This is a great game overall, but the reason I gave this game 3 stars, is because this game is way too easy, you’ll only run into a couple players on your way around the map, and it only takes a couple shots with a pistol to kill them, but it is nice to make myself feel good after crashing my vehicle too many times.
The map on the other hand is WAY too big. It is very hard to land at a location far away from the airplane. And if you do manage to make it, the safe zone is always too far away, and now you die in the storm because the map is too big and the matches are too long.
Which brings me to the 3rd reason, and ways this app could improve their game. The matches are too long, so when you play a game, and you are about 20minutes in, and you die, you don’t play anymore, you go to another app. So if you decreased the amount of time in the match, you will have more people playing the game, and more often too. I can’t stress enough how important it is to keep the matches short, when you win a game, it typically takes about 25-35mins to do so. So if you take this down to about 10minutes per match, most people will have the time to play more, plus you could play 3 rounds in the time it takes to play one.
So in conclusion, if you are going to improve the game in some major ways, this is the route to go.