FANDOM News & Stories Reviews

FANDOM News & Stories Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-22

About: The FANDOM app is designed for entertainment enthusiasts who want to stay up-to-date with the latest news and information about their favorite TV shows, movies, video games, and more. The app offers a customized fan feed that includes news, wiki pages, stories, videos, social buzz, and in-depth knowledge via FANDOM communities.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 19,873 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Provides helpful information for games and fandoms

- Easy to use and navigate

- Flagging feature to save important pages

- Good for fans who like spoilers

Read 26 Customer Service Reviews 👇

4.7 out of 5


2022-04-23 04:03:10

FANDOMNewsStories itself is pretty good, its only real drawback is the astronomical amount of trolls. While some fandoms are much better moderated, others are not. You might join a fandom thinking its going to be full of people who enjoy the same thing as you. Only to then find a bunch of idiots trolling each other, and you, for joining, posting things that have nothing to do with the fandom. Or the typical tween with anger issues spewing empty threats on an app. (Seriously?)
When I first got FANDOMNewsStories , I only joined a few fandoms, and they were for the most part great. Still a troll here and there, nothing I couldn’t deal with. After a while I had the “bright” idea, join more fandoms. Boy, let me tell you. That was a mistake. If you’re hoping for mature people who are into some of the same things as you, it’s a roll of the dice. What you’re more likely to find is a bunch of pubescent immature teenagers who think they know more about something that’s been around before they were born then you do. They will argue, they will belittle, they will be annoying, but if you can persevere,maybe, just maybe you’ll find a fandom that’s just right for you.

A pain of an app for information

2022-04-23 04:03:10

FANDOMNewsStories is so frustrating to use. Searching for things is so complicated. Navigating is frustrating. It’s really easy to just lose the page you’re on by swiping down or pressing the x in the top left. When you’re looking at a picture, there are 2 x’s, and only one of them will move you back to the page you’re on, and swiping down to remove the picture completely discards the whole page you were on, so you have to try and find it all over again by searching and clicking links. There’s also no history, so you can’t easily find the page you were just on. They should really be trying to emulate Wikipedia, and not make a horribly designed social media app disguised as a nonfunctional information app they have no interest in making work. Don’t bother messaging customer support for suggestions either, they always reply with the same answer. Honestly, if you want an actual functioning information app from these guys, I think the only way to get their attention is to give them a bunch of 1-star ratings. Maybe they’ll care then.

A Few Things still Needed

2022-04-23 04:03:10

FANDOMNewsStories is much better than it used to be, by allowing the user to somewhat access each wiki. However, it’s needlessly organized. Just give me the wiki and let me figure it out from there. The categories portion is pointless in my opinion. Also, the “Surprise Me” feature is really lame. The people that browse the wikis are usually big fans of that specific wiki’s content, so why does the Surprise Me link always lead to something incredibly common and well known. I like Star Wars a lot, and I clicked surprise me three times. The articles I got were, “Anakin Skywalker” “Yoda” and “Tattooine”. A big Star Wars fan would probably know those things pretty well, so it ruins the exciting aspect of that feature. Please make it like the website “Random Article” feature, in which a TRULY random article is shown, not just a boring well known one. Otherwise, it is very well put together.

Defeats the purpose

2022-04-23 04:03:10

I was glad to have a way to quickly get to frequently referenced wikis without using Safari again. But the user experience actually makes it worse than even the browser. Not only does it use some horrible navigation methods, like it taking you back completely to the beginning of something when all you wanted to do was go back ONE page (as others have noted), but the deal-breaker for me is the huge font size that cannot be changed. In the browser, I have font as small as it lets me to fit more information on the screen at once. FANDOMNewsStories does NOT keep the font/zoom level you have in display settings or browsers and does NOT give you any way to change it from the god-awful huge eye-sore text. I didn't buy a $1K+ device to have to scroll through dead space and text big enough for those with eyesight problems. So, that makes the whole app (since reading is the whole point) worthless for me.

Very helpful!

2022-04-23 04:03:10

I play a lot of games and need help sometimes. FANDOMNewsStories has very good information that helps me with the questions I have. There might be some people who dislike it because there are spoilers, but I’m a huge fan of spoilers, so this is up my alley. Not only that, FANDOMNewsStories is very easy to use. It’s also easy to navigate. The best feature is the part where you can flag the pages that you find important or for whatever reasons. Though you can just go online to receive the same information, FANDOMNewsStories makes it easier because hundreds of pages for hundreds of different games are gathered here. With the help of the community, FANDOMNewsStories has become my favorite tool for games.

Attention Gamers, tv show lovers and comic lovers!

2022-04-23 04:03:10

I think FANDOMNewsStories is amazing! I get a lot of my information off of this. I learn about characters and comics and the people I’ve encountered are mostly nice. I love everything about FANDOMNewsStories but there’s 1 thing I think should be added. I think maybe like a follow feature would be nice to add to it but that’s my opinion. Other than that it’s so worth getting. You can search up wikis, ask questions that people can answer and get news on games and shows and other things like that. You can follow many fandoms like DC or Marvel or maybe HBO max and other streaming services. FANDOMNewsStories has everything I have ever needed.I SO recommend it!


2022-04-23 04:03:10

I honestly think this is a very good! App! For information! And for your favorite fandoms!
Also can you add in some more fandoms like happy tree friends and the misfortune of being Ned and making fiends and whatever happened to... robot jones? And sheep in the big city also can you please fix the loading waiting problem in the waiting at the sign in account or whatever it’s called can you fix that problem also add diary of a wimpy kid also add roblox as a fandom and add Scp as a fandom also it’s ok if the fandom is dead some fans might still love their fandoms bd stuff also add memes as a fandom and vib ribbon

Great app for anime otaku and fans like me but some down sides.

2022-04-23 04:03:10

This is my first review so don’t mind me but for an anime fan like me I would like to get updated on the latest anime news for times like this but the downside is that In your anime category sometimes it would just be the old things you liked and not new suggestions and the people on FANDOMNewsStories are very detailed and very opinionated which is fine but when you make a statement it can get annoying because you can hear reply’s about not being accurate or what ever but I found this by looking up anime and was really helpful so I can know about all the characters and not just anime webtoon and movies !!

Better off with the mobile site.

2022-04-23 04:03:10

FANDOMNewsStories is completely unusable. The fact that you can’t search for wikis makes it not worth downloading. Not to mention you need an account to even use it. I’m not interested in following wikis. The sole reason I downloaded FANDOMNewsStories was because the mobile site can also be a pain to use and I thought this would just be a quicker way to access quick fandom information. The developers need to realize this shouldn’t be made to be a social media or a journalism platform, which is what it looks like they’re trying to do. FANDOMNewsStories should act like a encyclopedia. The search bar should be prominent, and possibly even provide a history page of wikis you’ve visited. Know the service you’re providing and don’t turn out an unusable app like this. The wikis on the site are really useful. It’s a shame FANDOMNewsStories is shiny garbage.

Attention All TV Show Fans!!!...

2022-04-23 04:03:10

This is a great app for tv show fans. It gives you lists of characters, chat groups for that show and even profiles. It’s really great. Except to make FANDOMNewsStories better they should maybe add classic tv shows for instance. 1930 classic shows and up. So others can search for their favorite shows from when they were kids. And maybe virtual trading cards would make FANDOMNewsStories epic so you could trade with friends from around the world your cards. One more thing to make FANDOMNewsStories perfect if you could add more shows,movies,anime,comics and video games. So please do look into my suggestions. Besides what I said I recommend this awesome app! Thx so much for reading have a great day!:)

Terribly small selection

2022-04-23 04:03:10

I've been using the fandom website for years, and slowly have been getting more and more annoyed to use it on my phone. So I decided to download FANDOMNewsStories and try it out. However, I was massively disappointed at the serious lack of choice. You are given ~30 fandom pages to choose from and that's it. Compared to the thousands of informative pages on the fandom wiki page, this is almost an insult for anyone switching from the mobile page.
I've read reviews that it used to be like the full fandom webpage, every page was at your disposal. But for some reason, the devs decided to cut off the head of what made the fandom wiki so good. And start turning it into a social media site with only ~30 topics to discuss about???
This makes no sense. You've killed FANDOMNewsStories , devs.
And everyone's been complaining for a while now, fix your stuff.

Annoying update

2022-04-23 04:03:10

This WAS a great app, but as of very recently I cannot use it without being bombarded by pop-up ads. I understand the need to generate ad revenue, but banner ads would be a FAR more acceptable choice than intrusive pop-ups that block off the whole screen in the middle of trying to read something. If this changes I will alter my review.

They seem to have removed the offending ads for the moment, and FANDOMNewsStories is back to being a useful and fun tool, for now.

No search is a deal-breaker

2022-04-23 04:03:10

I’m always reluctant to download apps when you can just use the web site. As a friend of mine once put: You want one TV with 500 stations, not 500 TVs with one station each. But sometimes app developers add functionality and smoothness to an app that’s difficult to duplicate in a mobile site. Look at the IMDB app, for example.

OTOH, sometimes in their rush to “monetize” their content, a company makes a decision to focus on certain features and not on others. I don’t know what in God’s name these folks were thinking by *removing* search functionality—it strikes me as insane—but that’s what they did. And as you can see from other reviews, it’s a deal-breaker for a lot of people.

And forcing people to log in is just the obnoxious icing on the irritating cake. Bad work, guys.

If this app ever gets all its bugs worked out…

2022-04-23 04:03:10

… it will be a really great and useful app. It took forever to finally get (kind of) formatting for iPad. Now, though, as soon as you go to the first subject/page/topic you search for within a particular fandom wiki, the page zoom (NOT the “stretch” button function in the lower corner, the actual pinch-to-zoom function) stays “locked” into an extremely zoomed in viewpoint, which you can’t alter at all, leaving FANDOMNewsStories basically useless if you’re on an ipad. At least, an iPad mini 5. 1 star, but it has potential. Otherwise it’s useless to me and I have to either use my phone (too small), or the actual web page (cumbersome). Please fix FANDOMNewsStories’s coding and give it an ACTUAL iPad version… otherwise it’s totally worthless.

Pointless App

2022-04-23 04:03:10

I do not understand the point of FANDOMNewsStories. First it forced me to create an account, and to choose three categories I wasn’t interested in before it would even let me in FANDOMNewsStories . I wanted to be able to have a handy wiki available of my favorite games. Instead I get to follow generic categories of things I’m not interested in.

Why can I not follow specific game wikis and search within it? Sure you can search for a wiki and book mark them but that’s it. There’s literally no search function within a specific wiki. Which makes traversing the wiki wayyy more difficult than just using a browser. Even when you find the wiki your looking for within FANDOMNewsStories it just opens it up with a cheap in app browser. What were you guys thinking when you made this?

I liked the app but some new features made it buggy

2022-04-23 04:03:10

FANDOMNewsStories is awesome to find many of the lore from games, books and etc. I love to search all this stuff and learn what made the stories so good. But some of the new features I have disliked, now when I try to search anything in FANDOMNewsStories , it opens what is like a tab that shares with PC version of the site and if I search anything on that tab it will open in the site which will make an error on the page preventing me from searching anything else and obligating me to close FANDOMNewsStories and then search it again on the first tab (the shared one).


2022-04-23 04:03:10

FANDOMNewsStories is well set up and does give a lot of in sight to the limited subjects it allows you to follow. However, the whole reason why I installed FANDOMNewsStories was because anything I would search on the internet pertaining to topics such as comics or super heroes, I would be taken to a fandom explaining what I wanted to know perfectly and a little install FANDOMNewsStories icon at the top of the screen. Boy oh boy was it a let down when I opened FANDOMNewsStories and realized there was no search engine, it literally defeated the whole purpose of even having FANDOMNewsStories when google does a better job then FANDOMNewsStories itself... just a huge let down all in all. Now if they were to add a search bar FANDOMNewsStories would be amazing but until then don’t even waste your time or space with this garbage

Some suggestions on what fandoms to add next

2022-04-23 04:03:10

I really like how you guys regularly add fandoms to FANDOMNewsStories , so let me give you some suggestions on what to add next

doki doki literature club
I was surprised when I saw this fandom wasn’t on FANDOMNewsStories yet. it’s a really popular visual novel.

clone high
This is one of my favorite shows. it’s gained a lot of popularity since all those jfk memes and I think a lot of people would use it if it were accessible on FANDOMNewsStories .

Epic Mickey
This one is kinda personal. Epic Mickey was one of my favorite games growing up and it would be really cool to have it in FANDOMNewsStories . it’s not a very popular game tho.. so I see this as the least likely to be added any time soon.

Don’t hug me I’m scared
Hands down my favorite web series. it’s really popular, so it would be really cool to see it in app. another fandom I feel would gain a lot of followers.

Ad revenue killed this app for me

2022-04-23 04:03:10

Used it for a while and it didn’t give me problems then one day a message pops up and says FANDOMNewsStories uses tracking tech to deliver you ads and explained about google and whatnot and asked me if I would accept or reject. I hit reject because it said it would be fine and that I just wouldn’t see relative ads to me which I don’t really give a d*** about anyway. But lo and behold if I hit reject FANDOMNewsStories no longer works. Just get an error message. It’s obvious you have to hit accept even though it says it doesn’t matter if you hit reject. But the fact that they made FANDOMNewsStories unusable if I don’t want them tracking my usage for ads I don’t care about killed FANDOMNewsStories for me. So now the mobile website AND FANDOMNewsStories are worthless now.

Not very comprehensive

2022-04-23 04:03:10

I found out about this after searching for Welcome to Night Vale and finding the wikia page, which recommended FANDOMNewsStories. I didn’t expect there to be an icon specifically for WTNV, but a search feature would be nice. I am however surprised there isn’t a page specifically for Supernatural. I get that I can follow the CW page for it, but for a show/fandom as big as Supernatural, I’d think there would be a page dedicated to it. Also, this seems to be mainly for news updates, and not for in-depth info on a show/movie/etc. Based off the main website, I expected to be able to be able to access older info.

Very useful database

I use fandom for Fallout 4 and find it very useful for a comprehensive understanding for all aspects of the game.
The information about locations is helpful (especially when used with an interactive Fallout map you can find online) and works well for both new players who need help getting to where they want and for experienced players who want to revisit places they have already explored.
It also is very handy for keeping track of items needed for crafting. Highly recommended!

They specifically made things worse

Fandom is a great website that provides a valuable service. No matter what your love is, Fandom has a page for it. Well guess what? Not anymore! Because now, Fandom got rid of the search feature, so you’re stuck with a select few topics that Fandom has randomly decided are most likely to be your interests. Keep in mind, they give you like 30 topics. Total. My entire reason for using Fandom is for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Fandom has great info on it. But can I access it through FANDOMNewsStories ? Nope!
FANDOMNewsStories is stupid and pointless. Fandom made a massive mistake here, and the amount of people echoing this sentiment shows that they have been too slow to fix it. It’s time, Fandom, to fix this heap of garbage.

Swipe down to exit

Love FANDOMNewsStories and content. it looks good and is mostly intuitive except for the swipe to exit gesture(idk if that's the proper term); it would feel better to not have to swipe so exaggeratedly to get out of an article or picture or other media. it would further improve the experience, imo, for it to be swipe right to go back/exit. there are also occasional media playback via the feed hiccups, like not loading or playback stopping at some point mid video. The swipe thing, though, is literally my only gripe.

Useless drivel

Keep going to the fandom website, and having the comment section return to the first comment every time I try to expand the replies, every time. Finally decided to click on the “check this page out on FANDOMNewsStories ” thinking I’d be able to read the comments without the same issue there.

FANDOMNewsStories has no way to search a specific topic, the only topics are preselected and presented in a horribad wall of panels that need to be scrolled down. Tried selecting games and PlayStation to see if it would let me refine what I’d follow in those broad topics.

Nope, turns out FANDOMNewsStories has none of the meaning use of the site, it’s merely a news story feed that has the same basic stories you can get trough the apple news app.

Very limited options

I should have read the reviews prior to installing FANDOMNewsStories. Like many others, I installed it when I was on a wikia page for an anime, believing it to be a convenient app to search my favorite wiki pages. There are about 25 categories to pick from when you sign up, extremely broad like: anime, HBO, cartoons, games DC's Arrow. But even within those broad categories you there is no option to search for a specific article or subcategory within those. So if you picked anime, prepare to have a feed you can't control over any and all anime you may or may not watch or even be interested in. TL;DR: just use your internet browser on your phone to access wikia pages, FANDOMNewsStories is awful

very cool Fandom, thank you.

first of all, I love FANDOM.
second of all, since I have been using the fandom website like for ever, so i’m not really surprised how great FANDOMNewsStories is, but the strange thing is, after all these years of searching for my favorite shows and movies on fandom website, i never actually thought about downloading FANDOMNewsStories . I made a terrible mistake, obviously. people who aren’t using the FANDOM app are really missing out on a lot of things, and i mean like a lot!

Is FANDOM News Stories Safe?

Yes. FANDOM News & Stories is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 19,873 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for FANDOM News Stories Is 43.0/100.

Is FANDOM News Stories Legit?

Yes. FANDOM News & Stories is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 19,873 FANDOM News & Stories User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for FANDOM News Stories Is 57.6/100..

Is FANDOM News & Stories not working?

FANDOM News & Stories works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with FANDOM News & Stories? Post a Review


- Customizable feed: Users can choose entertainment topics they are passionate about and customize their feed accordingly.

- Comprehensive coverage: The app provides videos, news, reviews, original stories, social conversations, and exclusives to keep users informed.

- Expert information: FANDOM communities offer expert information and insights about users' favorite fandoms.

- Discussions feature: Users can join the conversation and swap fan theories with other fans.

- Notifications: Users can get notified when "OMG! moments" happen within their favorite fandoms.

- Easy sharing: Articles can be easily shared with friends through email, Messages, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and more.

- English language content: Please note that news-related content is currently only available in English.

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