I've done all the levels in Sidney (I'm one of those players who like to achieve each level before moving to the next one.).
Two issues, firstly, the collection of coins...I had to collect 350 coins to help the resident, however, I am finding that I am accidentally clicking on the use coins when the game has reached its level and in order to keep playing, you need to pay 150 coins. I don't want to do this but because of the way things go, it gets clicked and I'm back down to bare minimum coins.
Why can't you Habe that we can bank a 100 coins to use for a specific target, like if you need 350 coins to help the resident, when you reach a certain amount of coins, it gets banked towards that, so you are still getting coins but not losing them as you accidentally click on the use coins - I think it's because I'm trying to complete a match as the game runs out of time and as I'm going to complete a move, the use coins to get additional play (so you get an extra 3 chances) - it is SO ANNOYING!!). A bank type option would be really helpful. My last resource needs 700 coins. Trouble is, this is the end of Sidney, I'm not site if this is needed.
Secondly, the complete city is in the box but when I click on it, nothing shows as to what I have to do. I'm thinking as the raise at level 101 (750 coins) is also there, whether this has to be done before the city is completed. I can't find anything about this, can only conclude that it is somewhere but no idea where.
Thirdly, I Habe lost all my Facebook friends, despite logged in, I know there are many players who experience this as well. Initially when first happened, just uninstall and reinstall would fix the issue, not anymore. So I'm basically playing by myself, hence why taking so long.
Any assistance in how to complete Sidney would be much appreciated.
I have Tokyo, San Francisco and New York open but I'm not sure how to build.
I'm dyslexic and dyspraxic, so it's difficult to recall how to play the game. The instructions are not very good for me to understand some of the boosters uses or gameplay.
It would be helpful to Habe a short show of how to play the level that users can click in to let them see what areas are to be completed and how etc. Do you agree?