish the game easily with out deleting IceScream3 because of how hard it is. My second recommendation is make the kid who is saving the other kids talk because it would add more realistic effects to IceScream3 . My last and third recommendation is that rod or the evil ice cream maker hide the key for the pad lock in the van so then they can help save the other kids with some help. Those were my recommendations and the review part is that the graphics were really good but the ghost mode I found that rod or evil ice cream maker is not seen any where around the map so that’s why I am giving it 3 stars but besides that the game is pretty good


This game had a few bugs but........

I’ve been waiting for a while to get this game and I was so excited. Honestly, once I got on the game it was basically the same as the first two. There were just a few glitches here and then. For example, when I visited the metro station, I kept trying to go back to the ice cream truck from the tracks, but some glitch made me fall right through the floor. That was frustrating of course, so I had to start the game over again. There was this one glitch where I was in ghost mode, and Rod kept trying to go through a doorway, but it kept closing shut on him. I’m not complaining though. I really loved the story to this game and it’s puzzles.



So over the span of two days yes two days I completed it no not in one run that would be stupid but after idk 10 11 tries I got the flipping red horse it doesn’t take skill it takes caution and any time you have to make a sharp turn press the brake a little then get back to pressing the gas a little often but not holding it that was my problem the first few times then I tried walking got so close but never got the thing is the ending I got was ##### ###### ######## ######. Yes I did do that but in the end you get the last rod’s Item which is the #*^#*^ *^%#*%^*#^ yes I also did that but now I want to see if you can get a “good ending” or if that’s the only ending. But it’s amazing!


Ice scream3!!!!!

Hi, I am a big fan of your games there the best but there’s one problem when you are trying to do the race game in the mall the bike is very hard to move around and yes you don’t have to use it. And that’s another thing I think the timer on the race game is very short. I tried over 15 times and I love the games but I just can’t win and I know others who can’t bet it also. So thank you to who ever is reading this and taking the time hopefully this will change. And I am not trying to be rude or disrespectful I just wanted someone to know.

Thank you.

Ps. I love this game also One and two I hope you are not upset if you see this


Love the game but there’s a problem

When I get a ad during ghost mode it’s mostly fin cause I skip it but with some ad’s it doesn’t let me skip the ad so I have to leave the game and wait a long time until the ad just go away and then reset the whole game :( also when I wrote ice scream 3 on the fridge my game freezes and I wait for something to happen but nothing does so I delete IceScream3 and get it again also everytime I leave the game my game restarts I was almost done with the game because I found the cage key and I had to leave the game so I did then I came back a few minutes later I HAD TO RESTART THE GAME. So now I give it 3 stars but it’s also good but I hate the ads just pop up during ghost mode also please make remove ads at least 2.99 or something .-. I don’t have very much :/


I love this game but a few things

I absolutely love this game so, so much but there are a few glitches that make me pretty annoyed; 1. Sometimes when I’m just walking I fall through the floor and then I have to restart the game and sometimes I’m so close to winning but there’s nothing I can do about it.
2. Sometimes when I get captured by Rod I fall through the floor but I also have an item in my hand so when I go back to the place I died at to get the item that was in my hand it’s not there anymore and I cannot complete the game and I have to restart it.

Those are really only the big complaints I have, and I have no idea if you can control those glitches but I thought I’d let you know anyways.

I hope there is going to be an Ice Scream4! I love all your games and I’ve completed all of them except for 3 so far.

Thank you for your time, Fiona Howard


Make more!

Hi I just finished ice scream 3 and the ending was very very surprising and exciting so maybe I thought that you could do an ice scream 4 and I hope a lot of other people agree with me too.
And also, wouldn’t it be fun that there was an impossible mode I have ideas but I want you to decide what to do for the impossible mode. If you want to hear my ideas just say so but if you don’t wanna use them, that’s okay. But in ice scream 4, can Rod have a girlfriend?(That was my sister’s idea.) If you already have planned more ice scream games then thank you very much but if you didn’t then please use my ideas. Ok bye!


It’s new, but the bugs stop me from getting out of the neighborhood

Ok, this game is so good! But I have complaints. I can’t refill Mike’s electro gun even if I watch the ad! Also, the last time I played the game, I couldn’t shoot the electro gun and slingshot. I understand it’s version 1.0.1, or whatever version it is, but please fix this! I was close to beating it, I only had to place the red horse on the chest in the treehouse. I got the cage key, and threw it in the ice cream van, then I picked up the electro gun and I couldn’t shoot it. I couldn’t watch the ad! Next I got caught and it was my last life. Anyway, please fix it, Keplerians Team!


Super good

Wow I saw this game for the first time being the first time I played a ice scream games because my mom and dad never really let me get games because I don’t really play them I’m a roblox kid but I got this after school a long time ago and ended up getting so mad because I went to do a text and it reset me I was so mad but then I remembered how everything was and got that done in like 23 minutes I spent 14 of those trying to get out of that circus lol but I finished it but sadly I did it on ghost mode because I was like I don’t feel like having to get caught I just wanna see what the game is like hehe I am happy for 4 I hope


Please put more time into this

First the loading screens I was doing the fish mini game and I got the loading screen the game soft locked me so I went back to the main menu but the game does not save data so I had to start from the beginning. It was really annoying and frustrating and also this game is . very glitchy. I’ve had to restart the whole game for many of these glitched reasons maybe if the developers put time into their games and not just releasing it every 12 seconds and patch bugs maybe won’t be so glitchy so I request developers. Please put a patch on all of your games to fix loading screen problems and glitches the story is good, but just not enough time for all the patches


I love your games so much

I’ve been playing your games for years I recently preorder evil nun to but you need more games more fun games like I have an idea for a game so you start off in the dungeon and there’s this guy named Bob and you have to find a password because you’re in like a dungeon room and the past because the door has a password lock and there’s a piece of paper that has the password and then when you get out there’s a hammer and you have to try and smash the window but he has A gate and you have to get red and orange keys I didn’t think of it all the way but yeah


Great Game but with a few bugs

Game is great. Not too hard but not too easy. Balancing is good too. It’s also good it expands on the story and calls back a lot to the previous games. The only bad part is the bugs. At something times when I watch an ad, I fall through the map with no way of getting up. Important times also sometimes fall through the map. Also the fishing is glitched and is nigh impossible to complete. If there is an easier way to fish then it should be more apparent. Even with these bugs it’s still a great game


Can you make ice scream 4

Can you pls make ice scream 4 pls if you do can it be easy and this time if you go in ghost mode can you make it have no ads pls I really want to play in ghost mode without any ads because I don’t like ads at all because it’s so annoying when it’s your favorite part and an ad comes you might be so annoyed so please make ice scream 4 without ads in ghost mode! Btw I’m 13 and I love all your games you make so pls make what I suggested! Thank you for reading this and usually I don’t type for this long lol!


Great game but sooooo many glitches

Hi! I really enjoy the ice cream series, but they’re are so many glitches. Some times I’ll fall through the world and the only way I can keep playing is to restart everything. Or that when I look around it’s jumpy and it glitches and makes me go back to the place I was looking originally. Also any time I try to get the golden fish. It’s just not there. I’ve tried so many times on different difficulties but it never shows up which is frustrating. Please fix the glitches. I love the game and I don’t want to delete it or give it a bad rating it just frustrating because the series is so good. Anyways keep up the good work❤️



Dear Keplerians, I’ve liked Ice Scream 2 SOO much. First I’ve beaten ghost mode, then normal, then hard, and now I’ve beaten EXTREME. Ghost mode wasn’t that bad. Normal was not even stressful at all. Hard was a bit stressful, the only thing that stress me out is when Rod ran towards me. That boy went like: DEJA VU, DEJA VU. And now I’m gonna explain the most stressful one for me. Extreme mode. Extreme mode is the most stressful because literally only 1/3 of my iPad was visible, and the 2/3 I couldn’t even see anything. Then, with the help of the ball gun, I managed to beat extreme mode. I went like: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAHAH. I just wanted you let you know that thank you so much for adding the ball gun. The ball gun is a really useful item. I couldn’t believe that I’m only 11 years old and I’ve beaten all modes. It would be really cool if you added to all the first games an impossible mode. And on Ice Scream 4, 5, 6, and 7, you could add extreme. That’s all I want to say, keep up the good work Keplerians!
Sincerely, Jesus.


The game is good but…

My little brother always says “why do they have ads for ghost mode?” So if you can remove that and the motorcycle gives me quite rushment so if you can expand the time a little bit it can be more easier. And also if we can explore the house more and have more YouTuber codes that will be good I think. And rod is quite scary for my brother when he is chasing him. When the ice cream
Truck would have rod in it I wish the ice cream would be 2% less fat. And if the hints needed like 4 coins + 4 coins I think that could be good. And if the game had more places on the map that could be SO GOOD and that was all hope you all got this down and have a good day😃.


The moment you fall in love with the saga

OK, this installment this installment oh my God this was a good installment for the franchise. I don’t think it’s as good as ice scream 2 but it’s definitely better than ice scream 1 so, just like the two other games, that follow saving Liz and Charlie this follows saving Mike And it was basically a big set up for the final chapter. It has the crocodile sister, Madeline. Let’s talk about that I love how Keplerians all there other sagas canon with each other in someway or another oh, in the ending was very unexpected at the end where Jay saves Mike I’m live in Charlie yell out we’ve come home we’re a great team and Mike also says thank you which causes Rod to hear them and freezes Mike Liz and Charlie. I guess that’s why Jay didn’t have a voice until I scream five. so anyways, J gets the secret ingredient makes rods ice cream and becomes fat gets kidnapped by Rod and gets taken to the factory. My final conclusion it’s pretty good and was a big set up for the eighth and final game



This is a really cool game with a pretty good story. However, I think the player should be able to look around the house more. Every room is locked and I feel it could be a good idea to open it more as hiding spots or something. I was confused as to why the player can go fishing. I did it and then tried to give it to the crocodile but it’s not enough time to get it there and he still tries to attack you. The motorbike gives me MAD anxiety buts it’s really fun maybe just make it easier to drive. Same thing as ice Scream 2, Liz is very annoying. Having to persuade her and Charlie is an interesting choice but goodness it takes forever. Especially if Rod is chasing you so maybe allow J to hide so he can talk to them and be able to get them a little easier. The guy at the information desk at the shopping center is cleaver and funny but I would click the button and the same paragraph would be said even though I already heard the first one. Other than that it was really cool! I like how it sets up the Evil Nun

Is Ice Scream 3 Safe?

Yes. Ice Scream 3 is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 8,608 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Ice Scream 3 Is 30.2/100.

Is Ice Scream 3 Legit?

Yes. Ice Scream 3 is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 8,608 Ice Scream 3 User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Ice Scream 3 Is 54.7/100..

Is Ice Scream 3 not working?

Ice Scream 3 works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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