Marble ASMR Reviews

Marble ASMR Reviews

Published by on 2023-09-08

About: .

About Marble ASMR

Make money while controlling the perfect ASMR marble machine. Upgrade your machine and marbles to make more money. .


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience


Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 18,178 combined software reviews.

1860 Marble ASMR Reviews

4.5 out of 5


Alright game but…

It’s a alright game although I have a couple of major issues with it. First there are forced adds all the time despite all the adds for the game I’ve seen claiming it’s add free. Second there is NO sound in this game, I really don’t understand why ASMR is in the games name it’s blatant false advertisement. Finally the game isn’t even that good, the game play is slow and unrewarding and is lacking any sort of fun game mechanics it’s just press some buttons and watch marbles roll nothing else. Overall this game just doesn’t deliver on any of its promises and isn’t that good of a game, half the time the game doesn’t even work. I can’t understate how unbelievably disappointed I am with this game and that’s why I’m rating 1/5 stars fix your game.
Also I have heard of the game being really unstable after a while but I couldn’t bring myself to sit on this trashy game for long enough to find out so keep that in minds too.

Anyways thanks for taking the time to read this and please don’t download this game!



So I sa this in an ad and I was like "oh cool an interesting game" so I download it and the first problem I notice is it took forever t download but that could probably just be my phone or whatever but the second problem is when it finally finished downloading I tried to ge I the game it kicked me out to my home screen several times. Like it would just give me the grey screen with the white bar and then be a few second's then kick me out to my home screen. So like the first problem it could just be my phone but still. I don't like it. I can't eve play it. I was so excited to play and then it take over 30+ minutes to download then I can't even play it?! Sorry I'm probably overreacting but still though like omg I'm so disappointed.. 😭😭


Far too easy

I love it, it’s great, I’d play for ages. I paid for no ads which improved the game significantly. If I’d stop getting “reward” ads to watch I’d be happier. I also direly wish the next map buttons were more expensive. There needs to be more maps, and there ought to be a “merge all” button. I’ve reached the final map in the first day. I’m currently trying to max out every ball on every map. I want MORE challenges.


Very nice game.

I likes the idea as soon as I saw the ad, even though it did so no ads…. I am kinda annoyed at that but that’s pretty much any mobile ad so I’ll let it slide, there’s very few bugs and the most major bug I’ve run into so far is there not being any sound (I have vibrations turned on) I Tryed a lot of things and it does not wanna make a peep. But besides that, pretty good game. Highly addictive. (Not in the bad way l.o.l)


Paid for no ads but still ads ARE YOU JOKING

I didn’t mind paying the 3 bucks but why are there still ads in my game there should be a switch to disable the pop up on buying things and why does my game keep crashing and resetting my money progress I was having fun but this issue keeps happening and it’s always before I buy the star ball I’m like 10 units away and it crashes and my money goes back to zero it’s frustrating I was thinking with the new logo maybe these issues were fixed but is the same


Not Ad Free!

The only reason I downloaded this game was because it claimed it was add free. First, there’s an ad at the bottom of the screen, no big deal because it doesn’t hinder the game or controls. I get about 4 merges in, and get an offer to watch an ad for a reward. I decline and merge 2 more times and an ad plays, no warning, no reward offer. It’s very disappointing. This game seems like it has such potential, but I’m really not interested in yet another ad riddled game.


It won’t work

I like MarbleASMR and all but it just won’t load and it’s like getting very very disturbing so how do you fix that it’s like not loading and like I tried it it was loading but it won’t work so just tell me how please pretty pretty pretty please because I really wanna play this game like it won’t work so it just will have to do like a 4 so I have to write it a four so yeah anyway


No ads

What can I say it has no ads it is the perfect game already on top of the fact that it’s just a pretty good game in general. I am totally recommending this to all my friends. I’ve already played for five hours. And I just got the game.



Last time I played this game the next map and previous map buttons were on the buy marble button so I could only do the first map even tho I had like 5 other maps unlocked u couldn’t do anything I re-downloaded the game happy to see that they are moved to the sides I did have to restart all my progress buts it’s fine



I love this game it’s sooooooo fun. There are only 2 problems; 1: when the ad for the game popped up on my I pad, it said that the game was ad free, but within 3 minutes of me playing it, I got an ad. #SCAMMED. 2: The game is called marble ASMR, so when I play, I want it to be satisfying, and in order to do that there needs to be SOUND. If you fixed these it would be a 5 star game no doubt. Also even though it says no ads, I just started playing, and it’s asking me to remove ads for $2.99. #FALSE ADVERTISING



I can see how could be a good game but there are to big things that are very frustrating. First of all there is no sound, it’s only that vibrating thing that most lazy games do which wouldn’t be that bad but considering it has asmr in its name makes it unacceptable, and second of all there are way to many ads, it’s one of those games we’re in the beginning it doesn’t have many but the farther in you get the more ads it plays which eventually made it unplayable


Ads, ads and more ads

This looked like a fun game, and the ad claimed there were no ads. That’s a lie. There are banner ads, buttons all over the interface to watch ads for various things, and the reason I uninstalled the game is that after only playing a couple minutes I had already had to sit through 2 forced ads. Don’t claim there are no ads if your game is nothing but ads!


Great start… needs some improvements

Biggest suggestion I have is to add a tracker of merged marbles - it would be nice to see how many types are available. Second suggestion is to add an option to pay a small fee to remove ads. The current level of ads can be intrusive at times, but isn’t terrible overall.


So stupid can’t even play

So I have the new iPhone 13 and this game won’t work it’s not because of my phone because I have a very new one it’s because a glitch in the game whenever I try and tap on it to play it won’t even work it just goes back to the home screen it is so annoying and I’ll give this game a one star for at least working a little bit when you’re about to go in the game I still cannot believe this game worst game on MarbleASMR Store!!


It’s good…

It’s a decent game to pass time but it says no adds and I didn’t press the add button so it does have adds and so it’s not a add free thing but there are option to used adds to get stuff so it’s decent


Great game until…

So basically I love the game great graphics blah blah but here’s the thing when I got to map 2 I realized I couldn't merge the marbles so I was forced to spam marbles until it was maxed I would rate it 5 stars if you spread out the previous map button and next map button a bit

Thank you for your time



1. Add something like a catalog that lets you see each type of marble and how much money it produces since some of them are hard to tell apart
2. Ability to zoom in and out so I can see the marbles better
3. Ability to buy higher level marbles


This game is terrible and the ads are the biggest problem

I originally downloaded this game not only because it looked fun and relaxing but because the advertisement I found for this game in another game said it didn’t have any ads. That is a lie, it’s $3 to pay for no ads in game. And as far as the game itself goes, it is much less focused in “ASMR” and relaxation and heavily focused in min maxing to get to the next level. Please delete this game from MarbleASMR Store.


Do not get this game false advertising

No, I just got the game and I got it because I thought it would be cool to finally have an ad free game. Well guess what I booted up without Internet so I didn’t know if it had ads in it but there was a thing that said want no more ads when I booted it up so I was like buddy if I turn on the Internet and if you give me an ad, I will be so mad and it did so this game is just blatantly false advertising that it is ad free game


Not ad free. Limited short game.

4.6 star rating? LIE.

Paid for no ads. Not true after pay, only decrease some ads frequency.

Any new ball - watch ad.

Double ‘income’ - watch ad.

Double speed - watch add.

Limited number of levels. Increase number of levels, increase zoom. Another option - allow player to remove paths. ALSO!!!! Don’t have the same ‘map,’ for every level.

latest update the zoom that was included in the game has been removed. There has been no added levels and the map for each level for the balls is the same and the only difference is the coloring of the path or the balls. BORING even for idle games


Alright Game But Horribly Optimized

First off, I like the game, it’s really relaxing to play and is a great time killer. I am just incredibly unhappy with the amount of ads that are shoved in your face which seem to directly affect performance. While not paying $3 for the ad free experience you will be shown a 15 second-ish ad that interrupts gameplay about every 1-3 mins. This is normal for most mobile games but my problem lies with skipping the ads, pressing the skip buttons on most of them just doesn’t work and makes my device lag out to the point where it requires me to restart MarbleASMR . This is made even more annoying with the long startup screen for a game that really shouldn’t be that performance intensive. The ad free experience isn’t much better because the game still shoves optional ads in your face which take up about 10% of the screen most times. Overall just get the game if you have some free time to kill, many games like this one are way better experiences.


This is kind of bad

First of all no sound second of all it says no ads and look where I found ads when you’re on like a merging streak it just gives you an ad because your merging too many times and it says if you want to get a free one you have to watch an ad too many ads there’s an ad there there’s an ad there’s an ad everywhere and there is absolutely no ASMR in here it would be ASMR if you had sound but nope you decide to make it horrible and the similarities to athletic clickers is too much I am beginning to think one of you companies copied or if it’s the same company stop making those types of games we already have one game that is 1% ASMR


I really like the game

This game is pretty good, relaxing, and fun but the only throng is that on the ad that made me get this game it said “no ads” and that is one of the main reasons I got it but obviously the game does have ads and not from like watching an ad to get something, ads just pop up. Other than that though the game is good and I recommend.


An honest review

At first the game is pretty addicting but it’s kinda boring after you realize that after you finish the first level then it’s basically copy and paste. The same level over and over again with different lookin marbles and colors. It would be cool to actually have different levels every new update and then to keep adding “new ASMR sounds”. It’s also very annoying having to press the buy button over and over again. Just make it hold to buy.


less ads maybe..☹️

this game is amazing and everything , but the thing that annoyed me the most of the ads i dk not like ads at all and honestly if it was ads once in a little bit i would be okay with it , but the fact that there’s ads like every 1-3 minutes makes me so mad , i even tried using airplane mode but it didn’t work , so u guys are smart for that , just not smart for the ads but i think it’s one of ur guys plan to put lots of ads and haves to use data / wifi to work so we can’t get rid of the ads unless we buy the thing and so it’s not very very 100% cool. i like this game and all but i do
not recommend it , i am so sorry but this game is fun but way to many ads , take away ads and this game would probably be better , because this game is fun and kills lots of time for me anyways thanks for this game just take away ads thanks.😈



Probably the most beautiful and most important part about this project was that the team is working on the first phase and the first stage will have to wait for a while before the project can get underway and then we can get the project to a final destination in time to get the funding and for it and we will have a very long and hard time working


Like it a lot but needs stuff less money

This game is good but needs stuff less money like the first map is 8m,But like I said I really like it so I give it a 5 star and really not to much ads. Really like that because people and other games have a lot of ads and I really hate it and other people but bye bye! :)


Eh it’s all right

The game is very fun at the beginning but after a little while it starts to get boring it’s cool how they make different balls different colors but otherwise the game gets really boring. Honestly, it’s just the same thing repeated and repeated. I think it should have an update definitely it gets very boring. I don’t know. Play the game for yourself. Everybody has different opinions and then you can write a response like I did.



The ad for the game says it has no ads which is false advertisement because every 1-4 minutes you are bombarded by an ad. even when I bought the no ad thing I was still given optional ads for powere ups that take up a bunch of the game. On the other part it is relaxing for the most part and is a good time waster when you are bored. I just wish there was actually a game relaxing like this but with no ads, it would make the experience a whole lot better in my opinion. Over an ok game.



I saw an ad that said it has no ads ads free so I download to the game expecting no ads but in the first five minutes of playing I got one add and then in the next six minutes of playing I got another ad that has just kept going on and on and on so I deleted the game and I’m writing this review for people to know that this game is not ad free so if you consider getting this game, remember you’re probably gonna spend more time watching ads and actually play the game. Stay safe.


Good game

Ok so… this game is really good, and it’s really relaxing. The only reason I gave it 4 stars is because the balls don’t really go fast (even when you tap the screen) and because of ads. The ads can be fixed by using no internet though. Whenever I play I get a relaxed sensation, and I sometime fall asleep (I honestly don’t know how that happened) Overall this is a really good game, and I would recommend it to my friends (if I had any😭)

Thank you for taking your time to read this review!



This game is totally awesome. Me and my brother love to play it.

Please, please make their more routes that aren’t just looping! Make some going up and down and around. If there is t enough room on the screen, let us switch the screen sideways! I think that would make this game way better than it is now.
Thanks for reading.


Not Ad Free!

The only reason I downloaded this game was because it claimed it was add free. First, there’s an ad at the bottom of the screen, no big deal because it doesn’t hinder the game or controls. I get about 4 merges in, and get an offer to watch an ad for a reward. I decline and merge 2 more times and an ad plays, no warning, no reward offer. It’s very disappointing. This game seems like it has such potential, but I’m really not interested in yet another ad riddled game.

Is Marble ASMR Safe?

No. Marble ASMR does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 18,178 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Marble ASMR Is 13.6/100.

Is Marble ASMR Legit?

No. Marble ASMR does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 18,178 Marble ASMR User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Marble ASMR Is 31.4/100..

Is Marble ASMR not working?

Marble ASMR works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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