Days Since: Quit Habit Tracker Reviews

Days Since: Quit Habit Tracker Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-03

About: Days Since can help you break any bad habit. Create a counter for each habit
that you are trying to get rid of.

About Days Since

If you are trying to quit smoking, create a counter and set the last time you had a cigarette.

The app will show you how long it’s been since you smoked for the last time.

Create a counter for each habit that you are trying to get rid of.

Whenever you want to smoke again, open Days Since and check your progress.

Tracking your progress will help you stay motivated.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 9,571 combined software reviews.

900 Days Since Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Appreciate it, would like to suggest more.

I’m satisfied with the simplicity of DaysSince. I’m currently using it for a sobriety counter, and would like to suggest some features that could potentially be helpful. I also understand if these suggestions are not the direction you’re going for, as I can tell by the design it’s more to be used as a simple counter/tool. Anyway, the first suggestion I had was any sort of notification-specific rewards or reminders. Something like “your ___ counter has reached ___ days, congrats!” And maybe having an option to select from a negative, neutral, or positive message or set to none/no notifications. These can be counter specific as well. (Hypothetically). My next suggestion was a “stop counting” option, like if you no longer want to count it after a certain amount of days, and then maybe a notification that was like “your ____ counter stopped, check it out!” (I don’t know) Or a way to make it so that certain lack of use doesn’t count towards your overall progress statistics—sometimes I forget to track or have something else going on that day and don’t want my lack of counting to affect the statistics of the progress I’ve made. I can probably think of more but at the moment I’m stumped and should be getting some sleep. So goodnight and thank you for this great app.


Simple, Aesthetic, and Functional!

It's exactly what I was looking for! A simple way to track my streaks. I love this, since it makes it so much easier for me to quit things when I can *visually* see with my eyes I've been clean for weeks or months and I realize just how far I've come. DaysSince couldn't have made it easier. It's extremely simple, you just create a streak with the “+” button and reset it with a button when you relapse. I bet your GRANDMA could use DaysSince to overcome her crippling crack cocaine addiction! On top of this, it's aesthetically a very pretty app. I love the minimalistic approach the creators took, just like you'd expect for such a simple and easy to use app like this. Most importantly out of everything though, DaysSince does it's job flawlessly. I haven't encountered a single issue yet! It's got widget implementation, a very fairly and cheaply priced premium version (which isn't anywhere near necessary to have in order to use DaysSince ), and finally a very nice locking feature (via face ID or passcode) so no one but you can access DaysSince if you need to keep people out. Also many more features, those are just my favorites. FR though, what are you doing? Download DaysSince already and see for yourself! I love DaysSince, thank you! :D


Very helpful.

I’ve been on the mission to stop smoking for some time now. I always thought it would be impossible because for me I get that urge to smoke when I don’t have it. This was always why I’m past times I would say “I could never stop” but by the Grace of My Lord and Savior Jesus I’ve been able to overcome so much more than I thought I would. I got a Bible and started reading and when I would read the Bible on those days I wouldn’t have as many urges. Crazy to think that reading a book could feminism physical addiction urges right? DaysSince was a great way for me to keep track of my progress to remind myself if I ever do get an urge or an apatite for smoking. I still do get urges occasionally if I havnt been reading my Bible but that’s why I love DaysSince so much. It gives me motivation and it gives me something to physically see. If you do mess up there’s no shame because you can reset that timer and your back at it again. You can make different timers for different things too maybe you vape also or maybe you smoke weed or something. You can set different timers for all the things you need to tackle no matter what it is so I think DaysSince is great and I’m really appreciative of it!


A fairly good app

There’s nothing special about DaysSince. DaysSince was alright, though. All that it really does is allows you to set a habit tracker and you make sure that you don’t do it again. I have three bad habits that I need to break, but again DaysSince is pretty normal and it helps to remind me that I need to quit. It also helps with being able to see how many days I’ve gone without doing it again because it encourages and motivates me to keep going. Although, once I really do quit my habit what else is there to do? There is no flair or anything super special they happens if I did hit a one year milestone. I like that you can reset the counter, but I want to know, developer, where is the pizzazz that I’m looking for or a little something to keep me motivated. What if those numbers aren’t enough? This is what I would like to see as an improvement to DaysSince. Push notifications. With these enabled, you can see motivating quotes or a little sentence to remind you that you’re doing a great job. I feel that this can also be done in DaysSince itself so that you can also view inspiring reminders if you keep visiting DaysSince to see your progress. I know that there can be many more visual pleasing updates that can be added to DaysSince but definitely keep my advice in mind. Thank you for your time.


Admittedly, I only use this app for a joke

My friend and I have a gag running. An inside joke if you will. It all started with a text at an unreasonable hour of the morning lamenting a mistake my friend made. Myself, being an insensitive ~jokester,~ downloaded DaysSince because I needed something to track the days since “they thought it was safe to eat.” My friend is kind of a dunce who doesn’t pay attention to what food they put in their face and, as such, make mistakes when judging the safety of their meals and make themselves sick. This happens every few weeks or so. Hence the day counter. It works well for what it is, and I’m sure that people who need more serious trackers (or light-hearted ones) would find this absolutely acceptable. I do wish that it wouldn’t ask me for the premium version so much, but I understand revenue is revenue and I’m not gonna begrudge you guys for asking for money. I only need DaysSince for a joke so I don’t foresee myself paying, but I don’t think that the free version is in any way lacking. Overall, it works great and my friend and I enjoy the joke.


Trackable self-accountability

I’ve been using DaysSince to try and focus on daily habits that I’m usually not very good at. I use it to make sure that I’ve taken care of myself in a way that’s difficult for a sprint of days, and the fact that it tracks resets is a gentle encouragement and a useful type of accountability.

I keep a useful widget on my home screen that shows how many days it’s been since I’ve had alcohol, and how many days it’s been since I made another large change in my life that has been positive. It’s minimal and non-intrusive and not pushy. No reminders that shame you if you’ve had to reset no notifications to tell you that you need to check it, it’s incredibly passive if you don’t deal well with pressure. It just reminds you how long you’ve been doing a thing and how many times you’ve failed at sticking to that routine. That little bit of accountability has really changed my perspective

This has become a vital part of my self-care routine and I really really appreciate how simple and useful DaysSince is.


Extremely Helpful

Days Since is an excellent app, and I’m more than delighted to have found it. Prior to finding Days Since, I used standard counters. Many varieties of them. I tried them for months at a time, but didn’t get the same result I was looking for. I’ve used Days Since to assist me in quitting smoking as well as other vices I’m a bit too embarrassed to reveal here. I’ve used it to help me keep up with water intake, keep up with speaking to specific family members, as well as progression in working on various projects. For each instance, Days Since has effectively revealed to me…..well, ME. It has shown me just how much of a procrastinator I can be, or just how amazingly consistent I can be. I love DaysSince, and have recommended it to numerous friends who could use a bit of insight into how they are realistically managing their lives. Thank you, Days Since Team. You clearly “get” people like me, for whom striving to be better is a daily endeavor. The days since I found Days Since are much better than they were before. Thank you again!


Keeps me on track

I like DaysSince. I can set more than one category and when I open DaysSince the info is all on one page. For me it’s motivating to look at how long I’ve been working towards a goal. I set two goals for myself 1)Days without refined sugar and 2) Days without alcoholic beverages. Neither of these goals was set out of a critical need but more of a personal desire to achieve better overall health. Last night we had a dinner party and we were serving cocktails and I briefly thought, I’ll just have one drink with everyone else, but I opened DaysSince and saw that it had been 16 days since I last had a beverage and I really didn’t want to hit restart on that counter! So I passed on the beverages and woke up feeling great today and proud that I stuck with my decision to continue on a healthy path. However, I did eat a couple of Oreos and had to reset my refined sugar counter to 0. This is a great tool to track progress and can be a great motivator for people who like to set personal goals.


Great Motivation for Both Healthy/Unhealthy Habits

DaysSince is so helpful of keeping track of how long I’ve made it since I’ve kicked some nasty habits (vaping, binge eating, and consuming alcohol). It’s so motivating to see how far I’ve come, and when I’m thinking of relapse, just looking at this counter makes me not want to break my streak.

You can also use it for positive reminders, like days since you had a baby or a new pet, so you can celebrate those mini milestones. Or days since you’ve picked up a healthy habit, like eating a balanced diet, started a fitness routine, started a new job, the possibilities are endless.

Overall, a great app. The only thing I would like to see in the future is possibly allowing reminders to check in. Not every day, but I’ll admit, once or twice I should have reset my counter and forgot. It’s a problem with myself though, and perhaps others prefer to not receive notifications.


I do love this app. 5-stars for one additional feature

I do love DaysSince. Especially the ability to reset a streak. This creates a nice history log. For example, if you quit smoking for 5 days, had a cigarette, then reset, over time you can see the history of streaks/attempts. The one thing that would make this really nice is when upon resetting a streak, you could have the ability to “pause”, so another streak wouldn’t automatically start. Taking the smoking example, if a person quit smoking for 20 days, then started smoking and didn’t quit again until 10 days later, they could reset their streak, when they started to smoke, pause the streak, and then when they try quitting again, in this case 10 days later, they could start the streak up again. Other than that, I really like DaysSince. To have that additional feature would just turn it from a 4-star review to a 5- star review. And it doesn’t seem like it would be that hard to implement so get on it!!! :-)


Less is more

This minimalist app is phenomenal. I absolutely love it! I wanted an app to track days since I quit smoking and considered many before I downloaded this one. Not as many bells and whistles in DaysSince but that’s why I love it. It has a widget, which is fantastic. You can share your progress directly from DaysSince for when you’re feeling proud of yourself or perhaps for support, either way a great idea from the developers. The colors are also really aesthetically pleasing in my opinion and I love the ability to see multiple counters over a long period of time. I haven’t had to reset my counter yet (fingers crossed!) but if I do I love the ability to add a note and that DaysSince remembers previous progress. You can change the icon as well, cool beans! I can’t recommend DaysSince enough. And it’s free! I’m delighted! Developers, thank you for creating this gem.


Maybe it’s simple enough to work?

I gave it three stars because I don’t like that the only way to really hold yourself accountable is to post it on social media (they gave that as an option in DaysSince ). I would prefer other features, A different kind of reward system. Or even just a simple reminder to look at my progress throughout the day or the week or whatever. Right now it’s pretty cool but I’m worried I’m going to forget about DaysSince and it’s going to get lost in my homepage. Other than that, I think basic premise is pretty cool. It just needs some really simple additions, like a notification system

edit: I updated my review from three stars to four. It’s actually working better than I thought it would. I still wish there was some type of notification or reminder to check it. Very simple counter system without a lot of bells and whistles. I am six days into no smoking . If I make it to 30, I’ll update it to five stars


Simple, yet effective

I have battled substance issues for quite a few years on and off throughout my life, and as of June 26, 2021 I moved to a new state and started over on a new sobriety journey (again lol). Anybody else going through something similar knows, some days are much better than others. Now that I’m in a spot that I have been clean for a while, you can’t help but to get an itch to be crazy sometimes. I set up DaysSince back when I was falling apart over how upside down my life was.. and although I rarely check up on it, on a bad day when you need to see how far you’ve come, it definitely comes in handy. 186 days ago I was losing my mind and today it was just a reminder to not turn back. Thank you Days Since for the subtle reminder not to reset the counter and keep moving ❤️


extremely helpful app!

since i started using DaysSince i’ve noticed how much improvement i’ve made. i know a lot of people say not to track things since it seems to hyper-fixate your mind on your habits/addictions, but this the way that i see it:

once you spend time and effort into doing (or in this sense, not doing) something and see the progress of how long you’ve been doing that for, it makes you value your effort more.

think of it like a snapchat streak. nobody really cares about what snaps you send anymore after the first few weeks, but what matters is the time and energy you’ve invested into doing something for so long that in your brain you grow to care for it and wouldn’t do anything to ruin it. it’s a motivation.

since i started using DaysSince i’d constantly be attentive every day of how many hours i’d gone without indulging in bad habits, but slowly it slipped my mind. i stopped checking the days and even thinking about it in the first place. yes i had cravings but looking at that effort i put in made me see the clear picture. every now and then i check it just to give myself a confidence boost, or a mental reward i should say. i highly, HIGHLY recommend DaysSince to anyone who has trouble detaching from habits.


Great for tracking Mental Health Symptoms

I have been using DaysSince for months and it is an incredibly helpful tool when it comes to remembering and keeping track of the time passed since whatever it is you’re counting days since. I use DaysSince as a way to keep track of when I last had symptoms related to my Mental Health diagnoses- Depression, Anxiety, BPD, PTSD - and it is so helpful. DaysSince is similar to a “set it and forget it” approach where you enter the date and time and after that initial save it is all kept in DaysSince . I have mine set so it’s not a recurring reminder of “it’s been this many days since X” and is more of an app that I open to check my progress and document any relapses. Great app and much of DaysSince is available for use without purchasing anything.


Help me break a bad habit fast

I was trying to stop drinking alcohol and I struggled to stay consistent. DaysSince has been the best tool yet. Even better than the other apps aimed at breaking addiction. It is a simple tool that makes you feel like you make progress fast. I like how you can track in hours, days, weeks, etc. I moved from hours to days and then to weeks as time went on and it gave me a fresh look. The only things I would add to DaysSince is the ability to edit the date. I found DaysSince a few days into my fast and I wish I could edit the date to reflect the actual start date instead of the date I found DaysSince . I just had to always add 3 days to DaysSince ’s date. Note to developers!!

Thanks for this tool!! It is great!


Thank You

I started vaping as a teenager and got so addicted to it I thought I might never be able to quit. The day I stopped I downloaded DaysSince to track my progress. My initial goal was 30 days, and I would check DaysSince every day or multiple times a day to see where I was at. It was really tough mentally but having something concrete counting the days always made me feel like I was making progress. After 30 days, I challenged myself to 90. I’m now at 783 days of zero nicotine and although I don’t check it as much anymore, I still open it every once in a while. The numbers on days since have become something I’m really proud of, that reminds me of the progress I’ve made, and keeps me from going back on my goals.


Days since is great!!!

DaysSince is truly amazing. It's unbelievable how much easier this makes it to harness my willpower for my own personal growth. I am not giving a full five stars however because I see some fairly simple ways in which DaysSince's effectiveness could be even further increased. There should be a "points system" where you can see your "current days since score", which is the number of days of all of your current active streaks added up. If this were combined with a simple points over time line graph visualization, users would be further incentivized to continue their streaks. Additionally, you could add in simple "sticker" type graphical award incentives (like snapchat streak emojis) to further increase the apps effectiveness. Keep up the great work and please implement these things!!


Enjoying this app

I like that you don’t have to mark something down each day. Granted there is something rewarding to being able to add another tick mark, but putting a widget on my screen showing me another day that I have been successful is rewarding, and it is painful to have to tap a button to reset, makes you feel like a looser (in a good way). Usually by now I would have grown tired of the complexity of an app like this, but not this one, easy and rewarding. The other nice thing is that as soon as you mess up and hit the reset button the clock starts now, you don’t feel like you have blown the whole day, you jump back on that horse. Anyway, I highly recommend. Thanks to the team that put this together.


Amazing app

I’ve already rated this before but honestly DaysSince has saved my life and I love it and recommend it to everyone struggling. I had felt horribly insecure about myself and I Resorted to bad habits. Now I’m realizing my worth, and I feel free of that burden. My favorite part is that you can lock DaysSince with Face ID. People in my life don’t need to know about some of those things, so it means a lot to me to be able to allow people to do things on my phone knowing that I have nothing to hide.. that they can get into. ❤️❤️ thanks so much for DaysSince. I even use it for everyday things like drinking water. I am constantly dehydrated so it’s a way for me to look back and realize how I’ve been forgetful for that amount of time. 17 days clean :)


Genuine dev team

First off, the development team seems genuine and true to their word that they are here to help. If you look at other apps on the AppStore a lot of them seem like they want to help but money is definitely a driving factor for them. The fact that this team gives you a week trial and tells you to set a calendar reminder to cancel so you won’t be charged is huge. DaysSince is about $20 a year after the trial which to me I usually wouldn’t consider paying. Due to the genuine attitude this team is portraying I have absolutely no problem paying. They don’t sell your data and what they keep is anonymized according to their privacy policy. DaysSince is simple, looks good, and is straight to the point.

One feature that DaysSince lacks that I would love to see is the ability to edit a note after resetting a timer. I often reset the timer with a note, and reset it again after vaping with a new note on how I feel about what I just did or how my day was going etc. I would like to edit the note so I can do this without impacting the timer.

Other than that missing feature, DaysSince is great and I love the widget. Keep up the work, I and I’m sure many others appreciate what you are doing to help us manage this addiction.


Great App to curb OCD compulsions

I have been battling OCD since entering puberty and the habits I would take part in would be so time consuming It was affecting every part of my life. I would be cleaning my room and every possession from 10 PM to 2 AM and I had severe skin picking issues. I tried many times to stop but to no avail. When people out of my personal circle began noticing, I became frantic in my search to have better sleep and clearer skin. Upon coming across Days Since I realized immediately that DaysSince has great potential for habit management with the streak counters. I get really hooked to the streak counters as I almost have a 2 year streak in Duolingo, which has been helping me learn French without breaks in between. I cannot state enough how much DaysSince has changed my life and I feel confident like never before when among society. I highly recommend DaysSince to anyone who has trouble with their erratic habits or whoever wants to lead a drug free, tobacco, and alcohol free life. It is great for practically anything and is fully customizable.


Beautiful App that Could Be Much More

I’ve been looking everywhere for a tally/time since/time until app, and have hit many roadblocks. Habit trackers aren’t very helpful, as they attach positive/negative significance to each repetition when I’d like a neutral log. Other features I’m looking for include time tracking down to the second (which DaysSince has), notes attached to entries, and statistics/charting ability.
Days Since is beautiful. I love the calendar view, it’s not buggy, the colors are enough to keep it from looking dull without being overpowering, there are options for Face ID and importing/exporting options. The only problem is that it’s not what I need, as what I’m tracking isn’t sobriety or bad habits.
I understand that the developer wasn’t designing DaysSince for me or to be used for my purposes (hence the enthusiastic five stars), but I’d love to see an app with the features I’m seeking based on this one - it has enormous potential.


The BEST habit tracker app out there

Easy and friendly user design and experience! While being efficient and responsive it is also customizable. DaysSince is wonderful to use in the free version and truthfully the paid version has more features but you don’t need them if you’re just looking for a nice sleek tracker. Love the ability to switch the colors for different habits tracked and the ability to switch from the view from hours/days/weeks/months/years because I personally just quit smoking and being able to see the hours in the beginning was way more motivating to see “72 hours” than just seeing “3 days”

The widget is simple to set up and is a huge motivator too! I had a friend quit smoking with me and while she was using a different tracking app I showed her this one and she instantly switched over and loves it!

Thank you to the team for developing such a wonderful app to help people 🫡🙏🏻


Yes, you need this app.

Need to break a habit? Get DaysSince right now! (I sound like a bot) I don’t know how but somehow seeing how long it’s been since you’ve fed a bad habit helps me quit it! There are a couple of tiny pet peeves I have that I’d like to address though…

Developers, please consider:

1. You can’t rearrange your counters in the main menu, where you see all your counters

— While yes, you can rearrange them through another button, I just thought it would be nice if it was easier. Think Siri Shortcuts, the menu looks similar to that and you can easily rearrange the shortcuts.

2. Tapping a counter brings up a menu, it doesn’t reset it

— Again, think Siri Shortcuts. Tap a shortcut to run it, and tap a small button on the right to access and edit the shortcut. If the devs wanted it to be cleaner, you could put an edit button on the top left to replace the rearranging menu. Clicking it would make the counters start to jiggle (like Jiggle Mode) then tapping on the corresponding counter would let you edit its info.

3. You can’t edit the time of previous resets

— This is self-explanatory. If the devs ever read this, please add this. (There is a high possibility that this is a pro feature and I’m just as dense as a rock)

Thanks, Days Since team!

I look forward to seeing Days Since as well as my physical and mental well-being progress!


No more questions on “how long have you been together?”

I was tired. I couldn’t help it any longer. I knew the dates, each one of them. When we met, the year we started dating for real, when did we move in together, the wedding… But I couldn’t keep track of doing the math each time anyone asked “how long have you been together?”
Days Since helped me put an end on this debate. Now I just can open DaysSince and check it out: this many years we’ve known each other, that much years dating, a long time living together, X years of marriage.
Bonus: I can also track when I started doing something good for myself (such as regular exercise) and how long have I stopped a bad habit. It has been fun, thanks developers for this very easy to use and awesome app.


Great app but not much instruction

I decided to quit drinking after 15 years of heavy use. Got DaysSince specifically because of the Apple Watch functionality and after upgrading to a new iPhone and a glitch occurring and me having to reset my watch to factory settings I had a hard time trying to figure out how to get DaysSince to display on the watch. DaysSince was downloaded on the watch but it would always say “open days since on phone” on the screen and nothing would happen. I decided to remove DaysSince from the phone and redownload. In order to get Apple Watch functions DaysSince must be first opened on the watch before DaysSince is opened on the phone for the first time and it will recognize it open it on iPhone first and it won’t recognize it. Other than that this is a great app to keep me motivated to not drink and live a healthier life.


Nice, does what it says

I like DaysSince , did a trial and subscribed with the discounted yearly fee. The security settings are nice, so only I can access my content. I like the reminders, but it uses the same generic phrase repeatedly. It would be nice to seem in an update making the reminders more varied and/or related to the set habit I am tracking. For instance, if I have to do a reset on a habit, my next reminder will say “Great job keep it up!” Even though it might only have been a couple hours past. And not a great job, because I just hit reset, LOL. So maybe work in some inspirational quotations or reflect the amount of time that’s gone by. If it’s been 6 months, the reminder ought to be like “Wow, 6 months is amazing! Feel good about that and keep up the good work, let’s keep it going another 6 months!”, instead of “Great job keep it up” for the 1,000th time.


Reinforce Your Change In Perspective

I tend to jump to start (or in this case stop) some new thing, be it a project or habit or a change in attitude. I don’t really yet have the organizational skills to make some of these things a reality. But when I’m looking to stop a destructive behavior, when life becomes more nightmare than dream, resources like this are invaluable to me. There’s other work to be done about those behaviors, obviously. But it’s super reassuring, no matter how badly I’m feeling, to be able to open up DaysSince and see that I’ve made some kind of progress. It also keeps me honest when I’ve stopped that progress.

It’s a really nicely put together app. Nice colors and fairly intuitive to use. You can track many things simultaneously and I’ve made use of that ability.

Highly recommended by this user.

Is Days Since Safe?

Yes. Days Since: Quit Habit Tracker is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 9,571 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Days Since Is 82.6/100.

Is Days Since Legit?

Yes. Days Since: Quit Habit Tracker is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 9,571 Days Since: Quit Habit Tracker User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Days Since Is 100/100..

Is Days Since: Quit Habit Tracker not working?

Days Since: Quit Habit Tracker works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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