I am so confused, how do you put a theme on the keyboard or change text, I mean I just used it Today 1/2/20 I am using a iPad 5, so DO I HAVE TO USE AN iPhone TO DO THAT!? if I do then please make an update so iPads can do those stuff, & You know that it is not fair to me or iPad users, & Other iPads, I still would rate ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️and like it, but the feature I don't know what to say about it, it's like you copied the keyboard from Apple except for some tiny features that doesn't really matter like the themes, translator, & the looks on the keyboard, emojis, and other, and where in the application do you do these stuff or in settings or, some other applications can you do these stuff, Why would you make or other developers make stupid dumb advertisements like this instead, of showing subjects of which is popular on the entire Google Play Store / App Store &, In order for rows of apps instead of search options & other options so would it make sense if you remove all ads instead of subscriptions because I hate bunch of advertisements or at least all ads and, just because developers want to be popular doesn't mean that they have to make dumb advertisements to be rich/popular there are more than one way to be popular and everybody knows that and it is true and everybody knows that right!?