RarevisionVHSLite is , by far , the Most aesthetically pleasing vhs retro camera Out there that doesnt look Like a crappy “ 90s aesthetic “ tiktok . but there IS a couple problems .
first Of all , theres a .. limit on recordings ? ive never seen a camera App that works in a similar system To candy crush or any Other mobile game . you can Watch an ad to get more , but its still off To me . secondly , the pro version is Way packed with features That should be default ( not all of them , but Still ) . i know that People need money , but come on .. importing videos is a Limited feature ? and custom titles Too ? how else would you Use the titler unless it was Your own custom text ? i dont think Anyone would want to choose to Have a watermark For RarevisionVHSLite plastered onto The screen of their video . the pro version isnt Even a subscription , and its very cheap , but think Of a younger person getting RarevisionVHSLite and wanting more out of it And their strict parents wont Pay for the pro version ( which is a Very common scenario ) . i would Like to additionally mention That i previously Had RarevisionVHSLite before these newer Updates , and none Of this existed . i will be Purchasing pro , but it feels unusual for RarevisionVHSLite to have a feature Like this .
ps - hope This does not come Off as a raving , Angry review - i love RarevisionVHSLite . these few things Just irk me a Little .
thank You for Reading !