- Urdu Translation: Interpretation of Arabic language in Urdu for better understanding of Quranic concepts and revelations.
- Audio Recitation: Listen to Quran recitation (Qiraat al Quran) of all chapters in Quran MP3.
- Transliteration: Makes pronunciation of Arabic text easy with its similar reading option in English.
- Language: Includes Quran Urdu translation in other languages such as English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Persian, Italian, Dutch, and Indonesian.
- Search Bar: Facilitates in choosing the desired Surah of the Holy Book.
- Go To: Allows app consumer to jump to any Ayah of the present Surah.
- Bookmarks: Allows the user to favorite or save a particular part of the recital process in order to continue from the same place where left in Holy Quran.
- Stop Signs: Various kinds of pauses that repeatedly come in the Sacred Volume of Allah are included which lets one know about their interpretation and action.
- Sajdahs: 14 places in the where one has to perform prostration in front of the Almighty are also separately mentioned in Settings.
- Font Size: Allows the user to customize font size as per chosen preferences.
- Font Style: 3 unique Print Modes are also added into main Settings for variation in outlook of Quranic text.