β’ If User B has a device without GPS (desktop computer, tablet), the determined location may have a large accuracy margin (up to 5 km).
Has it ever happened that you have to meet someone and the person can't explain where he/she is? This app will quickly find the location of another phone by sending a text message request.
User B must agree to share the location with you.
β’ If User B clicks on the link, user A will see the location of user B.
β’ User A enters the phone number of User B into the app.
Most phones manufactured after 2010 can accept this request, no need to install any additional app on the 2nd person's phone.
β’ The app generates a unique URL, and the URL is sent to User B.
β’ In rare situations, when user B is behind the corporate proxy, the app can show the proxy's location, not the user's.