The first levels were fun and great for just starting, but as you got farther into the game, they started to get frustrating. For example there was a level with a pic of a G with lights beaming out of it. I saw it and thought, “well, that looks like a sun with a G inside it! So maybe gsun?” We’ll that didn’t work or make sense, so of course it was wrong. The answer ended up being gray, as G ray as in rays of light. This is not the only puzzle that did that. I called it one thing and the game called it another. One more example of this is a riddle where there was a desk with broken legs and a globe on it. The question was, “what will happen in the next second?”. I thought, well if the globe falls it will brake, or crash, or fall. So I tried all of those and none worked. The answer was quake. As it will quake when it hits the ground. That caused me a lot of trouble as quake did not make sense to me. So I watched a ton of adds to find the answer as I did for many of the puzzles. Last and final problem, some of them aren’t even riddles. They are puns. Like the puzzle, what animal has the largest breasts? I used a hint for this and it said that the largest bra size is Z. So I though Z bra - Zebra. And that is not a riddle, that is a pun. If hints are helpful and answers are not super easy, but not not making sense I will consider re downloading.