Company Name: RTC Holdings Incorporated
Crypto Converter is the
essential tool for getting the real-time cryptocurrency conversions you need to
keep on top of your investment and trading decisions.
With real-time pricing of
over 1750 crypto (as well as fiat!), you'll love how easy and fast it is to
convert trades and get the prices you want and need.
The following contact options are available: Pricing Information, Support, General Help, and Press Information/New Coverage (to guage reputation). Discover which options are the fastest to get your customer service issues resolved.
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by Har III
Not user friendly - difficult to navigate - interface designed by someone who designed the app and not with new user in mind - to many commercials - need to hire someone like me who designs interfaces that new users can navigate.
by Tuiihhgfk
Does not work at all . Just fine till right before upgrading to add free
by DrPhil85
This is not a good app. Closes by itself. Very disappointing