This game is ridiculously opaque. I’m not new to point and clicks OR to cotton games, so it’s not that I just don’t know how they work. But it’s frustratingly non-intuitive, and what’s more aggravating, the free hints are USELESS. Utterly useless. Don’t buy this game until they either improve the free hints (and I refuse to buy hints, if your game is so unsolvable that it can’t be played without them, you don’t deserve the money!) or someone cones out with a walkthrough.
And I came in ready to love this game... The artwork is still charming, the music is beautiful, a lot of effort clearly went into it. Maybe too much effort, though, because it’s like a brick wall in terms of playability. I’m heartbroken to have to leave this review after how I’ve loved and supported this game company and their other games. I’m hoping that the makers read these reviews and have a change of heart, because it wouldn’t take much for it to be a five-star game! Just... make it playable, by people who don’t already know the “happy path” through the game’s dependency chart.
I’ll come back and update this review if they make changes, because I do believe in this game company, and I did want to love this game.