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Complete guide to troubleshoot Card Maker Creator app on iOS and Android devices. Solve all Card Maker Creator app problems, errors, connection issues, installation problems and crashes.
Table of Contents:
Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at PA Mobile Technology Company Limited, developers of Card Maker Creator.
Card Maker for CR was created for the fans of the CR card game, who want to create cards with their own imagination. This application allows you to create CR tags using pop-ups, simple and intuitive menus. Guide your friends to create cards for them and play cards together! Create your own fun art, comedy, or meme cards! Super easy to use the application, the card is saved in History and you can re-edit it. Card Maker for CR is just a design tool and no way affiliated with or endorsed by Supercell. It's easy and fast for you to create the tags you want. Thousands of cards have been created from our app, and now it's your turn to challenge it! Add new breaths to the cards, and show your friends how awesome you are! Tag properties include common attributes and also custom attributes, predefined icons. You will name yourself, decide the level, attributes, image ... of your CR tag. Create your own CR tag and you will decide everything about it! Describe your Monster and add attributes that let your opponents be scared. Export the card as PNG and save it on your device. CR content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Supercell.