(Fake story) once there was a little girl who was 8, she had 2 Saint Bernard dogs, her mother and father lived with her and with no technology in the house. The girl loved to venture in the woods near her house, it was snowy outside and she took her 2 dogs and went to play. She looked all around, she couldn’t see her house! She ran in 1 direction and noticed a pile of sticks, white sticks, she came closer and saw it was bones!! She ran faster, her dogs behind, she heard rustling in the leaves, she heard “honey? Is that you? It’s me your mom”, the girl heard her moms voice. But somthing felt, off. She looked around, and the voice said “come here,” In a deeper voice. Her dogs barked insanely! She ran faster , then faster, she found her house finally. She told her mom about the incedint and said “ probably just the wind against the leaves. 7 years later, the girl, now 15, asked again, her mother said the shocking truth ,the house was built on a native area, with ancient statues and carvings, they hired somebody to take care of the evil spirits, the creature was called a wendigo, a tall skinny to the ribs creature with horns that like a male deer, and black as vonmant, the wendigo would take on the voice of a loved one of the victem and kill them. It’s lucky to survive. The wendigo also takes over the spirit, body, and soul, and takes control of each victem it kills, it’s always hungry for flesh and lives in dark, and or not many housed areas........ who’s next?