Welcome to the Swik Community! We’re a social platform where you can make new friends by sharing stories, chat with people with the same interests as you and who are geographically close to you.
Ready to share your daily life with a top community? Download Swik now and make new friends nearby.
4) SHARE: Invite friends to join Swik to have access to exclusive features.
1) EXPLORER: Share stories and appear in the "Top Stories of the moment"! Dance, sing, talk about your day ...: You can do anything on Swik.
2) CHAT: Use the chat feature to say hi to your new friends and chat with old ones.
You decide whether you want to talk to friends you’ve just met or invite your best friends to the app.
Swik is a free online chat to socialize.
We are a community that loves diversity, so everyone is welcome! Sharing is caring.
3) SWIPE: Receive requests for new friendships every day & Find new people nearby or from all over the world.
Interact with the people we have carefully selected for you (via our algorithm) on the explorer.
- A very available team and regular updates - We are always listening to your suggestions.