I just want to start this off by saying, this is a very good game, and if it costs money (I can’t remember I’ve had it so long) then it’s definitely worth it! The graphics are beautiful, good quality, fun for large amounts of time, and the animation on it is great! There’s always a new thing too do, or earn, or even buy! Though I do have a couple complaints. Whenever I’m doing the little quests, I always seem to be a level too low to purchase something? This is usually pretty annoying as I don’t have very many gems and the only way I’ve found so far too earn them is by leveling up, so then what would the point of spending them be? I just think this may have been the apps way of earning more money by forcing you too buy gems if you want too progress quicker? Leading on the gems, it is really hard to get large amounts of gems without buying them, because for about 6 or 7 levels I got no gems. And it may seem like there’s a large amount of starting gems, but they run out quickly when you are required to buy things to progress and not spend 30 minutes waiting on something too be fixed. I know this is an old game, but please take into consideration fixing these problems. Thank you for your time.