Ghost Detector Radar Camera Reviews

Ghost Detector Radar Camera Reviews

Published by on 2025-01-21

🏷️ About: Find ghosts and communicate with spirits, using this app's groundbreaking ultra-realistic experience. The only ghost detector app that shows you detected ghosts like they are actually floating in your home.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

😎 Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 50,730 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- It can be a fun way to entertain yourself during coronavirus.

- It can be a great way to explore your interest in ghosts and the supernatural.

- It can be a great way to connect with friends and family.

- It can be a great way to explore new places and meet new people.

Read 28 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.3 out of 5
Mostly Fake but beware of accidental conjuring

It’s a game. Similar to Pokémon Go. You walk around and “catch “ a ghost. Most often It’ll pick a couple of ghosts to be the “mains” found In your home. The apparitions are mostly fake.. cover the camera lens and you’ll see they are still there. Attempt to touch and you’ll see the image is fixed in the screen. Tilt the phone from side to side and it fixed on you screen. Angles don’t change it’s even possible to have an upside down image for a few seconds or so. On the negative and dark side, it’s uses a language which is a mix of old rune language, cryllic language and witches alphabet. Attempting to translate it will yield gibberish commands and a couple of times you catch partial words used for spells and a lot of computer programming commands and codes. A mixture of nonsense and old spells embedded. So, it may be possible to conjur something in your home by a small probability. I suggest steering away from ANYTHING that attempts to embed witches alphabet and old Language in their game. In regards to to the numerous scary stories I’ve read in commentary... most are bogus, others come from extremely sensitive and gullible individuals and very few MAY have had an authentic conjuring given perhaps to their already heightened ability to sense spiritual matters combined with the inter workings and unique language used in the game. My guess is the right set of words/spells encrypted might open the game to something dark.


I have two sisters named milly and Caroline and a friend named alex. We all thought it would be fun to get a ghost app and have fun with it. as soon as we downloaded when it said calibrating sensors we all screamed and ran down the stairs but we were just SCARED OUT OF MIND so we chose to do one that was fake and then we thought ok were ready. But Alex has to go home so we asked if we could bring her to the lake with us and my mom said sure. So the next day she came when we got on the boat at the lake we went to a restaurant called chucks and we met a friendly ghost named liel but we had to leave. And at night weird stuff happend like toys were moved and at day our bunny’s cage was open cereal was spilled and we all clammed we did not do anything!! The maybelle(our dog) started barking at nothing and growling .and out of nowhere a scar popped up on my toe it was bleeding we all got scared and then we realized that we did not delete GhostDetectorRadarCamera we were all aware of the other reviews cause we read them then we looked at GhostDetectorRadarCamera and scanned where Maybelle was barking and we saw a kid we asked if he was friendly and he said no as soon as he said that we deleted it but Maybelle was still barking but then she stopped we chose TO NEVER EVER GET GhostDetectorRadarCamera AGIN( of course we wrote a review first)(this is the review) (BEWARE DOWNLOAD ON YOUR OWN RISK)

Fun, but...

I believe in supernatural beings, so this is really cool. I love how you can chat with spirits, but... it gets creepy. Many ghosts said these things, “Run now,” “Get out,” “Let’s have fun,” “Do you want proof?” “Time is running out,” “Leave while you can,” and “One more chance.” I honestly love when they’re creepy but it also spooks me at the same time. I don’t enjoy them saying yes when I ask if they are evil though. Sheesh.
Edit: It’s about a year later, and I haven’t found many good spirits. Most of them are errant souls or spectres. One of them claimed to be pure evil. I don’t think that this is real, but it still freaks me out. I have seen spirits with my own eyes, and they are never talkative. My old house was haunted. There was a spirit living in one of the rooms. One time my brother shut me in there because he got mad at me and I felt something scraping my back. I tried to run to the door, but felt like I couldn’t move. In my room, this black mist (it looked like a swarm of little black bugs moving in a way that looked like stop motion) started hovering in the middle of the room. Then everything went black for a second and it disappeared. I would also occasionally see something black out of the corner of my eye. My dog would always bark at something in the hallway even though my family didn’t see anything there.

is this real..?

so, me and my friend downloaded this to entertain us during coronavirus. After all, we do online school. We’ve always been into ghosts and stuff like that! We read the reviews and decided to get GhostDetectorRadarCamera. The second day we downloaded GhostDetectorRadarCamera , I decided to use it. I was laying in my bed and rotating my phone around me. Suddenly, GhostDetectorRadarCamera detected something next to my desk. I decided to ask it the question: are you good or evil? It responded with “Let’s just say i like to make people... squirm”. I asked it a few more questions like “what is your name” “when were you born” and “why have you come here”. I asked it my final question, “do you want to hurt me”. It responded with “Bend you til’ you break... get you all twisted up in knots. Sounds like a plan to me.” Which I started to get a little scared after hearing... I was talking to my friend who also downloaded GhostDetectorRadarCamera about it. When I had a thought, this evil spirit could have been the crooked man, which I accidentally summoned earlier this year. If you don’t know much about the crooked man, sorry but I won’t be explaining. I also have another story that happened with my friend. I was on a call with her at the time when she was using GhostDetectorRadarCamera . We ended up finding a ghost that follow the same exact details like age, relationship status, where she lives, name, and gender as the previous owner of her house!! This creeped both of us out... if you’re into this type of stuff, I definitely would recommend!!


my friends and I were hanging out, and we decided that we should download GhostDetectorRadarCamera for fun. When we started playing, there was a ghost in my friends bedroom. The detector read vengeful spirit. We started having a conversation with the ghost and found out her name was Maria. When we asked her how she died she said burned alive. When the ghost said she was burned alive, we got really scared. But then she said Get Out. I asked her why we should get out and she said Demon. We got really confused, and asked her why again. She said Demon and then she said Stop While You Can. At that point my friend and I laughed it off, thinking they Programms GhostDetectorRadarCamera to do that. But then the detector picked up another ghost. We got really scared. The ghost was behind us, so we asked Maria who the ghost was. She said get out. We asked why, and she said Demon AGAIN! Then we heard the computer voice come on and say it lost connection. Maria Disappeared and so did the other ghost. Then my friend and I saw the Demon come back. We asked her her name, and she said Sally. Then we asked her why she was here, and she said Let’s have some fun. My friend and I ran out of the room screaming. But every room we went into the ghost followed us. It was so scary. Oh my Godthis app is real! Don’t download it will scare you for life.

Creepiest app on earth

I had first downloaded GhostDetectorRadarCamera a few years ago, in 2017. I was at a baby shower and I was playing with it. But for some reason I deleted it and just downloaded GhostDetectorRadarCamera again yesterday. I decided to download GhostDetectorRadarCamera because me and my family have been having paranormal activity happening in our house. First, my cousin Came over and stayed for a few weeks. While he was here we saw and heard ghosts. Also we found cold spots in our home. We are in the middle of moving and my mom thinks the ghosts don’t want us to leave our house. So I downloaded GhostDetectorRadarCamera and it is scary!!! I was playing it last night and it said there was a ghost girl name Melody who died at age 17 from a vampire. She also said she wanted my soul. This really freaked me out since it was around 12:00 last night. GhostDetectorRadarCamera I feel proves that my house is haunted. But there is one thing I would want the creators of GhostDetectorRadarCamera to fix. I would like the ghost answers to be shown sooner! I know you can but the faster version but I don’t have the money to buy that!! I do have my birthday money but I’m saving it up for Knotts Berry Farm this June. I would hope you creators and fellow people will read this and download and fix GhostDetectorRadarCamera. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a magical and weird day!!!

I thought it was fake?

Download at your own risk: here is my story, so I am like, what, 9, and I was very bored. So I asked my mom for this game and she was like, why do u want this it is fake... so blah blah blah the day after I wanted to play it. (I was playing the day before too lol) so I wanted to get on it and troll the ghost. So I found a ghost (the last ghost I got which was like a couple minutes ago) and it said it was friendly. So I was asking it some questions and I asked if it was evil, guess what. It said “I’m pure evil” and the other ghost popped up with unrealistic answers like if I asked if it wants to play fortnite it’d say “do u believe” but this one did not. I swear I thought this was a glitch. But I started to realize before I posted this that... it was not just a glitch. It was real. You know why? Some say this stuff will mess with your brain to make you think there is a ghost but there is not. So yeah.. I thought that.... and I asked it the most random question that the other ghost (fake ghost basically) never put something for you to understand so it answered... and... I asked “What is my brother’s name” it said... [CENSORED] (their names I just can’t tell u them) then my back started to itch a lot.. the air was freezing so I went to my room, next thing you know it. The closet door was closing. That is when I left GhostDetectorRadarCamera and came down here to tell everybody, welp that is my story and... download at your on risk (VERY dangerous)


So, me and my friend got GhostDetectorRadarCamera thinking this was fake, and just a silly little game... Oh boy, were we wrong! We were first in my friend’s yard, (It’s a male) and he got a ghost on a different app. It lead us to a shed. He asked what was in it, and it said a demon. We opened up GhostDetectorRadarCamera a little bit later, and we said it would me funny to go to the shed. He went over to the shed, and went under it and.... A demon appeared! We were very scared, thinking this may be real. We ran away, lost signal. Phew.... We went back there and next to it (His hamster’s grave, along with his little bro’s hamster grave) an errant soul appeared. We asked it, “What’s in the shed?” It replied with, “A demon.” We were scared.. We opened it up in his room, and a ghost appeared. Me, my sister, and him sat on his bed. A ghost of a woman, at least it looked like that... It popped up right in front of the bed.. Him and I started feeling itchy, but my sister wasn’t... After it disappeared, we stopped feeling itchy... A ghost appeared on his screen, possibly the same one on my radar and then disappeared. We felt where the ghost was. It felt slightly colder.. When it disappeared, seconds after, it disappeared on my radar too! Creepy! We closed out of GhostDetectorRadarCamera after, we still use it a bit though. GhostDetectorRadarCamera may be real! Download at your own risk!


So me and my friend were bored at a sleepover waiting to go to the beach so we read the reviews and started to download GhostDetectorRadarCamera . We scanned her apartment and finally found one. We were laughing and didn’t really believe the reviews at the time because why would a app sense ghosts, right? GhostDetectorRadarCamera has many questions to ask so we clicked the first one, name. It said my friends dead grandpas name and we thought it was a joke because it was a really common name. We then asked how it died and it described exactly how her grandpa died (she didn’t know how he died at the time) he said he had a heart attack in the middle of the highway and pulled over to the side and hit a pole. My friend got a little scared and had me to hold the phone so we wouldn’t loose the ghost and she went on her balcony. She was telling her mom about it and I suddenly hear her mom start sobbing and running to the ghost. We asked more questions and asked if you have a “special message for me” and it said “well (my friends name)”and then said this random message that made her jump. The ghost never left and we belive that it’s by her side forever and my friends mom then texted my mom about it and was truly scared GhostDetectorRadarCamera is real and I have a bunch of other stories with it.

My sisters bedroom

Today, I was in my sisters room messing around with her and my cousin. I turned around just to find a man in all black staring in her mirror, it scared me so bad I ran out screaming. They asked me what was wrong, and I told them what I saw. Then again we just moved into this house, the previous owners left and ran when they left someone to die, by giving the drugs. They all told me that I was lying and nothing was in her room, the only person who believed me was my cousin. A couple minutes later my sister left for the store, my mom and stepdad were watching tv and me and my cousin were playing with her car, whom had to use the litter box. He ran to her room and cried. Cried I tell you, like pain like someone was in there, it wasn’t just him. He ran upstairs crying to my mothers bedroom. Me and my cousin went to my room and started to freak out. “ I told you there was something in there” I said my cousin replied with “I know but your mom still doesn’t believe us”. The cat whom is very evil and mean and isn’t nice at all, came to my room and later next to us, he let us pet him, there was obviously something wrong. At that point you obviously know there is something there, that is our ghost story this is not fake I tell you, it’s all real and that was my experience with my sisters mirror ghost.

Creeped me out

Okay, i was bored so I decided to download GhostDetectorRadarCamera. At first I was like meehhhh it’s fake. I was sitting at my dining table, I opened GhostDetectorRadarCamera and it detected a ghost in the guest bedroom (the guest room is next to my bedroom) since I don’t usually have guests over I kinda turned the guest bedroom into a study room (filled with books and stuff like that) I was shocked to death because 2 days ago, while I’m doing my work in the guest bedroom I felt like I’m being stared at and when I looked at “the” direction I suddenly have a “thought” of how “it” looked like. Completely black (kind of a shadowy-like I guess) with red eyes. Creeped me out so I quickly left my stuff (cause I can do it tomorrow anyway) and went straight to my bedroom and sleep. It’s pretty late, almost midnight. The ghost that GhostDetectorRadarCamera detected have long hair and shadowy figure (no legs no arms) almost similar to what I imagine 2 days ago. I opened the door of the guest bedroom and the ghost is standing/floating(in GhostDetectorRadarCamera) right where I imagine it to be 2 days ago. Btw, the light in the guest bedroom is off so I turned it on and the ghost is gone(GhostDetectorRadarCamera says). I did get the chance to say “hi” and the ghost replied “hello”. Turned on the light and poof the ghost is gone(GhostDetectorRadarCamera says). Welp, guess I won’t stay in that room till late at night again. Creeped the heck outta me.

my friends dead sister

so i was messing around with it and i caught a ghost. it was a female 5year old and she died of lung disease or something. that’s exactly how my friends sister died and that was... terrifying so i kept doing it and i caught her one more time and i asked if she had a special message and she said tell my sister that i love her... i thought that was the cutest thing ever yet sad that she didn’t get to see her. my friends dead sister would have been the oldest and my friend is the youngest. so it makes sense that the oldest would take care of the youngest. i just don’t know how her dead sister knew that i was her friend and that i would deliver the message and that i was safe. of course if i was a ghost i wouldn’t be a bad one i would haunt the ppl why bullied until they repented but if anyone got the ghost app i would show up and try to have a conversation and help them with their problems. anyways LAST STORY: my grandfather. he died in my old house and i recently moved but before then i would hear him talking to me and trying to have a conversation. i would always think i was a dream but no. my grandfather told me to tell his youngest daughter (my mom) that he loved her i was shocked and told her about it the next day. GhostDetectorRadarCamera is true


So my friend and I downloaded GhostDetectorRadarCamera because we wanted to have fun and I kinda wanted to scare her sister, so we went in places in my house where some weird stuff happens. First my room where I saw my dead grandpa! But...nothing. So we went down stair and I told her this is where my dad felt someone push him though he was alone. Next we went to his bathroom where recently he was brushing his teeth and thought he saw something in his bathroom shower, thinking it was my mom or brother he opens the curtain but nothing. So we go in his bathroom then ghost detected!!! I started laughing then we asked the ghost it’s name and it said Emily that’s my name! Then we asked it how it died and it said cancer I asked it what type of cancer but had to go get my little brother away because he kept running into the bathroom screaming trying to scare us and just got annoying so I asked my friend but she didn’t know how to say the word. Next I said you are very pretty and she said so lonely so I asked if she had any friends here and she said Rose and then we asked how Rose died she was buried alive then we asked where and she said in my cellar and It was then that I saw the ghost was a demon so my friend and I said bye and Emily said no so we ran into my room and I looked on GhostDetectorRadarCamera and pointed it behind us and there she was standing there.

Fog Morphed into Floating Figure?!

My mom and I were watching Ghost Adventures when it dawned on me that it’d be a neat idea to download ghost detecting apps on my phone to find out if we could come across anything. After opening the Ghost Detector app, I walked around her house for a few minutes and didn’t see anything except for a little bit of fog in the hallway. I didn’t think much of it in the beginning because I assumed it was light reflecting from the sun which beams through hallway. After looking through the bedrooms, I walk back down the hallway to tell my mom I didn’t come across anything. In the middle of telling her this, the fog reappeared and turned into the form of a floating woman. I panic and start tearing up because I freaked at the sight of what I saw. A woman’s face became more clear in the view of the camera but right when I scream and run to the couch, there wasn’t a woman anymore but only fog again. My mom starts asking me, “what is it? What did you see?!” I turned the phone to her for to see anything. It was the woman in full figure floating in front of her refridgerator. We couldn’t believe what we were seeing. As my mom asks me to walk over by it, it vanishes. We haven’t seen in sense. After coming to the realization of what we saw, my mom said that’s what Max her dog must have been barking at night time.

story by briley

Ok so I was doing this ghost app and there was a love ghost I was doing this with my friend and all of a sudden her dad comes up and says 2 complements and hugs her a lot of times but that was before we knew what ghost it was. Then the other day I did it and it was kinda rude I wanted to know about it and it said, “snitches get stitches.” So I earlier in the day a little bit after I go on this new treadmill my family got and I was just being a little kid playing on it and all of a sudden I see droppings of blood coming from my foot I cut it on a piece of the treadmill just like the ghost said, “snitches get stitches.” I was kinda scared I would get stitches but I was ok. I grab a bandage and clean the blood off. (This one is kinda boring) but I had this ghost named helga today and I was just watching it from Netflix “Liv and Maddie.” I know that’s just a coincidence but I mean kinda weird right? Hope you liked my story I was kinda exaggerating but it’s true this all happened. You should get this amazing game it’s so fun and wastes so much time it’s not that scary so don’t be frightened 🤪bye! Little bit later (edit) —so Iwas looking at my the story’s and wanted to make one and see this long story and just wanted to say, no I never got stitches my foot was all right just a deep cut but a small one bye!

This creeped me out so much!!!

So my friend Lola and I downloaded this a year ago for fun nothing ever really came up so we stopped playing. I never deleted GhostDetectorRadarCamera though I forgot it was even there until one day my friend (Lola) and I were texting it was 3:00 pm Lola asked if I still had it. I checked my apps. There it was. I answered and we laughed about how I forgot it was there. About a week later I was playing on it. It was 7:30 and my parents were out, so I was home alone.... they weren’t going to get home till late. I have an irrational fear of someone getting in well I’m home alone. So I don’t sleep until they are home and I like to sit in the kitchen with every light on in the house ( i know this is boring your probably thinking okay...your crazy. But wait!) this time I was just exhausted so I went up to my room got in bed and watched friends. I woke up at about 10:30. My room was freezing. I got a weird eerie feeling that something wasn’t right. I decided to open up my phone and open GhostDetectorRadarCamera. Suddenly the danger meter went up really high it got even colder. I asked the ghost if it was nice. It said no. This sent me into a full on panic frenzy. I asked if it liked me. It answered no. Are you going to hurt me? No response. I asked again. No response. Then the computer voice said signal lost. I couldn’t sleep for weeks....


So it was Monday June 8th 2020 * DURING CORONAVIRUS * it was 12:39 and I was bored when I used it first I found nothing then I read the story’s and found some of them funny so I looked again and I found 6 kids sitting on my bed when I was in bed I jumped so high I hit my head on the ceiling * my ceiling is like half of a foot taller than me * I asked them how they died what was there name and how old they were I never told them anything about me and I asked do you have a family they all said “ just you now die “ I then said WAIT then they did wait I asked do you have the coronavirus they said what’s that i said it’s a deadly disease they so oh yeah I have it I then yelled “ GET AWAY FROM ME GO SIX FEET THAT WAY WERE A MASK GET SOME GLOVES “ they got off my bed at I had a movie playing called * accepted with Justin Long * as soon as they got off all of the power went off the movie stopped all of my lights shut off * I had all of my lights on * I ran to my mom and dads room all the way on the top floor I screamed so loud I broke the window * I have a really loud scream * my parents said what then they talked to the ghost and my dad started to cry because one of them were my miscarriage sister then they said sorry and we don’t stop talking we are like best friends ( I’m sorry I don’t use periods ✌🏻have a fun time with this game )

I would like my money back please…

I change my rating to five stars so maybe this would post however, If you’re expecting this to be any more than an entertainment value to let your friends think you’re hunting a ghost then you, like me, just got ripped off… Have you noticed that when you ask them(spirit) if they have a message for you that the “spirit” that you are talking to gives your message and refers to you with your name… pretty cool and pretty smart software… But if you go into your iPhone settings and change your phone name to something different and then talk to another spirit you’ll see that they’ll refer to you by that name… And if you continue to do this they will continue to respond with whatever word(s) you put in there… Could be a neat trick for your friends if you go in and change your name to theirs and then have a message for them… But other than that it’s just SPOOF” software that has absolutely nothing to do with what you’re hoping it does… The only reason I gave it 2 stars is because it was a covert software of sorts and has some originality to it… And if the creator of the software is reading this I would like my money back please… William Alfred Childers… And by the way you have my email as I have emailed you before… please please please everyone, stay COVID free 😷...😎...

It’s real?!

I downloaded GhostDetectorRadarCamera for fun. I didn’t honestly think it worked, but one day I was outside and suddenly got a chill down my neck and I turned around and had a bad feeling in my stomach so I pulled out my phone and opened GhostDetectorRadarCamera up. All of a sudden there’s a ghost right behind me and then it mentioned something about The chill I just had down my neck. Ever since then I’ve always felt watched or really unsafe when I’m outside. I keep doing GhostDetectorRadarCamera because I’m trying to get the ghosts story because I’m a little bit into ghost hunts and stuff like that. But another ghost appeared In my room before and it said it died a really long time ago in my backyard. It said it was a boy, I don’t remember his name, but he was it 6 years old. It disappeared soon though....But then when I slept I had a dream about the boy in my backyard. He was in the yard playing with the flowers since his mother had a garden. His father left before he was born too. But suddenly, his mom pulls him inside and she murders the boy. I woke up crying and slept with my mom That night but I still remember it to this day. I was a little bit younger about 9-10 but now Im 13. Ever since I had that dream I’ve been seeing figures and people that aren’t there and I’m honestly terrified. I’d like to say that if your reading this, GhostDetectorRadarCamera is real and is scary. But it can be fun but download at your own risk..

This is real😭😭

I was playing this game when I saw a ghost pop up and it’s name was Mary so I was just asking her some normal questions and then she disappeared and 2 minutes later she was back same ghost same name she said “run (my name)” then I said why she said “I suggest you comply” I said no then she said “please do it” I said ok then another ghost popped up and said “no don’t leave I’m lonely” so I said mkay but then Mary was right behind me and I felt her behind me then the other ghost said “ I’ll prove to you I’m real” I said ok? Then 2 hours later out of my 4 dogs 2 of them where barking where the other ghost supposedly was I got nervous but kept playing after I got the dogs to stop barking one of them just straight up died...and there where choke marks on her fur as if it was by hand but I live alone with my dogs and I’ll never do that to my babies the ghost was named jean and jean said”does that prove I’m real?!?” I said yes! Yes it does :( I felt a sharp pain on my head it was Mary again she said your dogs with me I said ok thx Mary she was supposedly my friend she helped me a lot but every time I get on the game I see jean and Mary jean breaks things to prove she is real and once she killed my brother at 8 years old he just moved in with me....then I felt light headed and I opened GhostDetectorRadarCamera then I wasn’t light headed anymore and jean said I see you (my name) again Mary told my to say good bye and leave so thats what I did and that’s my experience

Her Name Was Devil?!!

Me and my friends were messing around and we thought it would be fun if we got GhostDetectorRadarCamera. So we did and in the first minutes we saw a little girl ghost named Devil. Her features on the phone were weirdly realistic, and so we asked her if she knew our ages and she said the exact age we all were. SO CREEPY!!! I personally thought that this was some silly joke so I turned off GhostDetectorRadarCamera and just hung around for a while with my friends. At about 9:23 they all left and I was home alone. Bored out of my mind, I decided to open up GhostDetectorRadarCamera again. This time, a hooded white floating figure appeared by my bedroom door with the name of Verna. She had died of cancer at age eleven, which I thought was pretty sad. A moment later, she told me to run. I asked why and she said "Devil." It spooked me a bit due to the mention of that creepy little ghost girl who my friends and I encountered. I began to ask Verna another question and she disappeared. I was about to turn off my phone when I saw a dot on the radar, and I turned the phone to see a familiar looking little ghost girl with realistic features. I asked her what she wanted and she replied "I need ur body." And then my phone died. Leaving me sitting alone in the dark staring at my gaping hole of a closet door. SCARED OUT OF MY MIND!!!😵😵😱😱

The wendigo

(Fake story) once there was a little girl who was 8, she had 2 Saint Bernard dogs, her mother and father lived with her and with no technology in the house. The girl loved to venture in the woods near her house, it was snowy outside and she took her 2 dogs and went to play. She looked all around, she couldn’t see her house! She ran in 1 direction and noticed a pile of sticks, white sticks, she came closer and saw it was bones!! She ran faster, her dogs behind, she heard rustling in the leaves, she heard “honey? Is that you? It’s me your mom”, the girl heard her moms voice. But somthing felt, off. She looked around, and the voice said “come here,” In a deeper voice. Her dogs barked insanely! She ran faster , then faster, she found her house finally. She told her mom about the incedint and said “ probably just the wind against the leaves. 7 years later, the girl, now 15, asked again, her mother said the shocking truth ,the house was built on a native area, with ancient statues and carvings, they hired somebody to take care of the evil spirits, the creature was called a wendigo, a tall skinny to the ribs creature with horns that like a male deer, and black as vonmant, the wendigo would take on the voice of a loved one of the victem and kill them. It’s lucky to survive. The wendigo also takes over the spirit, body, and soul, and takes control of each victem it kills, it’s always hungry for flesh and lives in dark, and or not many housed areas........ who’s next?

The creepy night

Hi my name is Bella I was playing with my sister one night and this happened jasmine was playing and we loved playing together it was late and we were tired but we wanted to play more my mom came and said if you stay up late then monsters will come we laughed my mom did too there is no such thing as a monster jasmine said (ok) said our mom we kept playing and there was a thunder storm the lights flickered we got so scared my sister find a flashlight we cuddled up suddenly we see a man with a hoody on in the security camera she walking up the stares and we lock the door luckily we had no windows he stared to band bang on the door we were crying very softly he herd us and we see a shadow in the room and then we see the guy with the hoody walking forwards us we run opened the door ran down stairs and told our mom she was right I know said my mom we looked on the other side of her bed and our dad is dead we scream and cry he find us and tried to kill same as the ghost we run out the back door and we break threw a window and hide they screamed and said don’t rob me we said no no no we are hiding from a murderer we coached down and the cops came and arrested the murderer we still know the ghost is somewhere but every night we go to bed at our time to go to bed. The ghost came back but he didn’t do anything.i hope you read

The scary story

This story is going to be fake well let’s start so I was in my room then my little sister came in my room so after that then she told me that she had a imaginary friend and it was a boy and his name was Alexander then I went down in my basement then I heard my name in there 3 times then I tried to download a ghost app then I found this one then I was like I got to try this then after I downloaded GhostDetectorRadarCamera then I saw 2 spirits just standing there then I said why are you here then it said
TO KILL YOU!!!! Then I tried punching it then it wouldn’t die so I tried texting my mom well she wouldn’t answer so I ran outside of my house then it followed me so I kept on running intell I got really tired then I lost it my sister was still following me then I heard her say AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH then I went right back to my house to save her well after that then she was acting wierd then her eyes were glowing light red then I first found out she was cursed then I dropped her and run away then I lost her then I started to cry then I prayed that I was going to be ok then I escaped then I was happy that I was ok and that I escaped

The end so I hope you guys injoyd the story and I am only 7 years old and if your thinking that I typed this much I actually don’t know how I typed this much well hope you guys injoy.

This app....

The following contains a real life encounter

Great app really spoopy. So I’m an 21 year old woman and I love paranormal activity. I live with my friend and we downloaded GhostDetectorRadarCamera for fun. (Let’s call my friend Lily). So me and Lily went around our apartment with GhostDetectorRadarCamera. We went to our room and there was a little girl ghost (about the age of 5) and a what seemed to be an older sister/babysitter. ( about 15/17 at the most) we asked a few simple questions like “ what’s your name?” “ How old are you” “where are you from” etc. So we asked the older sister how they died. Then she said “Our parents stabbed us and then hung us to be sure we are dead” (this was when you could still type questions) so I asked if they were nice or mean. Then the little girl said “ Bearie we are oh so nice! But evil lurks down the road” I freaked out because my name is Brittney but I’m called Bearie by friends and family. We closed GhostDetectorRadarCamera and looked up if there were any accidents that happened in our apartment building. We found one and it was about the two girls. It read that the mother of the family went insane and murdered her family. And hung her two daughters and killed her husband afterwards. We freaked out. Because GhostDetectorRadarCamera is supposed to be for fun purposes but it’s one of those fake apps.

Download at your own risk

I’m 9 yrs old and I was playing this game wi5 my mom and I said to it to try and do something. Then at this time my computer turn on repeating a message and had a bloody bowser on the screen the message kept saying “I feel~ fantastic. Hey,hey,hey~. Then it showed a knife in a persons head. Then I realised. It was my grandma! and then I asked another question and then the sink kept turning on and off every 5 seconds. Then it moved. I looked at it then. Boom. The whole power went OUT. But my iPad was still on. I couldn’t see anything. Then I just went under a blanket. (That’s what I do when I get scared) then I got grabbed by the foot. I kicked. And felt something I aimed the cam at it and there it was. A bloody woman. And she didin’t move. I asked her a question of where her body was and she said “behind you” so I aimed it behind me nothing was there then I got hit on the head. By then I ran out of the house and called the Paranormal Investigators and checked the Whole house. And sure enough. They got a Demon. They caught it and sent it to a paranormal scientist and exacted it and it’s last words were “I still feel fantastic”. And then I realised my computer wasn’t acting weird anymore. Then 3 days later I posted this. But then I realised again me: GRANDMA!!”” And then we drove over to her house.. but.. she was gone..


I've used this app twice now and after my 5 questions I'd try again to see what I'd get. On both occasions the same ghost would appear and the image would move from one spot to in front of me in less than a second, but no detection of a ghost, no questions to get to ask. It was strange never happened before. Can't tell if it was a glitch or if this app is real. All I know is I got chills up my spine. Ghosts also appeared behind me while that happened. One was named Helen and the other Voelgar I think. Voelgar looked like the grim reaper, while Helen had short hair with what looked like a stabbed eye.


Hello, when I used the app, My question was translated from the Nordic/germanic runes. I study the runes personally. Does this app have an algorithm to see what people read about on their own phones? Also does everyone get their answers from their questions translated from the runes into English?

Is Ghost Detector Radar Camera Safe? 🙏

Yes. Ghost Detector Radar Camera is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 50,730 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.3/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Ghost Detector Radar Camera Is 34.7/100.

Safety Analysis

71.5% of users say app is Safe 👍

15.7% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

12.9% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is Ghost Detector Radar Camera Legit? 💯

Yes. Ghost Detector Radar Camera is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 50,730 Ghost Detector Radar Camera User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Ghost Detector Radar Camera Is 85.9/100..

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**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

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Ghost Detector Radar Pro $3.99

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Find ghosts and communicate with spirits, using this app's groundbreaking ultra-realistic experience.

Disclaimer: since paranormal activity can't be scientifically proven, we can't guarantee that the app communicates with real spirits.

The only ghost detector app that shows you detected ghosts like they are actually floating in your home.

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