Dentist Bling Reviews

Dentist Bling Reviews

Published by on 2024-02-05

About: Being a dentist has never been so fun..

About Dentist Bling

Treat your patients, fill their cavities, remove that plaque.

Pull out decaying teeth and replace them with shiny new ones.

Don’t forget your special BLING diamond treatment.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 168,754 combined software reviews.

20 Dentist Bling Reviews

4.6 out of 5


I would add these little things and it will be the best game ever💖

I have been playing this game for about 3 days and it got kinda boring. But I have something in mind you could do witch is make it so that you chose what you have to do and when you are finished. Like if you think the person needs braces you chose the braces and put them where ever you want. Or if they need to pull a tooth then chose witch ones and add new ones even if they don’t need it there. If you add those changed I would love this game I feel like that would make it so much more fun. And I would like you to try to add that in the next few updates and if you are thinking of doing it please reply to my review. Thank You!!


Generally a good game in my taste

As I said, this is a generally good game in my taste. It’s not that interesting, but it’s still satisfying and fun for me at least. The only problem I had was when I got to a certain level and I never moved on from the patient. I was stuck just cleaning her teeth and filling her cavities. I uninstalled and reinstalled DentistBling and it was fixed. Another thing I should mention is the POV camera. It’s not a huge issue, but the way it randomly moves from one side of the mouth to the other is irritating, usually when I’m pulling teeth or blinging their teeth. The fact that I can’t control when the sequins come out and that the camera moves too fast and out of control makes it hard to make it perfect or even presentable. I would suggest to tweak it or fix it to make the bling process more fun and easy to do and to also add new things to it or fix it to make it more fun and interesting so that it can grow. Although that frustrates me, the game is still a good game overall and I don’t think I’ll be uninstalling it anytime soon. Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful evening 🙂.



I just got the game and played about two levels of it. Same thing, same thing,SAME THING!!!!! The game isn’t that fun overall and even without ANY adds, it’s kinda useless other than to look at Unrealistic cavities that are already drilled out, dirty teeth that are blue, black,green,yellow or orange, and get DISGUSTED!
The next thing I want to talk about is how painful and unrealistic it is when you pull out the teeth. It hurts my gums to watch!!!! Just to pull out a tooth, it comes back out golden (or whatever skin is on it) and SHOVE it back into the place of the tooth. Yea because we all do THAT ^sarcasm^ please don’t get this game it is also just not fun because of the way you do everything over and over again. I also hate how whenever you are putting on braces and you apply a bracket, the tool just disappears and comes back! I also wish that you could put the brackets on and then put the wires on separately. I know it’s a lot but this game just needs that.


It’s okay😕

First I love this game it’s super fun and makes me relax super fast. But there are some changes that can be made #1:ADDS okay I’m not really the person who complains about adds I don’t mind them I get to see apps that I may like but after so many there’s only so much I can take. #2:SAME THING OVER AND OVER! Okay I read reviews and it did say it’s the same thing over and over again I was okay with it at first bc u can get the hang of the things I played to 40 then I was getting bored 😐 I was like the same thing I did this For like a year! #3:I like that it looks kinda realistic that’s really nice but when you’re done with fixing there teeth you look up and I get the chills it just looks really creepy😰 Over all this is a really good😀😁☺️ Tysm if you’re reading this BYEEE


Love it but......

I love how this game is so realistic it’s exactly like an actual dentist it’s so much fun to play this is the best game I’ve played there is one this it stays the some I can get a little boring sometimes and there are not a lot of ads but there are some that can come in the middle of the game it’s still a good game but just nothing ever new happens but it’s so much fun to have to actually pull out there teeth and put braces on the people and how the people go from happy to sad to really hurt I love this game but maybe get the no ads thing they do give you a lot of pretend money that’s another good thing about that game the thing is that for the girls in that game they give them lipstick and for the boys they don’t and that’s a little sexist


I would add more features

This game is generally fun. I have been playing for a few days and I like it, except it does get really repetitive. I have passed level 100 and I found multiple things that you guys could add to this game to make it much more entertaining. For example, you could floss the patients teeth, or you could take off braces as well, and you could even add a feature where you can spray the teeth with water like they do at the dentist. These are just some thoughts that could make this game better but overall it is a good game.


It’s mostly alright

There are a couple problems that I have. One is with the actual gameplay, one with the realism.

First off, the bonus levels are something I find to be hard. I can’t move the bling tool on the selected teeth without applying a jewel. That’s something I find really inconvenient, as it messes up my accuracy. It would help if you could turn the device on/off, and zoom in onto the teeth to make it neater.

Second of all, I think the pain tolerance for this game is very unrealistic. Sometimes, I can’t clean off two whole teeth at once without the patient being too pained and the game making me restart. Why do patients have a worse pain tolerance to simple cleaning than to their tooth getting pulled? I personally would find it way more painful to have a tooth pulled than them cleaning my teeth.


It’s ok

It’s fun, and I recommend it. I didn’t think I would like playing a game where you give people braces and such!

But, once I kept on getting the same person over and over again. It was the same girl, but her teeth were different every time. Maybe you could do something about that?

Also, maybe we could have a sort of progression with the patients. For example, maybe once someone gets braces, and later on we see them with new and improved teeth. I saw someone else mention this, and thought that it was a good idea.

And maybe you could add more things to do. For some examples, removing braces, doing impressions/molds (I forgot what they’re really called), or getting a retainer can be some of them.

Something else you could do is have an on/off thing for the bling, because I find it difficult to actually make it go where I want it to without having a few jewels on the way. This is another
thing someone else mentioned.

Anyways, I recommend this to readers. Developers, it’d be really nice if you consider my comments.



Good, but...

I got this game about 2-3 months ago and it was really fun at first... but then you just do the same thing over and over again and it gets boring. I also feel that once you get to a certain point (level) it literally is just repeating. I’m on level 204 and I just do the same old things. Other than all the negative stuff I think the game is pretty good. But I do think it would be great if you could add braces? That would make this game 100% better 👍🏼great game but needs a tiny bit of work. Totally recommend to anyone who wants a good game but your not thinking about a game that is long term



For once I was happy to find a game that was enjoyable, didn’t have too many ads, and had appropriate ads, when I first started playing, the ads were for normal kid games, and there was an excess of them, but they had mini games in the ads so it was less annoying. As I continued to play, I noticed some of the ads were beginning to be very inappropriate, showing a game where you have to scan a person to “find weapons” in reality, it was showing a woman in underwear and it almost showed all of her top half without clothes which is VERY AGGRAVATING!!! Children do not need to see this, teenagers do not need to see this, adults do not need to see this. Please change your ad producers so you won’t show such woman shaming and disgraceful ads!


Don’t get dentist bling :)

Ok so i like DentistBling but what I don’t like is that it booted me out a lot of time and I mean A LOT of times also it was keep on freezing I understand that you guys fixed the bugs but come on why it gotta be this also h this add come up and it showed dentist bling and you can hurt there mouths?? But it won’t let me ( must be edited ) anyways plz fix the game it’s really hard and I deleted DentistBling right when it booted me out it was like 4 times it booted me many times it freezes is 2 so plz fix it ty for having time to read this!!!



Great game but.....

So this game is great but there Are some things I would like to change. When you put the diamond studs on teeth, when you move it might switch sides and mess it up. Also it moves a lot making it very hard. I would also change the pain bar at the top. With that you have to do one thing then do another really spaced out in times. Like 3 seconds apart. So that is all I would like to change and I know nobody will respond but that is fine!



I think this game is fun, cute, and easy. BUT once I passed level 130 I got the same character over and over again with almost the same things to fix. So that is something the developer may want to fix. The level up thing is also stuck on 20% so now I’m not able to get anything else. Also there are quite a lot of ads but they don’t pop up after every single level.

Okay so these problems were fixed but OMG so many ads! I’m tempted to delete this game because ads pop up so much and in the middle of you playing the game. Like after the level sure an ad is fine but during the level please stop!


10 levels in the game, here is my review

First off, the game wouldn’t let me in at first, so I restarted and it let me in. Then I was at the first level. I tapped, because it said tap to start and I played. In the Ads the developers made, the patient will be bleeding and saying “OW!”. I saw none of that I tried to make the patient be in discomfort but it wouldn’t let me. After 2-3 levels of the game, I got my first Ad. I noticed a discomfort meter on my left. If I didn’t stop to let the patient relax it would turn redder and go up. The levels get longer as you progress and you need to use more tools. Otherwise there’s skins you can unlock/buy using money.



The game is really goood I’ve in enjoyed and I’m abouslty impressed of the developers it has amazing coding and overall great game the only problem I’ve had tho is when I finish a level I’m on 126 the game gives me an ad and then it freezes and it won’t let click next level until I refresh it so if you could read this and try to fix it that would be great anyways it’s been a great experience


A little disappointed

I love this game. I play it all the time, but it gets boring after a while because you do the same things over and over again. If the game had like a progression or something with the patients that would be really nice. For example, when the people get their braces on, they come back and we see their improved teeth & give them another clean. Having levels that are harder would also be a good improvement. I just cannot stand doing the same 4 techniques in the game it gets so boring after about 10 levels.



Overall this is a really fun game, although it has some problems. When I first downloaded the game it was really fun and I loved putting the braces on people! But when I got way more into the game it seemed boring. I recommend add more stuff! But my second problem is TO MUCH ADDS. I played allot of your games and well....they all have way to much adds! It gets you more money and all that, but haven’t you thought about the people who buy the games? Exactly. I deleted the games because of to much adds. 4 stars


Its really fun but....

So I really love this game! Its really fun...however...there are two things i don't like about it. One is that when you are playing there could be ads in the middle of cleaning someones teeth or whatever. The other thing is that no matter how high of a level you are, you do the sane things as the lower levels. Id really like if the levels got harder or something because it would probably make it ALOT funner. So yea thats my review and i hope the creators of this game take these things into consideration because i would be really happy if they did. Bye!


Good game

This is a fun game there is always different people.

But... it would be even better if you could stop the gems from coming out to fast. Also when it shows you the finished patient and you just put braces on them, or just put a gold tooth on them it would show that on there teeth. Thanks for your hard work.


fun but

i really like this game, but you get to point where nothing happens like it’s the same thing over!!!! so many cool things abt this game but i’m boredddd. it would be cool if you had a tray of tools and then u can pick up which tool you need. the bling tool is very difficult and i think something is kind of off with it. if u had to use a little more skill like where to place braces it would be cool. or if patients had names and could come back and get a retainer mold or an x-ray. maybe more personalization with the office itself. it’s a great game it’s just SUPER BORING after awhile. please add on it had potential!!

Is Dentist Bling Safe?

Yes. Dentist Bling is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 168,754 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Dentist Bling Is 42.8/100.

Is Dentist Bling Legit?

Yes. Dentist Bling is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 168,754 Dentist Bling User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Dentist Bling Is 61.8/100..

Is Dentist Bling not working?

Dentist Bling works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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