QA is fine. Lots of trackers, though. Anyway, my complain is that there no structure or order to anything. I got interested in Cloud computing architecture when I started my website and started to use a vps and had to learn how to manage it (Vultr)...I wanted to learn the fundamentals, and really dive deep into it, hoping to one day make a career out of this.
After signing up, I found no structure or order for your courses, there’s no A-Z, from beginning to end. As a beginner, I want a step by step learning experience. So, if I click on cloud fundamentals, I wanted there to be lessons that start from knowing nothing, to teaching you all there is to know, from one video to the next, and once you’re done with the fundamentals, knowing where to go next. This isn’t provided. I watched the video by Larkin, I believe, on cloud fundamentals, and didn’t know where to go next, what am I suppose to learn after this. There’s no educational layout. Just a bunch of videos mixed once you click on anything, and if you click on beginner on the filter, it’s still a mixture of beginner videos on whatever subject you selected. It’s the same on Linux Academy and Udemy. I find this very disheartening since there’s no real strong way of getting into Cloud Computing Architecture.