Camera Translator: Translate + Reviews

Camera Translator Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-18

🏷️ About: The Camera Translator app is a powerful translation tool that uses AI technology to translate text from photos, documents, and images. It supports more than 100 languages and can recognize text documents with various formats. The app is ideal for language learners, travelers, and researchers who need to scan and translate large documents effectively.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 22,610 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Easy to download and use

- Effective for identifying Chinese characters on commercial products

- Helps children learn and provides a sense of security for parents

- Translations are mostly good and saves time

Read 24 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.4 out of 5
Great but I had to keep deleting and downloading

This isn’t fair because there was this video and I couldn’t understand the title the first time. I did it the second time and it said I had to do a free trial. I’m not doing a free trial just to see stuff that I don’t understand! This is why I have to keep re-downloading it. If you want a great app, maybe it would just be cool if you took off the free trial so other people can enjoy it instead of complaining about how the trial was worth nothing. I feel bad for those people that paid for that and received nothing good out of it. CameraTranslator is trash and should be free and CameraTranslator in general needs to be free. I’m tired of these types of apps making you get CameraTranslator for free and then you have to do this stupid free trial. The sad thing is that you have to pay for completely nothing! I wish I was the person getting paid right now. Update CameraTranslator to where you don’t need a free trial to enter what’s not even worth it! Make it free to where you can use it unlimited for all people and or just using a free trial.

Was Better Before

The translator wasn’t that accurate but it was still enough to understand what it meant. It was nice that you could take photos from your phone and upload them to CameraTranslator to translate it. However, now you have to pay to get unlimited languages and to upload photos. This is understandable because this is how most free apps make money. But when you pay $2.99 a week for a translation app you use 2-3 times a week it’s unrealistic. This was my favorite translation app and I would always go to it first but now that you have to have a subscription to basically use anything on CameraTranslator , it’s a flat out horrible app.

Worse than free translation apps

I found many errors in translation of Chinese characters and some characters were not recognized at all. On several occasions the translation from camera function locked up and would not work at all. I found two other translators that are free and do a much better job. I regret paying for the first month. It was money waisted. At this point I would not recommend using it even for free due to all the failures to translate and bugs in the software.

After update

I was VERY satisfied with CameraTranslator ! Would have recommend it to anyone looking for translator BUT after the latest update it went from 5* app to 1* app! Now it has difficulty picking up content from pictures and you now have to chose the language that original text is written in to get any results and the reason I need a translator is because I don’t speak the language so it’s a good possibility I don’t know what dialect it is!!!

And they asked for another review... nothing has changed. Still was great, now is terrible.

USELESS TRANSLATOR Camera scan English to Spanish

I was trying to email them first before I left a bad review. However, the email button was the only one that didn’t work in settings.

I wish I could show you screenshots, but I cannot. So I used 3 apps to compare the translations: Google, Papago, and this one.

CameraTranslator left too much English in the translations. I really liked the camera scan option, but it’s just not functional enough to use other than to copy the text that was scanned and paste it into the other translators and then it’s a matter of piecing together grammar that actually makes sense and not awkward.

I have a free trial this week, so I will use it to scan text and paste it to the other translators.

I will check to see if this works for Korean and German and will update my review. For now it’s 1 Star for English to Spanish.


Not sure how this horrible app got 4.4 out of 5 stars when most of the recent reviews are rating it a 1 out of 5. They really expect me to buy the package/do the free trial after one test? Yeah I don’t think so. The first test run absolutely sucked, so obviously I wanted to try another test, but they hid it behind a paywall. If the first test sucked, which idiot who runs this company thought it would make people pay to use it? If it wasn’t for google translate acting up, I wouldn’t have even considered wasting my gb to download this sorry waste of storage. Pretty terrible, sad and pathetic.

No option to cancel free trial

I used the 3 day free trial for CameraTranslator and did not like it for my specific use. I needed it to translate a page and it was combining the two columns of a page together into mushed sentences that did not make any sense. I had to continually take pictures of little sections instead of the whole page, which isn’t worth the price. I’ve looked and tried to find a way to cancel it and do not see the option to, I emailed them and if they do not charge me I will edit this review and add more stars.

Don’t download unless you have money for it

I don’t recommend it if you don’t have money for it after all CameraTranslator is not for free, which is scandal and stupid because after one use you have to pay for it for full price to use it for lifetime if you don’t have the money then buy the month which is not worthy because you are paying more so I suggest to change price if you won’t then take CameraTranslator off of this store because is don’t deserve to be here if you are here to steal more money that you are offering us

Thank you for listening after all is not gonna help you anything if you are not going to change your mind


Every time I tried to take a picture the “Sign up for Premium Version!” would pop up, and I would click “Continue with limited version”, but when I tried to take the picture again the same screen would pop up. I did this over and over, eventually clicking the “Free” trial. When I put in the password, it told me to input a payment method. Absolutely not! I’m not putting any of my credit card info into a sketchy app just to use CameraTranslator once. Not to mention the fact that I would pay $5 a WEEK ( that is ridiculously pricey ) or $50 DOLLARS for life. I just wanted to use CameraTranslator one time and I am very disappointed in this.

Complete rip off!

This is a google translate that makes you pay $50 or $5.00 a month... I thought that you would be allowed to take a picture of text and it would translate it for you... nope it doesn’t... you get a small box that can fit a 3x3 of words, and then when you try to take a picture... it asks for membership... Basically meaning, you must pay money to use CameraTranslator at all... they should have put it as $50 on the AppStore, if they are going to charge you after you get CameraTranslator ... Complete waste of time! And a complete rip off! I highly recommend using your time to find a different app, or use google translate...


I’ve seen a few reviews saying the same thing, “When I take a picture, a page pops up encouraging to buy a monthly or yearly pass.” I’ve taken ONE picture to try to translate Thai to English. It didn’t really work, it translated one word that doesn’t correlate to the the bottle. Then, I’ve tried to take it again, because maybe it was the glare. But then a page pops up showing you to buy a Monthly, Yearly or Weekly pass to continue to take photos. I believe that CameraTranslator doesn’t work for the ONE and only photo that didn’t really work well. So, if your really want to spend your money for a pass, I’d recommend to take the ONE photo that you’re even aloud to. Although maybe with the passes it will work better. There has also been a few reviews saying that a few words weren’t translated or correct.

Terrible, doesn’t work

I spent 50 dollars on CameraTranslator just for the use of the Spanish translation camera. Upon trying it, I discovered that instead of translating the paragraph I had taken a photo of it read it back to me, without translating it to English!!! I played around with CameraTranslator for a short while trying desperately to find some solution, but eventually was forced to come to the conclusion that it was a glitch, and there was nothing I could do to fix it. These kind of glitches are absolutely unacceptable in such an expensive app, especially when students, such as myself, rely on apps like this to cheat on online quizzes. I now have no way of passing my Spanish quiz as the teacher has made it so we can’t switch tabs. Absolute waste of money!!!! 😡

Can’t cancel subscription

App is ok, I only needed for a couple of weeks, then I was trying to cancel subscription and there’s not link for canceling, and the link to email customer support doesn’t work. The only links available is for upgrades. They make it difficult to unsubscribe but after reading similar complains I found out another way to unsubscribe.
On your IPhone go to “settings”, then to “Apple ID”, then “view Apple ID”, then press on CameraTranslator and cancel.
Not honest to make this so complicated. If you have a link for easy upgrades you should have a link for easy cancellation.

Very limited dictionary

Some things about CameraTranslator are cool, but I actually did not find it helpful at all. I purchased a month’s access to use while I was in Spain, and I found that the camera did not recognize many items. I’d take a picture of a light switch, hoping to find the term for light switch, but I’d get words like “wall” and “device” and “utility.” A photo of a cutting board gave me the word for wood. The software is not smart enough for concepts relating to purpose, which covers a whole lot of everyday vocabulary. The concept is great, and it could be fun if you are using it just to build basic vocabulary, but it is not helpful when you need precise terminology to achieve an immediate goal. I ended up using a Spanish dictionary app for my travels. Also, I couldn’t figure out how to cancel my subscription. That was annoying.

Not that great!

It translates properly less than 50% of the time. The other problem I encountered was that it chooses a different language after I scan. For example, I wanted to translate Chinese to English, but when I scanned something, it showed up as scanning from Japanese to English.

Plus, I am finding it very hard to unsubscribe from the services. CameraTranslator says I can unsubscribe by going into the settings and unsubscribing after I have subscribed. The problem is that there is no “setting” button in CameraTranslator . Well there is, but the only options to choose are “FAQs, Other Apps, Email Us, Review App, Share CameraTranslator.” There isn’t an option to unsubscribe. I feel like I am about to be taken for a ride with my money.

But worse than google translate

First of all use google translate it’ll have a more accurate reading than CameraTranslator plus it’s free. I spent about 4 mins on CameraTranslator and translated a few lines but it was a worthless cause. Every line ended up choppy had about 1-3 words that’d get translated just to get a main idea. and it’s just not worth the price. It’d also ask me for a rating every time I translated something which got annoying real quick. Concept is cool but it’s not useful.
Could not find the unsubscribe, FAQ page is empty. Had to go to my Apple settings to get rid of oncoming bills.


CameraTranslator is ok. It’s not good by any means. This is because one, there are waaaaaaaayyyyy too many ads, two, after about two or three picture translates, I would scan something and it would redirect me to the subscription page, and three, every time I start CameraTranslator , I get the subscription page and there isn’t any option like “Don’t show me this again”. CameraTranslator can be much improved.

Great app, but…..

I bought CameraTranslator specifically to translate Korean/Hangul into English. I love that there is an audio playback function. But there is no control (that I can find) on the speed of the playback. I have Korean learning apps that let me control the playback speed, so
I can learn the pronunciation correctly. Bummer.
Fixing this would be so helpful!

Not completely accurate

The translation most time are good but many occasions it catches different meanings as opposed to looking up each word separately.
But over all it’s a true time saver when you are in a hurry to get the readings done.

Great App

CameraTranslator was easy to download and completely simple to use the effective for my purposes of identifying Chinese characters on commercial products that I bought for my kids! It helped them learn and also helped me to feel safe and secure about the things that are written on my children’s belongings! Thank Yoz

Not good

I opened CameraTranslator and I tried to take a picture, but it won’t let me. Every time I try to translate it, it pops up with a page that encourages you to but premium. Do I have to give money to CameraTranslator to translate pictures? There’s nothing wrong with trying to make money off of something, but why even let people get CameraTranslator off the store for free in the first place when everything thing in CameraTranslator cost money? Just seems a little ridiculous.

Somewhat useful

CameraTranslator is a good idea. The problem lies in the word/ language recognition. Some words get a ‘no text shown’ response. In some cases I would photo a German word for an English translation. The next screen would show the German word but change the flag to English and would show the German word, in German but the flag would be English.
Don’t think CameraTranslator is ready for prime time yet!


I give this application ⭐️because It takes you out of trouble.

I thought this is going to help me in my work, I really do not need it.

I got it for 3-days trial, but the first day I realized that I really didn't need so I decided to cancel. I sent them 2 emails and they told me to return to the application. When I return to the application there is no way to do it.

and I've been trying for the past 5 days and it's impossible to cancel the subscription. I hope they are not charging me.

Could someone tell me how to cancel the subscription?

Mystery Solved

I had some things from my grandpa from years ago with Chinese writing on them. I’ve had these things for about 40 years and CameraTranslator help give some clues about what they are!

Is Camera Translator Safe? 🙏

Yes. Camera Translator: Translate + is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 22,610 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Camera Translator Is 32.7/100.

Safety Analysis

75.1% of users say app is Safe 👍

12.5% of users say app is Risky 🚨

12.3% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

Is Camera Translator Legit? 💯

Yes. Camera Translator: Translate + is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 22,610 Camera Translator: Translate + User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Camera Translator Is 47.2/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

Camera Translator collected the following data from you:

  • Data Used to Track You:
    • Location
    • Identifiers
  • Data Not Linked to You:
    • Location
    • User Content
    • Identifiers
    • Usage Data
    • Diagnostics

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
Weekly Premium Translation $4.99
Weekly Premium $5.99
Weekly Premium Translation $4.99
Monthly Premium Translation $9.99
Weekly 7 day trial $5.99
Weekly Premium Translation $2.99
Lifetime Premium Camera $49.99
Weekly Premium Translation $3.99
Weekly Subscription $3.99
Weekly Subscription $3.99

How was your experience with Camera Translator: Translate +? Post a Review


- Powerful camera and high-quality AI translation

- Translate photo, text, and camera from English to Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, Arabic, and more

- Supports more than 100 languages

- Recognizes text documents with various formats

- Detects and translates photos and images with png, jpg, and others

- Edits scanned texts inside the app

- Copies texts to share in any application

- Offers a subscription program for unlimited access to the translator service

- Premium Translation Subscriptions include speech to text recognizing, translating, and text to speech

- Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase

- Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period

- Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user’s Account Settings after purchase

- Terms of Use and Privacy Policy are available on the app's website

- Contact for any inquiries or assistance.

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