I really like PhotoWidget, if anyone were to want to make customized widgets, I would recommend PhotoWidget, but there are some problems with it. First off, in the latest update, they said they fixed a thing where you would se some sort of white line on the side of the photo, but it’s still there for me on some of my pictures. Also, I really hate the ads. I mean, who doesn’t hate ads? They’re kind of annoying, especially the ones where the ad goes into a full screen ad. Now I know why there are ads and why they might not want to get rid of them (Money), but I think that if they could do some premium thing or maybe they could make the ads, I don’t know, less obnoxious (I’m not sure what word I’m looking for but I think that’s sort of what I’m trying to portray) so that they would still get money. Other than that, I really like PhotoWidget!! Thanks for your time :D