Cat Simulator 3D - Animal Life Reviews

Cat Simulator 3D - Animal Life Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-08

About: Welcome to Cat Simulator 3D, where you can embark on a whisker-twitching
adventure in the vibrant world of felines! Immerse yourself in this purr-fect
kitty game and experience the thrill of living life as a virtual cat. With
endless customization options, exciting tasks, and the chance to become a brave
wild kitten warrior, Kitten Simulator 3D promises an unforgettable journey for
cute pets lovers of all ages.

About Cat Simulator 3D

Download Cat Simulator 3D now and embark on an unforgettable journey into the world of cats! Unleash your inner feline warrior and discover the endless possibilities that await in this purr-fect kitty game.

With endless customization options, exciting tasks, and the chance to become a brave wild kitten warrior, Kitten Simulator 3D promises an unforgettable journey for cute pets lovers of all ages.

Welcome to Cat Simulator 3D, where you can embark on a whisker-twitching adventure in the vibrant world of felines! Immerse yourself in this purr-fect kitty game and experience the thrill of living life as a virtual cat.

From speed boosts to special abilities, these enhancements will give you the edge as you navigate the diverse challenges of Kitten Simulator 3D.

Kitty Simulator 3D is filled with a myriad of tasks and challenges to keep you engaged.

In Kitten Simulator 3D, you have the power to create your very own kitty companion.

Create a sanctuary where your furry companions can relax and thrive in this ultimate Kitten Simulator.

Enhance your kitty life with bountiful harvests in this immersive cute pets game.

Conquer daily tasks and unlock rewards to progress further in your kitty at life journey.

Watch them grow, play, and explore alongside you in this heartwarming Kitten Simulator.

Make friends, compete in challenges, and showcase your kitty's prowess in this bustling virtual community.

Encounter a rich tapestry of wildlife as you traverse forests, mountains, and cities in this captivating Cat Simulator.

Expand your cute cat life by starting a family! Raise up to three adorable kittens, each with their own unique personalities.

Participate in seasonal events and embark on wild adventures to earn cool rewards.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 13,645 combined software reviews.

220 Cat Simulator 3D Reviews

4.6 out of 5


Good but somethings could be better.

So I have this thing where my iPad won’t let me play online because I don’t have the update so I had to delete the whole game and get it back and that took a week! Plus you shouldn’t have to pay cat coins to change your name! And why is it 7000 gems to get a third kitten! That shouldn’t be like that. You could pay like 600 gems that would’ve been way easier plus gems are the hardest to get. It’s hard. It could also be 7000 coins you know? And why can’t you eat food that you defeated? Why can’t you go outside of the base either? Plus ONLINE DATING! And players cus using different letters! And there is a bug where the boss can hit you even if he isn’t there! One more thing you can join a server and float above spawn! That’s like 20 things that need to be fixed! This took me like 15 minutes! Plus why does the max amount of have to be 16!? Like it could be 25! Also sometimes the words and names and letters and numbers glitch out! Ok now that’s everything! Thanks for reading!😸📖


Great game….

Hello, this is a very great game, but there’s a few downsides. First, the level limit. The max level is level 30, but I think it should be level 40, 50, or maybe even 100. I’m really close to being the max lv and it might get boring since u can’t level up anymore. Second is the friends part. I haven’t been playing a lot, and my friends don’t seem to be online at all anymore. I’ve tried to make new friends, but when I go into public servers all the people there are Russian, and I’m having a hard time making friends cuz I’m having a hard time finding English people, and I’m really lonely now because of it. Third is the maps. There are only 6 maps and I think there should be more. I’ve been to a lot of them many, many times. Other than that, this game is absolutely awesome and I love all the cool new updates.

Thanks for reading😸😺!


Nice but a few problems

It’s nice and fun to play online and stuff but they should have more of a filtered chat and also they really tag stuff they shouldn’t like “Japanese “ they tagged they also tagged coconut water but SOMEHOW it doesn’t tag all these cuss words! Plus there’s little kids playing and they wanna be like everyone else so they say like the B word and stuff. And I liked how they added the rule list but if they don’t want like kids online dating anymore they should REALLY remove the heart emoji and the kiss emoji. Plus I’ve seen a phew hackers that are on like some insane level and you can’t hit them and they just keep killing you without actually hitting you so if u see that just be careful! And DONT chat to them. Next I feel like the report button doesn’t work like I probably does but I feel like they should add more like idk like a place to kinda describe what they did and stuff. But other than that the game is fun and good for road trips and stuff.


Love It! But I Have Suggested...

Hello! This game is AMAZING, but I have suggestions... First, Increase the max level to level 100 or level 50. It’s boring you only have a little bit of time to level up, reach max level then a week later you decide to quit. Second, Add more items. I have unlocked almost all items, and I am kinda getting bored. Please add a Gucci Crop Tee with some black jeans, and maybe some more hats and collars, and trails. Lastly, ONLINE DATERS! You guys should get rid of the kissy emoji, and the heart face emoji. Every time I go online, I see people doing the kiss face at each other, and showing the heart face. Every single day I keep having to play on Singleplayer because it’s more family friendly. Please add reporting systems and bans. For example, “ You have been banded for 1 day due to Online Dating. Please follow our rules and be safe. “ Or something like that. That’s all! Stay safe ❤️


Update :|

Ok I have 15things I want to have in this game cause it would be fun 1: Add hoodies 2: make the lv higher like lv 100 3: make it like so you can pick up kits 4: make sure the report button works 5: add more kits for family 6: add more stuff for house in camp (offline) 7: add white eyes and rainbow cat and gingerbread cat skin and rainbow eyes and skull eyes 8: add more backpacks 9: add new hats and costumes and collars like sea shell collar 10: add new places like a floating sky castle place or like gingerbread house11: add wings 12: add new name colors like rainbow 13: add 2nd farm like with grapes, oranges, bananas, and apples 14: add better graphics to the game so they look like real cats 15: add vehicles like cars, airplanes, jets, Teslas, and skateboards (for online and offline) and also wings.

Pls add this stuff
So hit like if you want this stuff
Have fun and stay happy bye!!✌️😉


Fin but needs more touchs… thanks though!

Well this game is fun but whenever i try to climb a tree i dont really reach the Gold partes to las down or i randomly fall. Kk only 5 things to say. 1. Why are Germán sheperds so strong when you are at low level? 2. Can you add more fun games? 3. Why not adding little t-shirts to wear to look decoative? 4. Maybe you should add some cool skins. 5. How about a pvp place? Maybe some hard and easy and Just right pvp! So i have befen wondering …… why cant you carry your kittens or tell your to stay home to not follow you and Well i have been also thinking How about doing a team battle pvp ( kinda like in Wolf talis and wildcraft) against strong animal (and please no killing the team. Just the boss) and you put high rewards on the strongest pvp bosses and low awards for the weak bosses. Well thats all for now thanks tho you Great


Fun and Cute!

This game is very fun! The cats are also pretty cute! I mean like I LOOOOOVE cats. I was already very powerful and I'm level 20. It kinda takes a long time to level up but I got used to it because I really enjoyed playing the battlegrounds. It was so fun!!!!!!! The cats are also better with clothes! I love that you can makes friends in this game. I made a lot of friends! Just the free slots are just a few... Maybe you can add more free slot so we can make more friends? Ik(I know) some of you might think that I might be making friends with strangers... But it's not that. All of my friends actually lives in the same country I am and we actually meet! I really recommend you guys downloading this game. You won't regret it. Unless you hate cats. :)


Just some questions, otherwise amazing!

Okay, I have some questions.
1st: Why does my(and others) friend list not work anymore? Not too long ago I could join my friends no problem, and now I just can’t. 2nd: I know that there’s a report button, which really does help, but can there be something beneath it, like, “Why does she/he need to be reported?” I think it would really help.
Lastly, 3rd: Y’all made the rules, ya know all the FORBIDDEN things, and one of them is “No sexual content” or something close to that. Why is the kiss emoji, drool emoji, and heart emoji still in the emotions? Just curious.
This game is otherwise amazing, and totally benge playable.
Thanks for reading my review ^^ 👍🏿💀😇🐈‍⬛


Help! 😔

I LOVE this game but I have a real issue looking for role plays and friends, cause there are like barely any English people! If you could this would be REALLY helpful! Could you make it where you can pick and Change your region whenever? Then like if your on a Spanish server you would only see people who speak Spanish when you join online, if you join an English server, you will only see people who speak English! And so on and so fourth, that would be really helpful, and I think it would make people enjoy the game a bit more, so if you could do that, it would be AMAZING 🤩! Thanks so much! Remember, you do not have to add it, but if you would, that would warm my heart! Thanks so much! Have a good day/night! Bye!

- supergabbygabs -


Suggestions #2

Hi ! It’s me again and I’d like to ask a few things that you can maybe add in the game. Ever since I played this game more and got more high level, people seem to harass us a lot more. I was wondering if you can put like a button that hides your level or something that just hides your level. But to me it’ll be a pretty fun game to play. Also I was also thinking if you can add more clothing or accessories like ribbons on/around the ears or maybe put bells on them. Make put in flower crowns or ties, maybe put in like a new trail, my friends said there should be a Mochi trail of some sort and I thought it would be funny if there’s one. Thank you for reading this review! Have a good day !∩^ω^∩


Question On Uploading Data

Hello! I have a question, I have played this game and got to level 30 a while back on my old device. It doesn’t allow me to update it. However, I wanted to upload the data onto my newest device that can update this game. I got the game on my newest device, but I realized the only saved data you could save was on Game Center. I tried it, but brought me to a random account that I once had. (When I got the new device, I tried the game and started, but I got rid of it). Is there a way for you guys to transfer accounts not only by Game Center, or should I emailed you guys?

-Thank You for ur time!


Suggestions and look on bottom for Extra special things

Hi, i LOVE THIS GAME but.... can u add voice things so the ppl can hear u? It would make it more fun. And can u add more games like a bird one and add more animals to online thing like snow online add a bunny and add a eggs in farm in online and add more friends slot and........ pls pls PLS add a English, Russia and more languages cus I English and so much Russia’s in farm and stuff. And I was lvl 13 and I have not played it a LONG time and then I played it and I lvl 1 and I was mad so mad 😡 so I delete the game so it did not happen again. Bye thx!

Can u do dogs and wolfs and birds in cat sim so we can be birds and see cats ppl are playing as. Thx bye 👋🏻♥️


ATTENTION!! It’s good but maybe a couple of problems

Ok, so first of all maybe you could add like a language separater thing, because every time I get on theres always like at least 7 people from other languages.

Second of all, I hate it when I don’t say a bad word and it blocks it out, like I’m just tryna say a normal sentence, and it blocks it out.

Thirdly maybe, just maybe, you could add a new map, I mean I just played this game for the first time in like three years, and uuuh, it’s all the same. So like maybe some new skins and stuff.

And maybe make it to where you don’t have to walk up to a person to friend them, I mean it kinda gets annoying.

And honestly I don’t mind the online daters, just make it to where you can create servers and private servers, and maybe like private chat, cuz I don’t wanna see all that, they can take their stuff somewhere else.

Anyways it’s truly an amazing game, I love it but those things that I suggested should be taken seriously, but really though, fix it. But ya it’s a great game.


10 STARS! ⭐️

I think this is a really good and entertaining game because it can bring a lot of joy to kids when they are really bored! It can also be educational for kids because they can learn to kill or defeat animals such as rats, lizards, vipers and more! Kids or teenagers who LOVE cats, they will fall in LOVE in this game and enjoy it very much. ♥️🐈 You can also, play with your friends online, complete your quests, customize your avatar, make friends and lots of MORE! The only problem about it is the camera angles! But, overall this is game the BEST. I recommend playing this game.


I love this game! Here are some ideas 💡

Me and my brother play this game. Sometimes. Anyways here are 3 ideas. First one make wings an item cuz I love games with winged animals you can buy the wings with 3000 gems 💎 and make different varieties of wings next idea new maps with the wings there can be a secret map a cloud city were you fly around and in single player animals could be birds 🦅 and cloud monsters. Speaking of single player you should fight animals in multiplayer too. These are some cool ideas I hope you put them in your game byeee



It’s alright, but there are a few problems:
1. For when I’m offline, u can get mates, right? It will only give me GIRL mates. I’m an 11 year old girl, living in a Christian home. My faith, trust, and love in Jesus is STRONG. I’m NOT in to this stupid, “love is love, lgbtq” or whatEVER it is. We are the genders and the people the God the Father Almighty made us to be. Don’t follow your heart, (The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9) follow Jesus. Anyyyyway
2 The graphics are horrible. I play this on a fairly new iPad, (7 months old iPad) so it’s definitely not that. It’s so glitchy and broken so you barely know what you’re doing! When me and my mom played this together, we stopped playing after 10 minutes. It’s slow.
Thank you so much for reading, and please consider these complaints before you download this game. Thanks for your time, and Jesus bless and keep you!

-Leeli Igby (MaKayla)


Russian people?

Edit: okay I have two bugs/glitches in the game.
The trainer glitch: when I delete my data, the trainer level is 3
Farm enter glitch: I became level 5 and I can’t move when I enter the map. Thanks for reading

I changed the review because i said “ I can’t upgrade my damage” anyways it’s hard to find English people around me. Also it said “English and 6 more” and I was like “ okay why not” but it’s a big problem. At the battleground I heard a lot of people who are lvl 1-10 were straight away Attack the higher level. I wish I could speak English to them but their name is in Russian. I was getting annoyed, if they were English peeps I could say “don’t kill them! They are too strong! And your making them winning”. I had a few friends who speak English ( friends in the game).

Thanks for reading, I wish next update can choose servers.


Really dun but I want to add things

Maybe add instead of a battleground 5v5 I want to make it a battleground 10v10 and maybe add more animals and bosses! And maybe add another biome like the playground or something. And I think you should add more clothes! Maybe dresses or things that other people might like. And maybe even lower the price of things because I can’t afford them. And lower the price on level changing because I try to win Xp and I can’t get that much because I lose A LOT that is all! Bye!


Please read. IMPORTANT

I would like to start off my saying I am very upset. I was level 38 and it took me so long to get to that level. I went to play this morning and found out it reset all my progress. I want it back. I am, very mad and this should not have happened at all! If this can’t be fixed I will be deleting the game because this is a waste of my time. It’s so hard to level up to get to level 50. And I just find out it reset me back to level 1. I would like to get my data back if there is any way.
Also, the overall game is nice! I loved the game and playing with friends. It was fun!
Thank you.



I love❤️❤️your game but there is one thing i need you to fix (dont reply on this review but plz read it and fix) so the jump button.... When im trying to climb somewhere the jump button DOES NOT JUMP!!! Even when im not under something or its not the limit of height... Thats all but this is five stars because everything else beats that up!! 💃also could you have us get like 5 coins for killing someone in a battle server(not battle 5v5). (๑`✪̤◡✪̤)◞ღԵհɑղƘՏღ

Is Cat Simulator 3D Safe?

Yes. Cat Simulator 3D - Animal Life is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 13,645 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Cat Simulator 3D Is 60.3/100.

Is Cat Simulator 3D Legit?

Yes. Cat Simulator 3D - Animal Life is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 13,645 Cat Simulator 3D - Animal Life User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Cat Simulator 3D Is 75.4/100..

Is Cat Simulator 3D - Animal Life not working?

Cat Simulator 3D - Animal Life works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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