I found TurboVPNPrivateBrowser recently and was amazed. Not only did it offer a free version but it is the only VPN service I’d found that stayed connected even when the phone is locked. Several other VPNs I’ve tried have a tendency not to. Furthermore, it connected quickly and efficiently, while other VPNs would, over time, have a harder and harder time connecting in China.
However, they recently and without the slightest warning dropped all users in China, simply referencing “policy.” Having read through the reviews, this seems to be a major issue at the moment, especially in regards to those who had recently purchased subscriptions for months and even up to a year. They do not appear to be offering refunds, either.
I would have gladly given TurboVPNPrivateBrowser a 5-star review, but now that it is unusable and given the lack of support for anyone who paid large quantities of money only to be let down without warning, I can only give it a 2 for now.