OneShot Golf: Robot Golf & Win Reviews

OneShot Golf: Robot Golf & Win Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-24

About: Control Real-World Golfing Robots, compete against each other, and win real
prizes! OneShot Golf is a brand new skills-based mobile game that puts YOU in
control of REAL-WORLD golfing robots for a true-to-life Esports experience!
Players compete against each other in daily tournaments for real life prizes
on a selection of different golf courses. Play today for free and win daily
prizes! Features: - Live video action -.

About OneShot Golf

Players compete against each other in daily tournaments for real life prizes on a selection of different golf courses.

We recommend a stable internet connection with a minimum 2 Mbps.

Public WIFI is not recommended.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 15,866 combined software reviews.

620 OneShot Golf Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Awesome concept, but a few suggestions

I downloaded One Shot Golf a little bit ago and I think it’s so fun. During the period where TikTok blew up the game it was a little hard to play games, but it has died down a little so it’s more bearable and easier to get in. The robots work extremely well when you have a good connection, and I love the games that have live hosts that cheer you on.

However, I do have one suggestion though that I would love if you could look into it. It’s pretty hard to get tokens in the game without paying real money for it. While you do get a free play, I think you should implement a daily token reward system or daily spin-to-win system where it could be possible for players to get a few tokens by spinning a wheel or logging in every day.

In the daily log in example, the amount of tokens/points rewarded every day could get larger if the player keeps a log in streak. In the spin-to-win example, every 24 hours a player logs in, they would have a chance to spin a wheel. The wheel could have prizes like tokens, points, and free plays. I think it would also help to have more players log in every day and play to win. While I know that you have to make some kind of profit since prizes are real money, the rewards do not have to be large so that you can still have in-app purchase options.



This is one of the most fun virtual games I have ever played it’s better then most the games I play on my Xbox. You get three free plays a day and if you want you can buy more tokens but this game is completely free to play unless you want to spend money and there is no ads. The major thing about the game is the prizes when i first started playing I was Skeptical if the prizes were real but they are. When I won my first prize I immediately got an email to claim my prize. And they have wonderful customer service in there discord they have a bug report part and when I reported the bug I had they refunded my play. This game is one of my favorites.


Must be robots playing cause I can’t ever get in

Update: Per our previous discussion, I understand you are swamped but if a million people showed up to a restaurant, they would shut down once they hit capacity for the night. This is why restaurants use a reservation system. Because your product is a physical object and you are constrained to using the few you have now, you need to use a reservation system until you can operate efficiently. People can sign up for courses during time slots 24 hours a day while you build more and expand. As of now, I still have to click multiple times throughout an hour just to maybe get one game. You will lose people if you can’t find a way to fix it temporarily because many people will just quit and move on.

I’ve tried for hours to play one course and can’t even get in line. Every single time tells me it’ll notify me when it’s not at capacity yet never alerts me even when I see the number of people in line changing live. It’s a great concept but horribly executed. And saying that it’s popularity is the cause for the long waits is cheap because you should have prepared for large number of users.


The game was fun

As more I play the game it was fun at the beginning but as they upgrade the games I’ve started to notice that they are making them even harder to get the ball in the holes now so you spend more money but I noticed certain games are rigged because when they give you the white line to show you where the ball will go but the actual putter is slightly crooked so as it shows The path for the ball with the putter being crooked the ball does not fold that direct path just be prepared to spend a lot of money for prizes that you will never reach there is a way to fix this make the games not rigged also when they start seeing people do good on a game they update it so they’ll make it even harder for anyone to win they are starting to make this game about money and not fun which is sad but I do understand
But player beware get ready to spend a lot of money for wins you’ll never get


Fun, reasonably priced, but unreliable

I’ve been playing for a little less than a week and initially found it really addicting. For what amounts to about $0.50 you can play a round and in each round you have an equal opportunity to earn a prize.

The biggest problem here is maintenance or perhaps even supervision. I’ve played 35 rounds thus far and during those rounds I’ve experienced the following.

1. 2 rounds in which balls weren’t distributed to me.

2. At least 6 rounds in which the motorized objects where not moving (sometimes to my benefit, sometimes making the hole impossible)

3. One round in which my game glitched and after putting I started watching the person putting after me, then the next person, then the next.. effectively resulting in me going through rounds not putting.

4. Multiple rounds where triggers aren’t scored, but also instances where I didn’t hit my mark and still got the points.

5. “Flat” holes that obviously have slanted play surfaces due to direction of ball travel.

Fun game, cool concept, really sucked me in, but it’s just not reliable enough to justify spending real money on it.


How I feel.

So, I downloaded this game yesterday and I LOVED it but today I mean I love it still but one thing is bothering me. So I got 2 free plays but I was in the middle of a round and I quit and it didn’t give me the free play back. That didn’t bother me that much. But the next game I was playing with the free pass it said reconnecting… so I connected to the robot at 1 second left so I didn’t get to do anything. So I was wondering can you make the time stop when it says reconnecting? But besides that I REALLY love this game and even with that glitch I still REALLY love this game. While your reading this your probably thing CRINGE but I’m spitting facts this game is awesome 5/5 stars!


Doesn’t work

This game I saw things about it that looked really fun the prizes they should take that out because then it becomes one of those games that are like free money blah blah blah when most of the time it isn’t and I don’t even care about the prizes I just want to play but how are you going to tell me that every time I tried to join a lobby in every single one they have it said too full and notify later I got up at 4am and say thing and there was never a notification meaning are you saying it was packed for the whole day that’s bull the game looked really fun but at the end it was a disappointment and they can make something good out of this game they just need to do a whole turn around and could honestly be a game that would everyone would want to use it’s just more are the creators willing to take the time and chance to do it well we will have to see
Thank you


Pros and cons

First off I absolutely love this idea of golfing behind a screen it’s amazing and second the pros of this is the fact that it’s free to play and free to golf and how if you want to win money you’ll have to pay tokens to play. I also like how you don’t have employees working at night and have many courses and levels to play. A cos of this game is that when you tap left to right to move the stick it kinda takes long and costs you time which I hope you fix that and that’s really it for me it’s amazing I hope you succeed enough to to where you have multiple courses and waaaay more levels


Amazing Game

Hello the is Natedogz7 I found OneShotGolf from TikTok. I love how this game is and it’s very ver unique. I also love how this games is created in USA like from most apps like this like an arcade app it is out of USA. But I have a little suggestion I know this is only a golf game but you guys should add mini games in here also that is robotic. But other than that for anyone seeing this review I strongly recommend this game and yes there might be waits and stuff but this is a new app and it will only get better throughout the years and get bigger. So honestly we all just need to be patient. Oh and great job staff and creators!!!



This game is plain awful. I hate it. I shot the ball one way and it went backwards. The physics are worse than jfks assasination, and, theres no physical realism involved. I hit the ball the same way as HUNDREDS of other people and my ball WENT BACKWARDS. This game is so bad i literally would rather shave my teeth than be forced to play until i get a single point. AND 1M POINTS FOR A GIFTCARD FOR LESS THAN $15? THERES SO MUCH PAY TO WIN ID BE SAVING MONEY BY GOING TO THE STORE AND BUYING A GIFTCARD MYSELF. im only rating this one star because theres no option for a negative rating. This is the bane of all mobile games despite the “new and exciting look on mobile games” WHEN IT LITERALLY WONT EVEN GO THE RIGHT WAY WHEN I PLAY. If you ever want to see me play anything relating to your games, fix this and at least give me compensation of any kind, even just an “im sorry” for wasting my time at such a high level.


Put.. Put.. Score!!

Just a wow experience. Always loved mini golf and honestly with the convenience of picking up my phone, putting hasn’t been easier. Not only easier but actually well put together. I’ve noticed some of their staff who seem friendly enough to watch as we put and cheer us on. I’ve seen people even try to hit them but one of them is on top of that paddle he’s usually holding. I’m a nerd and fancy this sort of thing. I’ve played a lot of “Live Action” games so I feel I can tell when it’s a great time or a one and done. Well done! 5 Stars! - Brain Sauce


Awesome Game

I came from TikTok. Imagine that 😂. Anyway this game and concept is genius. If you really sit and think of the work that would go into something like this you begin to be more patient when courses are full. These people have built a wonderful game that’s not just like the rest of the cookie cutter games. Yes there can be some improvements like daily token spins. Or special prizes for loyal golfers but I believe that will come in time. I’m excited to see what is in store from these game designers. A+ game for sure. Download it and be patient you won’t regret it.


Amazing game, but it has a bit of work

I love this game a lot and recommend it, but I there are a ton of weird bugs, and it never will send you a notification when you sign up for it. Also, most of the time the queues are completely full and it is very hard to get in. Ideas I have (suggestions):
Make it so people will have to be on a cooldown for a small time so new players can get a chance
Make it so that the notifications will work if the first suggestion goes through.
That’s all. Thanks! Also, thanks to the DEVS and the people who had to originally work in the warehouses 😂 they god PELTED with golf balls



(I never review apps but OneShotGolf is too good to not praise ) I Downloaded OneShotGolf out of curiosity after seeing it on tik tok. To say this is amazing would be an understatement. The concept of OneShotGolf is awesome and the fact that it’s all free is just fantastic. The only change I’d make is maybe a better way to view the slope of each hole, but that’s not worth giving OneShotGolf anything other than a five star rating as the courses are amazing and the experience I get from playing is just awesome!


I hate this game

I downloaded this game thought it would be good but then my game Keeps on crashing the robot hand will not even move at all it would just stay in place I’ll keep on glitching and I can’t even move anywhere and the timer still going down and it will not move keeps on crashing the robot hand will not even move at all it would just stay in place it’ll keep on glitching and I can’t even move it anywhere and the timer still going down and it will not move and I will be there struggling to get it to move I’m holding it down and I’m clicking it left from right I tried holding down the other one and it still won’t work that’s why give it one star it’s terrible


I love this game!

I don’t write reviews very often but this game is incredible! My friend told me about it and after I’ve played a few games I love it. The fact that I am controlling IRL robots is amazing and the courses are fun.

In the future I would like a membership option that you can pay monthly for a few private courses for members only and a certain amount of tokens you get with the membership so you can play more games than just one free one per day.



Why I love OneShotgolf

I love one shot golf because it is easy to use and to play. Their customers support is amazing and it is easy to get points I be playing for a few months now I have made like 75 dollars in gift cards so far but it can be buggy like all apps they can be buggy that doesn’t usually happen often and when it does they usually patch it pretty fast. I hope this is help full.


Your classic social media promoted game

Don’t get me wrong, this concept is fun and something that hasn’t been done before. But it’s virtually impossible to get into a game. The amount of robots vs. actual people trying to play the game is too big of a difference to even get into a game. I did finally get in one time after many tries and the experience was average. The response time between you and the robot makes gameplay harder but it didn’t stop you from sending a ball into the hole. Overall, it’s a concept they can build off of, but have to come in with a better way to suit such a large audience with the few robots they physically have that we the people can control.


Great game, but recently has fallen

This game is awesome. I first joined a month or so ago and it was the coolest experience ever. The game gives you enough free plays per day to satisfy your golf needs and all the courses are fun and competitive. But recently this has changed. The advertising on TikTok has blown OneShotGolf through the roof and OneShotGolf can’t handle the demand. If you want to play a game you have to get lucky to get into the queue of MAX people on every hole and then you have to wait an upwards of 10-15 min just to play 5 holes and repeat. Again, great game but after the popularity it is unplayable.


Fun but..

While I have enjoyed playing for months now.. it’s pretty annoying that the same people win every day, sometimes multiple times a day. I can think of 4 users off the top of my head. Not saying they don’t play the best (or cheat to win) but either way it’s kind of off putting when you know they will win and not you so what’s the point anymore! Feel like there should be some sort of rule implemented that the same people can’t take off with $1,000 worth of giftcards per week and sometimes per DAY.


Used to be great…

OneShotGolf used to be fantastic, but has recently gone severely downhill. There are no longer any free to play tournaments that give out real prizes. It’s all pay to play or has tickets to raffles for real prizes. It used to be rewarding to get good at a course and compete with other players for prizes. Their response to this issue is along the lines of ‘tournaments with prizes were more sustainable when the player base was smaller’. But the issue with that is THEY are the casino. They choose how much points are worth. They choose how much to give away every day. It’s only “unsustainable” because they’re making it that way. Bringing back even one or two classic free to play tournaments would satisfy a lot of long term players like myself.


A game where the bots always win

Back when OneShotGolf first started the game was great. Competition was high and everyone had tournaments that they were good at. Years later the player base is much smaller. Now, it’s full of bots.

You will not win any tournaments, and winning a prize draw is a nearly impossible task. The bot players never stop playing, racking up over 1 billion points in only a couple years. When the game first started, it took almost as long just to hit 1 million.

I don’t know if there are plans to quell the boys, but part of me wonders if they aren’t owned by the company. A clever means of reducing how many prizes they have to buy. That’s only a baseless speculation.


Fun game, you can make money, but the pass is…

So I just picked this game back up after a few months and my experience has been amazing!

Somethings they improved are giving you one shot each hour (they used to only give you one shot a day if I remember correctly) alongside adding a new golfing membership pass badge thing (dont know the name)

I only have one complaint about this game and its that the golfing pass only gives you double daily rewards for 14 days and is priced at $5. To add additional value to the pass i feel like they should also give 2 free plays per hour or just make the $5 pass for the whole month.

But overall i’ve actually made money from grinding specific shots and playing almost every hour. A very great game and i would definitely recommend you check it out.


Don’t download it

The game is usually rigged in most tracks and they manipulate you to buy tokens. They make outrageous goals for sweepstakes like 9 million points, or a 10 dollar gift card that you never get, I spoke to a winner because it shows the nam who won and they’ve said that they never got anything even after 3 days. Same with their PS5 giveaways. You can’t even buy it without paying 5 bucks of one play on the track. Their daily rewards and one free play make it do you play the game every single day to play just 2 games and 20 ticket to enter into heir fake giveaways. The more you play, the more they make. They shouldn’t be aloud to make it so they get rewarded for making you play.


Honestly, blew my mind

I don’t know how they can afford to run this for free, but it’s pretty awesome. I was surprised at how easy it was to jump in and play, it was pretty seamless. I think it’d be cool to have more interaction with other players though - that’d definitely increase the immersion. Maybe set up screens with the player’s faces and voices? Or animated versions it? Just an idea.

Also, I actually learned about OneShotGolf thru a meme of someone getting hit right below the belt… ouch. Thanks for taking one for the team.

Is OneShot Golf Safe?

Yes. OneShot Golf: Robot Golf & Win is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 15,866 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for OneShot Golf Is 40.7/100.

Is OneShot Golf Legit?

Yes. OneShot Golf: Robot Golf & Win is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 15,866 OneShot Golf: Robot Golf & Win User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for OneShot Golf Is 59.5/100..

Is OneShot Golf: Robot Golf & Win not working?

OneShot Golf: Robot Golf & Win works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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