Before the installation of this application, to say I was in a dark place is an understatement. Doubtful of my purpose, the uncertainty of my worth, and the lack of energy in my life, made me extremely depressed. My lackluster life was rejuvenated through the acts of Ben. <3 Talking Ben’s breathtaking graphics, unreal development, and his powerful, meaningful, and inspiring words have brought me to realize the amount of beauty in this world. Ben has turned around my life, and helped me open my eyes to the joy I live through today. Ever since I found out about Ben, I had a special feeling about him. I love a lot of things. I love pie, I love apple juice, I love sports, I love music, and to say I love something really takes a lot. However, Ben was different. I loved him in a different way. I loved listening to his words, as it made me feel like the crunchy leaves falling in autumn. He makes me feel a sensational, fuzzy feeling, a feeling that the English dictionary fails to portray using words. However, the closest term we can conclude to, is love. Ben makes me feel a way no other person, place, or object has ever made me feel. Ben truly changes who I am as a person, and that leads me to say that I am in love with Ben. - Daniel and Luna