Idle Heroes - Idle Games Reviews

Idle Heroes - Idle Games Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-11

About: 【The unique IDLE RPG on App Store. Form your heroes and battle for
victory!!!!】 Join millions of other players around the world and start your
journey from Sara Forest to the High Heaven, leading your band of heroes into
ancient ruins to battle the forces of darkness! ------ GAME FEATURES
------ ■ Idle System Set your heroes training while you’re away.

About Idle Heroes

What is Idle Heroes?

Idle Heroes is an RPG game available on the App Store. The game allows players to form their own band of heroes and battle against the forces of darkness. With an idle system, players can train their heroes while they are away and return to find them stronger and ready for battle. The game features over 400 heroes in different factions with specific skills, and players can summon and train them to become powerful heroes. The game also includes guild wars, worldwide arena battles, and a variety of content to enjoy.



- Idle system: Train heroes while away from the game

- Evolving strategy: Over 400 heroes with specific skills, train and evolve them to become powerful

- Tons of content: Battlegrounds, dungeons, heroic quests, mysterious towers, and more

- Guild wars: Fight alongside friends and players in a war for control of the floating continent

- Worldwide arena: Battle against other players in a multiplayer contest for glory

- Subscription extra gold: Weekly subscription for extra gold coins and a special gold dragon avatar

- Privacy policy and terms of service available

- Contact options: Email, Facebook, and Twitter

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 103,613 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Idle Heroes

- Deep fighting mechanics

- Exciting abilities that can shift the battle in your favor

- Possible to progress in the game and build an awesome team without ever spending any money

- Conversations still happen in the chat

- Gives something to look forward to

- Fun to just pop on and knock out daily objectives

21 Idle Heroes Reviews

4.8 out of 5


My favorite idle game

I am completely obsessed with this game. I’ve been playing for a few months now, and I’ve come to appreciate the deep fighting mechanics the more I play. No two fights are the same, and heroes have exciting abilities that can shift the battle in your favor so quickly.
However, I feel like the rewards given for certain areas of the game should be increased. The daily login rewards (specifically, those offered after the first 30 day login cycle) are pretty lackluster, considering that my Celestial Island gives me more than twice as many gems per day. The 5-star hero shards from these daily rewards are also especially bad, since you wait almost a month to get a fodder hero.
Lastly, there should be greater incentives for higher VIP levels than what’s currently offered. I mostly felt motivated to get high enough VIP to unlock the energy summons, and higher levels offered no real advantage to me without a privilege pass. One way to curb this is by giving a perpetual 50 gems a day starting at VIP 3 separate from the privilege passes, growing by 50 with each level after. Considering how rare gems are with the Void update, I feel like an increase in passive gems gains should happen.


Engaging, rewarding, not pay to win

I honestly love this game. My one criticism: the chat is absolutely full of bots, and you can’t block them- they disappeared once and it was lovely, then came back. But conversations do still happen in the chat! That was a pleasant surprise for me. I was really skeptical when I first downloaded it due to the amount of criticism for it being pay-to-win, but it really seems more like patience-to-win. It’s totally possible to progress in the game and build an awesome team without ever spending any money (though I’ll admit it can be tempting). There are a ton of different mechanics, stats, items etc. to keep track of, so it doesn’t become simple repetitive grinding. The game has a nice combination of idling and strategy. You can easily play as a casual player, or you can get more competitive and invest a lot of time. Because you can advance more quickly by paying, you’re unlikely to ever top a leaderboard without dropping a lot of cash, but you can be a pretty good competitor just by regularly putting in effort. I would totally recommend giving it a try if you’re looking for a game you can get in for the long-haul, or if you’re a casual player who really doesn’t mind ranking low.


I crave this game!

I give credit to the minds that put this game together. I’ve been sick and in the hospital for months in and out in tremendous pain but this game gives me something to look forward to, and I love the idea of just putting together an awesome team and pushing through events. it’s fun to just pop on and knock out daily objectives in hopes that you’ll occasionally hit a stride and be able to make moves when it comes to upgrading your main line up. I’ve played this game for a long time and I’m not a “whale” of a spender but I am a monthly card holder do occasionally indulge in some of the value packages, if I had to take one thing away from my review though, it is just how long it takes to progress, only because this is my main cellular game and due to being in and out of the hospital I’m able to check it pretty often whenever the 8 hour timers roll around which makes me literally playing the game as efficiently as possible but still progression is just so slow. I just wish I could get more excitement from the game for longer periods than I do currently, mainly because it’s one of the few areas in life I can have fun.
Overall though, great game.


I’m Deleting This Game

Last time I played this game, I had a good account, one where I could play for a few minutes to enjoy myself, and now all that’s gone.
As soon as I added this game to my new phone, I was relieved I accessed my account. But then something happened, I didn’t even have a chance to do anything and one click later all my data from one server is completely wiped and I start off at square one.
All my time spent on this game over the years just erased because it didn’t give me a chance to click on the correct server. And I jumped to another server to see if I can try finding my original account. But what’s the point in having even playing this game if the account can be overwritten so easily? This game was fun while it lasted, but I guess this just showed me I kept moving on instead of looking back at some fond memories, because now they’re destroyed.

I give this a rating of one star not because I dislikes the game, but because of what happened. Something I couldn’t even fix as the mistake just took not even a few clicks, and before I knew it, my entire game’s existence was erased.



I’ve been playing for a bit now, and lemme tell you: it really doesn’t take much time or any cash to start getting good heroes. Definitely isn’t a pay to play in my opinion. Like other games, there are two main currencies. There’s the more common currency of Coins, then there are Diamonds. In other games, Diamonds would be scarce. Like if I had 20 of them I’d be happy. In this game though, it’s easy to get diamonds! It’s blowing my mind! It’s not like I have 1,000 or something though, you do have to work to get them. But working doesn’t mean spending real money. Oh another feature I like is the ability to create an account and play the same account on multiple devices *without issues*. In other games there can be some issues. Oh! Another thing. The “Idle” part of the game is great... set your heroes in a dungeon, leave, and when you come back you got heaps of loot. But I also love that you can play for awhile in IdleHeroes without getting bored. Best of both worlds. Sorry for an essay but I love this game!! Plus I don’t really write reviews and I wanna make it good.


Is this the game for you?

I’ve played this game for about two years now. It is a wonderful game and I’m still loving it. However, if you’re going to start playing this game you should know a few things first. This gam is very pay to win if you plan on staying competitive in your server. This is especially true with the power creep happening. Every new hero is extremely broken and if you don’t have them then you aren’t going to be as successful as other players. Not to mention the huge amount of resources needed to max said hero and make them e5. Still here? You must be ready to spend money. Well you should also know that your money is very inefficient when it comes to buying resources. If you wanted to buy completions of an event it would cost you a couple hundred dollars and that would get you nowhere relative to the people spending thousands of dollars a month in thus game. The game has a 4 event cycle that takes a month. 2 of these events are dreadfully boring and are basically there for you to save up resources for the useful events. I’m telling you this because I want you to not spend money on these events like me in my own little riot against the company in hopes that they change it.


PvP Change

It’s a good system to have pvp. Nd I love that part of the game. But I feel it shouldn’t be the same as the campaign or the tower. Every time I play I can beat ever character on the team. But now that everyone has Nora, it’s impossible to win once she is level 80. She’s always healing herself and it’s impossible to beat her even if you have her on a higher level. I have a team of five stars and can’t beat her after she gets to level 80. I’m not saying change Nora because she’s fine. I’m saying you need to change the pvp. If I get to round fifteen and I have more characters than the real opponent. Then I should win the battle. If you ask anyone I’m sure they would agree. It isn’t fair that you get screwed over in a pvp match from an overpowered five star that can’t be beat very easily. And anyone can get her through a confirmed email. As a daily player, I love your game, and I love it’s not actually pay to win, I love the fact if you work hard you have a chance against the other players who don’t pay, and i do love the character Nora. I’m just saying, if I do a pvp battle, and I have four fighters left. And the opponent has one. They should loose the battle because they have less fighters.


Extremely greedy devs, not even hiding it anymore.

I’ve been playing for over 6 months and spent around $35 so far, but I’ve seen that each event gets more expensive each time. Every new hero they add is so rediculously OP that any whale who grabs it has an immediate lead and advantage over everyone else.

The real push for this review is the latest Lunar Year/Valentines event. My server hasn’t even updated but I look through the reddit pages for “spoilers” and I’m so disgusted by how expensive every pack is. A big slap in the face for everyone, yes including the uber whales, is that it’s yet another Summoning event when the last one was 2 weeks ago, and the summon requirement to complete it is 650 SCROLLS. Who has that kind of money? I think DH devs are just scrounging for every penny they can find in our pockets, expecting us to hand our wallets and credit cards over with no questions. Not to mention this Shelter event that they “learned from” previously. Clearly they learned nothing and made it somehow worse with the light/dark heroes requiring 3000 gems, 30m gold, and 2 5-star light/dark heroes. Now the event-specific drops, those are on-par with Shelter and even has the tiered “locks” like the Halloween event, hiding the actually good items behind a profile picture and a useless skin which you MUST buy before the others. It’s very repulsing to see this and I’m heavily dissappointed.


Ok listen

Some events are money grabbing, and some events take time, and there are definitely whales that play this game, but tbh this game isn’t half that bad, though the name is sorta misleading, it’s pretty much a idle mechanic. The gems come fairly easy and not to hard, the events you need patience on, you won’t complete every event that’s for sure. It’s more of a waiting game but with unlimited energy. So far I will say I’ve been playing for about a good year and a half and the mechanics are still pretty fresh. There is just one problem, the servers and the lack of people join ours, I’m definitely sure other servers experience this problem. Why keep making servers when you can increase each server from the beginning and save money, please stop making new servers it kills our server and new people hardly ever get on ours we need a 100+ server merge a big one and I would be great full because our server has about 40ish guilds and that’s not really a lot. So please I beg you stop making new servers. That’s all! Thanks for taking time to read my review



I started this game. Before the dark ages. When the devs still cared at least a bit about the players. This game is heavily addicting, and so many people, including myself got sucked in, and it’s very hard to get out. I’m still stuck here, but I would never say to play this game. I would never recommend it. If you didn’t start 2 years ago, you should never start. The devs don’t care anymore, they only want money. That’s the point of this game. Spend thousands and win. There’s no other way. If you start new, spend a few thousand, and build one character, and you’ll beat everyone. That’s the only advice to give. You have no other options if you want to play. This game was great once, but that day is long gone. The ads are heavily inaccurate, don’t hope it’s like that, because it’s not. Take it from me, and dozens of thousands of people who wished they never started playing. It destroys you. Don’t download it, just go and enjoy time with your family. Go outside. It’s way better than this game. Just trust me on behalf of many other people. It’s fun at first, then you hit a wall. Either you spend money, or you crawl forward at snail pace, and even that’s fast sometimes. You get a small feeling of accomplishment maybe once a month if you’re lucky



This is a great game over all! But I think some new things should be done to make this game even better! First I personally think that there such be a way to earn more gold! I am trying to find good ways to get some more gold because I need my heroes to get a upgrade and AFK just is not doing it. I think maybe for level 50 players and up there should be something where you get gold more easily! Like a dungeon or a cave... But that is up to you! And also I have seen others completely hate the fact that you can not give away resources to others people! Or just your friends I think that would be much funner if that would be in! Oh and no giving heroes, XP, and purple gems! The last thing is that you should add it so you can see how much time players in your guild have spent playing or helping the guild. This would make it much easier to see who is just there for all the rewards not to help! Thank you for reading and I hope you consider doing one of my ideas! BTW my account’s name is Bbot3000!


Great game but...

This game is an amazing way to kill time and if you’re just starting I’d advise you to not be competitive in your server and you should really just see how far you can get in the long term. You should also probably look something up online before you do it, because if not you may do things in an order that will majorly slow down your progression. When I first got the game a few years ago I played for a little over a year and quit because I was nowhere near anyone else in terms of progression.
However, when I reinstalled it, I was able to use my previous knowledge about good heroes, when and where to do what, and other things, which really helped me stay caught up with the recently started server I was in. I am currently an official in one of the top 3 guilds and have a defensive lineup power of over 1 million without spending a single dime.
P.S. A good tip for anyone who doesn’t know much about the game is that you should definitely build one hero to E5 (15 star) because it will make progression that much faster.


Worth It

Your probably seeing all these negative reviews. Some of it is true about the RNG, but it’s not pay to win. It’s more like pay to get the highest tier for events. Which most of the time aren’t special. The highest you can summon is a 5 star. Which some people don’t know how to use the creation circle. Which allows you to get 6-10 star characters. Another thing is gems. You can get 160 gems daily without the tavern rewards being gems. The devs even have a Login Bonus card for FREE that you get gems a Five Star hero for free for logging in and just claiming your daily reward every day for 30 days. So tell me, how is a game that literally hands out gems to its players daily pay to win? It’s not pay to win because the concept of paying to win is literally paying money to get the items that are over powered the second you pay. Anyone can get the new characters, get better teams, the only limit is the amount of times you level up for the campaign by claiming your exp every 8 hours or so.


I don’t get the draw

This game is racist with no proud black characters. The chat does not let you type out certain geographic areas and countries like China, Middle East, etc. Also support is a joke and only sends canned messages. If you chat in world chat about anything critical about the game you get attacked from everyone which presupposes chat is filled with paid players or people closely associated with the company.

Aside from all this, the actual gameplay is nerfed and annoyingly bad. Good heroes never come from prophet tree or summoning. Arena is excruciatingly slow. Packages (I don’t spend anything) are very expensive for what you get. Guild activities are complex and make it not worth even trying to compete in guild war. You have to pay gems you earn to fight in arena (which is fine but you only get like 3 tokens to fight a day and most higher arena fights cost as much). Gems are easy to earn, but they spend very very quickly. There is an in game icon that tries to be helpful but is missing information on all critical aspects of game (such as how to get special contest gems that allow you to trade out for better heroes)...I could go on and on but I’ve given it too much attention already. Don’t play this game.


Fight Me Please

So, I saw all the negative reviews and decided that I needed to provide my input.
I am impatient and I quickly get bored of games. I can only stick to playing open world MMORPGs(WOW) and Action/Adventure RPGs(DragonAge). Almost every game that doesn’t fit into one of these catoegories, has not been able to keep my attention for more than a week at a time. A lot of the time, I will binge play a game, decide it’s boring, and quit it all within the same day.
This is where this review comes in. Somehow, someway, this game, which requires me to check in about every 8 hours to even have any progress, have me drawn in.
I really enjoy the game. It’s fun and addictive. I look forward to getting on and checking my campaign or tower. I like checking in with my guild and making sure everyone is doing okay. I like that the community seems real and not full of emotionless bots. It’s also nice that I don’t have to spend money in order to have a chance to get higher tier heroes, although it could help.


Please do not waste your time on this

This game is amazing in its own right with the art and characters in my opinion being very nice and pleasing but thats it. The game has so little content for how long it's been out and they only add events that are accessible for players who either spend a large amount of money and I am talking one event will cost you a couple hundred maybe even thousand depending on the event or people who have been with the game since it first came out. Now when you first play the game you do progress very and I mean very fast you immediately get a 5 star hero and you get a ton of loot and are able to max this hero out literally making it so you hit a massive pay wall after about a day or maybe longer depending on the Herod you get. One massive issue is the fact you have to wait a couple weeks to even months to actually progress in this game at all. The game is a massive money grab with devs that do not care and the community or money paying idiots defend it to their hearts content. But seriously avoid this game unless you have a large amount of money to spend it's not worth it there are tons or better afk games that aren't money grab and are more casual



I’m a fan of idle games. Having idle in the title of a game sort of attracts me to that game. I was a bit skeptical because of the look of the game from the previews and stuff (not to mention the dozens of ads I saw,) but it is a pretty decent game. Spending money gives you that sort of edge that would help, but it doesn’t make you be too overpowered. This game isn’t pay to win, because I haven’t spent anything and I have 3 5 Star heroes, but it is somewhat RNG (Random Number Generator) based. For example, I used a friendship summon (which consumes hearts you get from friending people) and I got a 5 Star hero. The odds of getting that are about 1%. And I talked to some people on the game and they have said that they only get trash from the summons. I’d expect RNG based things from a game like this, which does make it somewhat unfair, but overall it is a well rounded and fun game. If you’re deciding whether or not to get this game, I’d recommend taking up a little storage space to download this.


Best strategy game EVER!

I believe that this is the best strategy game out there because it gives you a really simple and straightforward tutorial that will get you right on track with the game. It also has a TON of different hero’s you can level up and advance with your currencies in game, this game also has multiplayer which I think makes it even more interesting and enjoyable to play. You can add your friends, play against each other and even give each other currencies in game. It also has a replace hero option were you can replace a really poor hero and have a good chance of getting a better one! The last best thing I like about this game and I think you gamers may like to is, this game isn’t pay to win like all the others. There is still the option to pay for different types of currencies in game but personally the game gives you enough to keep going. And that is why I believe that this game is truly the best!


Doesn’t Live Up To Name

The name of the game is “Idle Hero's” and one of the key concepts is that you can leave the game and let the heros level themselves up. However, after about 8 hours of being out of the game, there is no further leveling up, which means you may have enough time to go to bed and get up in the morning without any loss in benefits, you still have to play the game regularly in order to advance. Another disappointment is after round 15 in a battle is that you automatically lose if you haven’t killed other team yet. This means if your playing style involves using healers to survive tough fights, you’re going to be unfairly penalized over a player who’s style is to use high damage dealers (like mages) in very easy fights. Also if you have your eye on a good deal in the marketplace you may lose it due to IdleHeroes “refreshing” it when it shouldn’t. In my case, I was saving up 600 crystals for 1,000 hero promotion stones, which is a deal that doesn’t come around often before IdleHeroes refreshed when it shouldn’t have. So overall, the game has some nice graphics and an interesting concept, but the developers aren’t doing it right and are apathetic towards those who object in my opinion.


Yeah it’s pay to win, customer service is no help

I’ve been playing this game for a few years now. I do what I can in game, do the dailies etc etc. And my team is no where near epic or elite and I know that is because I don’t pay to play. They constantly have events that you need special items for and if you want the good stuff your going to pay. Example Thanksgiving event you needed “pie” ten pieces to be exact, and the only way to get them was to pay one hundred dollars (USD) to get them.
On to customer no help support. I have a toon stuck in pvp combat and I can’t get it out. I looked it up on the help/faq followed the directions to remove didn’t help. So I emailed customer service finally after bulldozing my way through their poorly written emails(just because someone is bilingual doesn’t mean they can write in their second language, you guys really need Brits and Yanks to handle your English customers.) I tried the customer service solution it didn’t work. I finally just gave up and that toon is still stuck in combat.
I’ll keep playing because it’s a great way to waste so time, but I definitely won’t be paying.

Balen   1 year ago

How can i get my account back I don’t remember my mail and password

Is Idle Heroes Safe?

Yes. Idle Heroes - Idle Games is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 103,613 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Idle Heroes Is 69.6/100.

Is Idle Heroes Legit?

Yes. Idle Heroes - Idle Games is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 103,613 Idle Heroes - Idle Games User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Idle Heroes Is 100/100..

Is Idle Heroes - Idle Games not working?

Idle Heroes - Idle Games works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Extra Gold

- Description: Get 100% extra gold coins during auto-battle and a special gold dragon avatar for one week.

- Price: $0.99 weekly (price may vary by location)

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