Power Girls - Fantastic Heroes Reviews

Power Girls Reviews

Published by on 2024-11-19

🏷️ About: Power Girls are moving in into their skyscraper penthouse at the top of the city! Fuse fantastic heroes together & hatch new Power Girls from traveling capsules! Complete your superhero collection, play fun mini games, and protect the city from villains! Win mini games and fit the Power Girls penthouse with beautiful furniture and things you can interact with. Would you like to soak in a jacuzzi? Jump on a trampoline? Or ma.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 542 combined software reviews.

Read 31 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.3 out of 5
This game is broken

When I was playing that one mini game where you jump on platforms, whenever I was clicking the buttons, it was not letting me jump. Not to mention, it would mainly do this whenever I was on the broken platforms, the one that were cracked. This needs to be fixed.

Good at first, then it gets boring

Hello. The reason I gave this game three stars is because right when you play it it’s like a whole new world, but as you start to play it for months and years it gets boring. I think we need some more eggs because doesn’t everyone agree that when you download it it’s fun and when you play it for a while it gets pretty boring. Also WHY ARE THERE SO MANY ADS!? Like every time I finish up making a outfit for my superhero, I click done THEN IT ALWAYS GIVES ME AN AD! But other than all of that it’s a really good game. Also it’s a really good role play game to do by yourself. Keep up the good work but please do fix the problems. Thank you.

SO ANNOYING Read for rights

I hate the only tuto club members thing 😑😑😑
Why I hate it
Because so of us don’t have the money 💰 for it and some of us are parents won’t let us buy it
And like we get you want members of the club but like we want the Presents to and then we complain to are parents about it and they feel so bad that we can’t have it so they buy it but they are broke after

Awesome game but. . .

This game is really awesome Everything about it is so cool. Except for one thing, PLEASE add more brown girls, you only can get like, 4 if you DONT PAY, I don’t like how more brown girls are only available through paying, what if people can’t afford it. Please add more in future updates!

Good NOT amazing

First weird ads are going on like longonie I think?2 it’s nice but I want to make a new character .But I Love It

Good game however

It’s a good game but when the hero’s hatch or come out of the egg like thing when you get closer and closer to the last ones it takes so long for them to hatch or come out like one is 11 hours like I guess 1 hour would be ok but 11!?! Also you can’t just mix and match them whenever you please like it shows the fox girl and the one that has like a flower dress on the add and they made the unicorn one but you can’t do that because it won’t let you. Hope this helps


This game is good there is a few things I don’t quite like ( no hate I love this game)
The time for some is way to long like 47 hours then I wish we could actually change their clothes since superhero’s usually have to blend in with the other humans but also I love this game to the core but I also love the characters it just what I think can be considered

It’s fine

There is ok not the best game ever. Problems: no names, very confusing in the beginning, and everything is either very expensive or u have to watch an ad and also sometimes it says ad not available which is annoying because there’s nothing u can do about it so I don’t love this game that much but it’s ok I guess

Great, but how about this?

I am obsessed With the game and I am a pre-teenager and it’s been hard for me to grow up so this game are kind a good for me. Like what I mean grow up I’m still stuck with things for little kids and games like this make me happy I am like 10 years old and I could still be liking drink from a bottle literally but how about you could add a mini closet for the cats that would be adorable🥹🫶🏽

A cute event

So I redownloaded this game just not and I saw the event and it’s so interesting and I haven’t played it so pls give me info on it! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Some ideas!

Hi its me again er… blood fox! Anyway so I was reading the comments and I agree with one of them! So it said that there should be some towns people and a boy one of the power girls have a crush on and the blush around them. If you do add this please make the dear power girl have a crush on them! Anyway I think you should add a story mode, a new girl, more places to go, and names to the girls. Oh and the idea for the new girl can you do an axolotl or or a dragon or Lion or a elephant? And for the name the power girls can you name them? Or at least let other people name them? For the dear the first power girl name her Rosa, for the unicorn mystic, for the wolf willow, and for the fox my fav… wilder! Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a great day or night.

Blood fox


Dear TutoTOONS,
I play all of your games, but in Power Girls I don’t like your game with the little lava monsters in it. I would like to keep the room but just not the game because the game scares me. 😈💔🖤

Love it! Just a few suggestions ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜📖

I looooooveeee this game! just needs a few things,can you let us gamers make our own Rangers? Please remove the adds! i dont like the raspberry 🥺 its making me cry…..! add Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers please! i kinda get bored…..? add a world and city please. and last but not least…add more heroes and make it night when I tap on my iphone. Those are my suggestions! have a nice day! Charlie😘 tutotoons :)


I love this game soooooooooo much! But can u please let us create our own power girls? Also, they keep blowing raspberries at me when I try and feed them power corn. That’s VERY rude. My dog saw it and she was like, “HEY! ROOD KIDS CUT IT OUT!” She was barking at mouse and bunny girl like CRAZY!!! And then they all walked up to me and made a sad face and then every last one of the power girls started being rude and they blew raspberries at me for like 2 hours. I tried picking them up, but it didn’t work. And then my entire game CRASHED!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡 so, can you not with the whole raspberry thing? Otherwise, I give this game a 10 outta 10!

I love it but one comment

Can you put the black superhero girl for free?please i give five stars have a nice day bye.

I love Vip Pets so make a update

Please make the update I told you it was this update I love Vip Pets also make a lady and the tramp make a big Cute experience you can make some pets in the update there is cat dog bunny and oh so my favorite, Disney Junior series of all of them super kitties you could get the close of them even you could get the type of dumb even get the Scottish fold cats Scottish fold is also coming if foof my penthouse in the jungle foof please these two games better have that update just like superhero girls even put in Fluth my pet house. I want a good game that is so cute. Everyone will like it. It is like Fluvsies. But with the cookie jump like when I was playing with my Fluvsie, that was the first one. I want that to be with the cats and the dogs and the bunnies so they can jump so good and they have to play it so many times in the end when you get a lot of presents there will be something the cats, the bunnies and the dogs will come off and they will get a new cat. That is the Scottish

I LOVE THIS GAME!: But here's some suggestions

This is my fave game ever even though i'm a teenager! Here are some suggestions to appeal to an older (10-15) crowd who will buy subscriptions and draw fanart and stuff!

1: add more this app!
2: give the villain girl a name
3: Give the girls more personality! Descriptions in their capsules, likes and dislikes, them being friends, rivals, etc...
4: Townspeople! Like girls who can be recruited into this app or be the girls friends, or boys, and when a boy visits there's a chance one of the this app will get a crush on him and when she has a crush she'll think of him a lot and blush when she's near him.
5: Story mode! Plssss storymode!
6: school area where the girls can go to school!
5: More clothes!
6: Watching ads for coins!
7: Makeup like in fluvsies!

How do you subscribe to your game?

How do you subscribe to your game? I don’t know how can you tell me please

Nice, few suggestions

For the 3D printer, can you make more furniture

Add more characters

The game is super fun but I think there should be more characters and more clothes

Please make the new girls free

I was happy about the new girls but when I saw they cost money I got bummed out please make them free I really want new girls

My Power Girl Review

Hi my name is Mila! The first time I got this game I couldn’t take my eyes off of it! But I have a few problems. 1. The Bunny Girl has braces. My questions is— why?? 2. We need more Power Girls. 3. I like the cat in the spaceship thingy that came out 2 days ago but we need MORE pets! 4. Glitches. Here’s one of my problems with the glitches. I was doing the jumping mini game for the cat in the UFO or spaceship and I was about to get it and when I pressed the jump button to go left my character was frozen! Then my game crashed. This is not a lie. Please fix it! And I think that was all. So yes! And one more thing. Please make the time shorter because now that I need one more Power Girl until I completed the thing it was like 47 hours. Make the time shorter please! NOTE: I understand if you can’t do it. :) Bye! 🦉


This is the best game ever! But can you make it so you can create your own superhero? Anyways that’s all I have to say literally thank you for listening!

Hello this is the best game

This game is amazing 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩you can get a cat and it’s super fun but their something odd when they talk they talk different and I was like what? Is this a glitch or do you need to fix it ?* a fan😁


I wish I could give a better rating this game is amazing it has the best graphics it is very fun to play and I love it so much I especially like the unicorn superhero this is the best game ever ty 1 million times!

Omg I’m in love with this game!

Hey power girls can you create a free power girl that has candy🍬🍭in her hair and her supersuit plz? And her name would be candy. Also,I will do a drawing of the clothes you had to add.& I love your game! I eat cupcakes when I play the game I can’t stop playing your game bye!

I can’t tell why this is THE BEST GAME EVER!!!

I ask my mom if i can download the game, she downloaded the game on my ipad. Then i got to my phone and downloaded it. Then I played it on my phone istead of my ipad! But then The gane gave me 10 coins, And i got an egg, Then then i press the egg, Then it said skip time! So i press the add then it was gone, Then got the egg!

Good game but one issue

I am for years old and my name is Lily islands on a road trip and I found this game on an app and I asked my mom and she told me I could get it I was really excited and I got glued to the game but one issue and took 48 hours for one of them this made me upset so I told my mom and she told me I had to delete PowerGirls so please fix this so I can get PowerGirls back🥺🥺

Such a good game for all ages role-plays and all

Hello I have a question and ask kind of a bug for me but not like a real bug anyways when the girl plays the ping-pong with the robot and all the little ping-pong balls to go to the robot side the superheroes disappointed in the robot is happy but the superhero girl won could you fix that like they’re happy cause they won the game instead of losing anyways could we customize the hairstyle for the super girls anyways that’s all I had to say have a good day or night


I saw this ad on a road trip and I asked my mom if I could get it she said yes and I am glued to the game lol I am on the road trip right now and I have one of the other TutoTOONS games it’s fun to but please make the time for the eggs shorter and please make more games if you want to get this game do not listen to the other reviews thank you HAVE A GOOD DAY OR NIGHT and please if it’s possible that you can make in the game that kids can make characters of there desire. Love a little girl that has a lot of good ideas Mermaidmazing678


Not bad! But the power girls look so cute! If you guys are having trouble with the SPONSORING ads (not the tutotoons ones) Just download 1Blocker to block the real ads (not tutotoons) and you’ll be settled with the regular ads from tutotoons. Plus, I didn’t know I purchased Panther power girl. When I downloaded it this year the purchase worked! If I don’t use it that much, before it happens, I’m looking forward to getting the Giraffe power girl, then delete PowerGirls and then re download it seeing if Giraffe will be there too :). So that’s why I’m giving it a five star rating because it is very cute. Plus they don’t blow raspberries sometimes

Is Power Girls Safe? 🙏

Yes. Power Girls - Fantastic Heroes is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 542 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.3/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Power Girls Is 29.5/100.

Safety Analysis

68.1% of users say app is Safe 👍

19.8% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

12.1% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is Power Girls Legit? 💯

Yes. Power Girls - Fantastic Heroes is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 542 Power Girls - Fantastic Heroes User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Power Girls Is 46.9/100..

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Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
TutoClub Membership Monthly $6.99
Premium bundle $9.99
No Timers $2.99
Large coins pack $4.99
Power Girls Clothing Pack $2.99
TutoClub Membership Yearly $69.99
3 Power Girls $5.99
Panther Power Girl $2.99
Frost Power Girl $2.99
No Ads $3.99

How was your experience with Power Girls - Fantastic Heroes? Post a Review


Win mini games and fit the Power Girls penthouse with beautiful furniture and things you can interact with.

Pick your favorite Power Girls character and play mini games.

Fuse Power Girls together to get new heroes and complete the collection! Hatch new superhero girls from their traveling capsules and take care of them.

TutoTOONS games foster creativity, promote kindness and bring joy to everyday life.

TutoTOONS strives to bring meaningful and safe mobile experience to millions of players worldwide.

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