Company Name: Simple Habit, Inc.
About: Simple Habit is a mental wellness platform on a mission to empower people to live better, every day.
Headquarters: San Francisco, California, United States.
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by Todoroki_6123
I used Simple Habit for about a year until I had to get a new phone. Now, keep in mind, I had been using it for FREE that entire year. Simple Habit is a great app. It has helped me through many long nights, good and bad. I highly recommend it to those of you who don’t mind paying after three free sessions. When I got my new phone, I decided to re-download Simple Habit, because why not? It helped me so much. When I downloaded it, I went through the usual; Make an account, tell us how you’re feeling, etc..etc...I usually like to listen to the Bedtime Stories, because they just make me happy. But after I had finished listening to one, about to move onto the next, I was asked to buy Premium. I have never had to purchase anything before, so I am confused as to why I have to now. It told me that since I had listened to three sessions free, In order to continue to listen to and enjoy Simple Habit, I had to pay for it. Once again, I had the app for over a year and never ran into this issue. I’m assuming it’s some sort of update, but I’m not very fond of it. I do love the app, and will continue to love it. From a distance. Once again, highly recommend the app, but I don’t if you do not like paying for things.
Stay safe, stay positive, and stay home.
by Glad2bamom
I have been a dedicated user of this app in the past and have promoted it on my FB page, even to the point of being awarded several weeks of premium for free because I have 2.5k followers and they try the app’s free trial on my recommendation.
I had a pop-up a couple of days ago asking if I wanted to try a couple of days of premium for free, after which I would be charged $95 for premium. I READ THE FINE PRINT! It said nothing about the fact that if you’ve had a free Trial in the past you can’t have one in the future. But guess what?!! THEY CHARGED MY ACCOUNT ANYWAY AND APPLE WONT REFUND ME!!! I consider this to be deceptive business practice. It’s unfortunate because I work at a Fortune 500 Company and as a member of our health and wellness committee, I am beginning a meditation education series. As part of that series I was going to run a contest by having everyone use the app to track their meditation practice for two weeks, using this app.
Integrity is important to me. This app has lost my trust and I don’t think that email is going to be an effective way to reach someone. I’m certainly not going to risk my personal reputation by promoting a company that TRICKS their customers so they can charge them for an annual membership. I’m a single Mother and this is way outside of my budget. Thanks a ton Simple Habit.
by Hermione753
For an app about mindfulness, it doesn’t seem to practice what it preaches...
I loved the app and meditations until the constant feedback requests got annoying (goodness forbid you gave 4 stars, it didn’t let you continue without about biased information). Then came the glitches. Now, I contacted them several times, how the app kept crashing -in the middle of meditation- and/or when it decided not to record what you did. I use the day count as a way to monitor my progress as it establishes a good habit...only to get no response when I contact about one day which isn’t showing up, and they charge you for premium-if you haven’t yet, don’t worry, only when they want you to pay for premium will you get an email back asking for feedback...
If I could go back in time I would use another app whose policy is more aligned with meditation than making money such as insight timer (it is free...). Of course the meditations you like will be on premium, you would think they could have a 10 favorites they let you choose to keep if you want to use it without premium...
Sorry « simple » habit, but it seems insight timer is gaining a new follower (although for you it’s losing a client)