Stickman Hook Reviews

Stickman Hook Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-16

About: Discover Stickman Hook, the new MadBox game! Tap to hook and make incredible
jumps; Avoid every obstacle that stands in your way. Can you execute all these
acrobatic tricks in a row like a boss? In this game, embody the spider stickman.

About Stickman Hook

What is Stickman Hook? Stickman Hook is a game developed by MadBox that allows players to tap to hook and make incredible jumps while avoiding obstacles. Players embody the spider stickman and must finish all levels with the same agility as a spider. The game features bumpers and a grappling hook that allow players to execute acrobatic tricks and show off their skills.



- Tap to hook and make incredible jumps

- Press the screen to hook the stickman with the grapnel and release to let go

- Avoid obstacles

- Swing from hook to hook to pass levels

- Execute acrobatic tricks using bumpers and the grappling hook

- Show off your skills to friends

- Swing like a spider

- Stickman dances at the end of each game

- Share videos or screenshots of your best performance on social media

- Contact MadBox for any requests or issues.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 774,301 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Stickman Hook

- Fun game with a cool concept

- Swinging mechanic is really cool

- Good for kids and family

- Variety of characters

- Challenges and races

20 Stickman Hook Reviews

4.7 out of 5


The shop

I love the overall mechanics of the game and it runs smoothly. There are only two problems I have.
The first problem is the new shop. I was on level 296 when the shop first came out. However, it said I must teach level 5 to unlock the shop. So I played 5 levels and got to 301 but the shop was still not unlocked. So I deleted the game and played till I got to level 5. I unlocked the shop and started earning skins. Then when I was at level 32 i went to go change my skin. It said I must reach level 20 to unlock skins. I played another level and when back to the skins. Now it said I had to reach level 5 to unlock skins.
The second problem is the ads. The amount of ads in this game is unbelievable. There is an ad almost every time I beat a level. Or another ad every couple of times I die. I know you are trying to make money off of ads because this is a free game, but there is no point in this many ads for a game like this. I can tell this game didn’t take as much effort to make as much as other free games. So there shouldn’t be as many ads. The ads just show how greedy you are. I know there is an ad removal in-app purchase, but, speaking on behalf of a lot of other people, nobody wants to spend $3 on a game like this.
If you would fix these two problems it would be excellent. The game would be worth playing and I would have a goal to reach and I wouldn’t have to watch 20 ads every time I played. Thank you. I love the idea of the game.


Fun pass time, but huge problem

So, about 2 or 3 years ago, my brother got this game. He recommended it to me over texts, and to say the least, I was intrigued because of the way he described it. “A fun stickman game, sort of like a platformer and you can change your skins, and it’s really fun!” So I decided to give it a chance. Come in, and the first thing I see is my level count, 1, (My brother had played 1 level on my phone before I actually checked it out) and an ad. No biggie, I know it’s a free game so y’know whatever? I play the second level, and it’s really fun! But after I beat it, that cool cutscene and the dance scene made me laugh really hard and I think my brother heard me. But after that, when I clicked the play another level button, another ad. And I was like “no biggie, again, i’m sure it’s like maybe every other level you get an ad, which’ll still be annoying but the game is super fun so whatever,” Play another level, another ad. Another level, another ad. And the cycle continues! So, overall, pretty good game, fun past time, would play again, but still- the ad thing is pretty annoying. Again, great game, I understand you are trying to make money, but I feel it’s a little much. Anyways, thanks for reading. Bye-bye.


Fun but...

First I just wanna day I love your game and I use it to pass time all the time! But there are a few things I would like to improve. First About the level generation I think that it just pastes pre made level parts to make a level I don’t mind it and it can get really fun but it’s kind of repetitive. All I want is more level parts that are more challenging and interesting. Second this kind of relates to the first one but the levels are just to easy I really want a harder difficulty setting with its own shop or instead of skins it could give us trails. Third this relates to the second one, I think there needs to be more shop items or tails or custom trampoline blocks or something new to the shop. Last but not least I don’t really like the animations, Now it’s not like I don’t like all the animations it’s that I don’t like the curl into a ball in the air animation. First it’s not smooth, second it’s just bland and third I feel cheated because I don’t get to see the skins I work so hard to get because it’s just a ball most of the time. I really hope you don’t take this the wrong way because I really like the game and I’m not sure if this is helpful or not because this is like my second time giving a review and I hope I helped the development of the game.


Fun game!

So it’s not the most crazy game but it’s still a great game in my opinion there is the fact that you can go super speed using the bouncy bumper things and launch to the end but honestly I actually like doing it so no problems there and generally a really good game no real problems I have! Only idea I have to make it better is add other mini game things or challenges like you have to make it in a certain time etc. but overall a good game! I should also say about the adds it’s not that bad like I could also turn off my internet since I do not care much about the add rewards so unless you want the add reward things turning off the internet works for me so the only problem it does kind of has its very repetitive and there isn’t a ton of new things so it would be nice to have other things other than just the main game but besides that I have no other complaints!


Ummm what’s this data sharing?

I love this game I don’t care that it’s repetitive but something odd just happened... I was going on and it was like “thanks for downloading madbox!” And first of all this struck me as odd because I downloaded StickmanHook almost 6 months ago. Then it said “check if you’re over 15” and I’m not but typically with data associated things you want to be an adult. They wanted me to “share my data” to make StickmanHook better. I was a bit suspicious so I kept on reading and it never specified what sort of data. Like the data usage I have on my phone or my personal info? So I chose not to share my data with them. StickmanHook said that because I hadn’t I would have a “degraded viewing of the game” and I was like ok sure. The game is fine. It is exactly the same as it was before the whole data sharing thing came up so I wonder if the game degrading was a threat so we would share our data. I don’t know I’m under fifteen I don’t know how this works. All I know is that if you don’t choose to share your data that is ok everything should work just fine. And game makers ummmm whats up with the data thing? How is my data going to help you make the game better? Totally confused.


Fun, but WAY too many ads

While this game is very fun and addictive, I am highly disappointed in the quantity of ads in the game. An ad appears EVERY time you begin and finish level (or die). On top of that, I would say that about 1/6 of the time an ad appears DURING the level, cuasing you to die and having to watch yet ANOTHER ad! While I understand that these ads are what allows the game to exist, I think there are far better was to present them. For example make half of them a CHOICE in exchange for an extra life/chance for a failed level. I often find myself leaving the game in frustration over the advertisements. The ad issue is extremely unfortunate becuase if it where not for this, this game (in my opinion) would be at 4 or even 5 stars! It is extremely simple yet entertaining! And it is these types of games that make great “on the road” games or simply to pass time. My only other complaint is that the level out of 40 that displays is simply not true. The levels continue forever and you receive no reward for completing level 40. It’s not the fact that there are infinite levels that bothers me, its the fact that the game is deceiving the user. For the most part this game is great, there just needs to be some tweaks to it.


I have about 4 problems here.....

This game is really good, and I love the style, but I have one problem, well, more than that. First of all, I love the new update where you can race, but my game constantly crashes out of nowhere and I have to go back on StickmanHook and start playing again. Second of all, there’s WAAAAYYYYYY too many ads, so much, that it’s ridiculous. You still can fix this by turning off your WiFi, but it’s still annoying. And I won’t get rid of ads by paying 3 bucks, that RIDICULOUS!!! Plus, with the ads, there’s so many that I spend more time watching ads than playing the actual game!!!!!! Third of all, it’s too quiet. I think that the developers should add some sounds, ambience, and music on the main menu, and without sounds the game is basically crappy. And, finally, the levels. I hate how the levels repeat and repeat, and they’re too simple. I want the developers to fix this so that the farther you get into the game, the harder it gets. And I want the levels to be way longer, too. Plus, I also want the developers to introduce new game mechanics, which would make StickmanHook SO much better.

So, please change all of this developers, because it would make this game SO much better.


Don’t buy unless you really enjoy watching ads.

I had stickman hook on my phone a few years ago, and I was bored so I decided to download it again and see if I liked it. It was really fun at first and the swinging mechanic is really cool. It’s a good game with a cool concept, but the developer’s immense greedyness ruined the game. There is a 30 second ad almost every time I die. I have literally spent more time watching ads than actually playing the game. This is a fun game, but it is completely ruined by the insane amount of ads. I know this is a free game, but this many ads is just too much. There is a way to stop the ads by spending three dollars, but then there’s another problem. There are only about 50 different levels. You can get to super high levels like 500 or 1000, but there are only 50 levels and they just repeat. There is a challenge mode with unique levels and cool prizes which I think is cool, but I beat the whole thing in a day. It wasn’t challenging at all. There is also a racing mode, but it’s not even online, it’s just against terrible npcs that are super easy to win against. Don’t buy this game unless you really enjoy watching ads. And replaying the same levels over and over again.


4 Stars

This was a great game at first! 👍🥰I found this super fun. The only annoying bit was that there was an add like every other time you would beat a level 😐 . Another annoying thing that I found at about level 100 is that the levels started to repeat, so it would be like level 80 and 100 would be the same thing😔😤. Of course I did not go back and check, but I could tell there was a repeat here and there. Aside all the dislikes I have on this game, this game was great! Simple but fun. 😜I enjoyed that you got a skin every about 25 levels🤗. The levels were slightly challenging here and there. Unfortunately, due to the adds every other level made me stop playing this game. The VIP was 2.99, which is really not worth it. The reason why I am giving this game a 4 star is because it was fun, aside all the adds and level repeats. I understand that it is hard to make a lot of levels, but that does not mean you get to slack off😫😩. Sometimes I wish that this game had no level repeats or adds! Overall, I enjoyed this game and I’d recommend it! ( You can turn on airplane mode while playing so that there are no adds)🤗🤔


Pretty nice!

I like this game a lot. It’s a great way to waste time 😅. It’s got good graphics, and it’s so simple that my little brother can play it. I like the skins that you earn too. I always like games where you earn the skins. But there’s not very many that you can get, and you go through the levels pretty fast. Most of the skins you just watch ads to get. I would like more skins (that you can earn) please! Also, there’s not a whole lot of levels. This game is endless as far as I know, but when you get to a certain level, the stages start to repeat. It’s still fun though. The game doesn’t take up much space on your device, and it’s quick to download. Like with any game, you can delete it whenever. But your progress doesn’t save.
It’s really just a mindless activity, but it’s still kind of fun to play. So if your kid is asking you to get this game, and you’re looking to see how good it is, honestly just get it. It’s pretty fun. And you could try it out too! 🤣

~thank you for reading this!~


Stickman .

Hi my name is Taylor and I just wanna say that I love this game and whoever created it is an awesome awesome person and a girl who reads imagination because this game rocks I love stick man because I love all the characters in it they’re also funny especially the unicorn and the hamburger and I also love that there’s challenges and races in it it’s so much fun it’s for the most part easy but when you get a harder level of course it’s hard but it’s just a really fun game I hope you download right now and buy it and it’s a totally kids family game I mean it’s great I hope you buy it because if you don’t well then you’re missing out on a lot of fun stuff even my brother plays it and believe me he’s very picky so I hope you buy this game please please please please please please do please do and don’t forget to comment on below to Mom I write a review stick man channel by do you have



It’s OK it’s OK it’s just there’s so many outs and most of the ads are like a minute or two long and it just needs more like there should be a way that you can I know there’s a way that you can challenge and you can race but there should be a way that you can like explore more to more stuff it just is missing something I guess it’s there’s not many characters in thereAren’t many backgrounds and stuff overall the game is pretty cool but the only thing that I would add to the game is make it like I would put more stuff into the game I like it because it’s a free game but what I don’t like about it is that in the game there are these three characters that are 2.99Like that doesn’t make sense it’s three characters and they’re not even that cool it’s just three characters do you like a robot and two others that I can’t remember it’s just so many ads and stuff like 3/4 of the characters you have to watch out for and it’s in sometimes they don’t even give you the characters for the ads


Great game but....

First of all I want to say I love this game! It is fun to play when you are bored or just looking for something to do. I have have it for maybe three months. I found the game on an add, and playable adds are fun, so I decided to try it out. The game was fun at first, but then I realized that every two levels, there is a 30 second add! You can click out of it, but still! Super annoying, but I don't think there is anything you can do about that. Second thing, I am on level 1,515 and it's the same levels over and over and over again. I think that if you added more levels the game would be a lot more fun. Third, I NEED you to add more challenges! They were really fun, but there's only 30, and I beat them all. Finally, I would like there to be more skins. I have them all and so I basically beat the whole game. Overall, I think it's an entertaining game, that could use a few updates. Thank you!!




This is a great game... it has a good concept but there is a few bad things in this game but I’m am only going to list 2. The first one is that it has way to many ads. If I die two times it goes to an ad. If I complete the level once it goes to an ad. And if I hit pause in the top left corner it goes to an ad. I know that there is the option to pay $2.99 for no ads but no one would want to basically waste there money on a game like this. My second reason is that there is a lot of glitches. Most every time I am doing a level it glitches out and takes me to my home screen. Or if I had just completed the level and it is time for an ad it glitches my screen black and then takes me to the home screen. And then when I get back on the game it goes strait to an ad. In conclusion I think this is a really fun game but I do think it has a few problems. I hope you can fix these problems because I would have a lot more fun on this game.


Look at me

This game is getting old. I know it’s hard to believe how much time has passed, but it’s true. This game is getting old. It’s starting to glitch out a lot more and there’s literally no updates, and the amount of ADS is getting way out of hand. I know it seems kinda mean, but you/everyone is going to have to leave this game behind. And soon enough it’s going to be marked off as one of those “Boomer games”. Yea, that’s gonna happen very soon. And it’s sad just thinking about it. But the mane reason I’m posting this is because many of my friends and my brother are playing this game, but the game keeps glitching out and some of them are deleting it now, but some of them including my brother just won’t let go of it. It’s going to go out of date with how much technology has been increasing, it’s not going to last much longer. (I’m so sorry for kinda acting like a Karen, I did not intend it but at least try and comprehend what I’m saying in the paragraph)


Fun until…

So at first this game was kind of fun. I was enjoying swinging around until I realized I was playing a level I had already played before. I thought nothing about it and kept going but then I got another level I had already played. Here is when I realized the the levels were not random and just repeat them selfs but I have nothing against that so I kept playing. I played for awhile maybe 3 more weeks because I am a 7th grader and have nothing to do on the bus, eventually I got bored and ran out of storage on my phone so I deleted StickmanHook . It was fun while I had it and I hope things become more challenging later on, who knows maybe I’ll re download StickmanHook later on. I hope if you thought about getting this game well, go for it! But if you expect it to go on forever than the sad truth is that it won’t. Have a nice day and ( if you have StickmanHook ) enjoy swinging on those ropes!


Level 1000

I’ve had this game for over half a year and have beaten 1000 levels of the game, overall I feel as though this game is amazing but it could definitely be evolved upon. The key problem with this game is the ads. The ads are incredibly annoying and take up half of the experience of the game and make it unplayable. I understand that this is a free app and the ads are the only way for them to make money but please, could you at least tone it down a bit. Another problem with the game is the height exploit. If you keep bouncing on on a bounce pad sideways and hold on to one of the grapple balls, you are able to get exponential speed and shoot your character straight to the finish line and win the games very easily. This exploit basically defeats the purpose of the game and could easily be stopped by putting barriers like on the bottom of the screen but on top. But overall I’d give the game 4 starts because of how fun it is.


Great game with a few problems

I have played Stickman hook for almost one year and it is great! I really love how you made something as simple as getting a stickman over to the finish line by swinging through the level like Tarzan and made the game so much more interesting! The concept of the game and the cool and funny characters you can get really make the game exciting and captivating. I would have given this five stars if their hadn’t been some issues. First the commercials are too many, I usually get an add every other level. It can be frustrating and annoying. Next, as I like that this game is not pay to win, there is a questionable that I have about it, every time I load the game a screen pops up that says buy this or that to get three free characters! It is quite annoying and sometimes causes a lag on my phone. Overall this game is great but it would be perfect if you could fix the problems. Happy holidays!



I really had nothing to do so I got over level 2,000😬. And I realized that I’ve played the same levels OVER A MILLION TIMES 😤😡. So I stopped to say don’t play this it’s time consuming and like the next week you play it it’s boring. AND THEN THE BOUNCE GLITCH IS JUST THE TOPPING ON THE CRAP SUNDAE. Like I skimmed through literally half the levels by using the glitch. And then the other half was just doing nothing. If a game rewards the player for doing nothing there’s no way this game is valid and wasted like 20 of my megabytes. Yeah so I don’t recommend mobile games like there’s the RPG games that have you grind and you never have the luck to get a good character from a scout/event and then people flex on you in lobbies that they have the character with a 0.25 summon chance. And then there’s the infinite games the just recycle levels and then you realize after level 69 that you realize “Hey I did this one before and that one .. WAIT”. So just don’t get this game. I got all skins and wasn’t worth. It’s just so plz no get eet


The greatest creator

I love this game so much I’ve read some of the notes about this game and then I saw a said you’re missing out all the fun so I decided to join and he was right the greatest creator he is the best of creating games you are a really cool creative person I would never of thought of this game the best game ever this is my very first time even doing this writing a note and by the way my name is leighanna I have a pug named peanut he’s cute he knows how to play fetch and he knows how to play games on my tablet and he just did Best game of my life my favorite game wa Roblox you should play it it’s a good game just like your game the best guy ever creating this game I kiss you five stars for this it is really fun I have made it to level 20 my favorite character is the unicorn and the angel by the way I love you do you like kiss you if you’re a boy🥇🥇🥇👑🥰🥰🥰🏆🏆🏆🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬

Is Stickman Hook Safe?

Yes. Stickman Hook is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 774,301 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Stickman Hook Is 45.4/100.

Is Stickman Hook Legit?

Yes. Stickman Hook is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 774,301 Stickman Hook User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Stickman Hook Is 60.8/100..

Is Stickman Hook not working?

Stickman Hook works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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