Company Name: Readdle Inc.
About: Readdle is a developer of iOS productivity apps such as Spark, Documents, Scanner Pro, PDF Expert
and Calendars 5.
Headquarters: Folsom, California, United States.
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Get Pricing Info for ReaddleThese FUCN morons hi jacked all my files and or corrupted all PDF
With your new update, I don't know anymore how to attach a name to a certain file, I maj Ke a file but I can't put a name to it, Please help me Neil B Maier
há varios dias tento estornar uma compra e o banco afirma que a empresa PDF EXPERT, nao devolve os valores. COMO FAÇO PARA RECEBER OS VALORES?
by Ypetrik
Edit: so just to be clear… According to the developer the app for the Mac did not change to subscription? That was a one time purchase that remained? The iPad only version is a subscription? If so that explains it but honestly I find it ridiculous that I have to pay three times to get the app across all three of my platforms. I would even pay a one time fee but not doing the subscription. Adobe acrobat pro is a monthly fee and you get it across all the different devices. Why would I pay $80 for the Mac version and then monthly subscription for the iPad version and then he knows what you’re demanding for the iPhone version.
Just like the title says. I paid $80 for this app which is already quite a lot of money and how do use that maybe twice. Every now and then I need to merge or split PDF documents. Very light works. I was told this is the best app. I came back to it to do some PDF editing and it’s telling me I need to pay $50 a year. I already did a one time purchase of $80. Completely dishonest and unfair business practices. At least grandfather and the people that already purchased the app for a one time price or credit them the $80 they spent towards a subscription. Now you’re expecting you to pay 50 bucks a year? So I paid $80 to use the app twice?
by Sensimiola
Almost every app from the worthwhile app to even the piss-poor one's require subscriptions in order to use them. It's enough to make you go bankrupt! This has gotten way out of hand, and is simply not fair to the consumer. Many apps even conceal costs and info regarding purchases required to get anything of value from an app. Then, there is of course, the text which lays out "the terms". Most average people cannot understand or even read the content which is written in profuse legalese. I've shown some of these "terms" documents to attorneys,and even some of them were scratching their heads. In reality, the way these things are constructed, it would probably be wise to retain an attorney just to review these terms before you agree to use any application. Some of the lawyers I spoke with said they'd never agree to having their clients sign on to any number of apps with these terms. That is especially true with regard to issues of privacy which always seem to appear in the very smallest of print.
While this app does look very capable and would be a welcome addition, you add up the costs of 10, 20 or 30 subscriptions, you suddenly realize why you're running a deficit at bill time. Offer a purchase option for people!
by HollyOllyOlly
When I originally purchased this app before the newest updates (downgrades, for those of us who originally paid money for the app, which suddenly lost all capability, unless we were willing to fork over an additional $50!) I would have said it was a great app. I work as a paralegal, and this app used to be awesome for on-the-go creating/editing of all the court documents we work with which must be submitted as pdfs. I especially used to love the signature feature, as it meant I sometimes no longer even had to travel in order to get client signatures for continuance forms.
I was so disappointed to discover, as of a couple days ago, that my paid for, super awesome app no longer provided me access to any of the useful features I had come to love. Apparently if I wanted to continue using the app as I had for the past year, I was now expected to pay an additional $50. I’ve never had a company pull such a bait and switch, and I’m incredibly disappointed at how transparent a money grab this ploy is. Shame on you guys, this app used to be a great product and a fair price, but I’m not going to keep repaying for things that I, the consumer, was lead to believe would be a one time purchase to unlock price. Bummed!