It is both a barcode scanner to scan QR codes/barcodes (decode information), and a QR code generator to create QR codes (encode & encrypt information).
Scan every URL link you visit to help detect online threats using anti-virus technology and alert you to websites that may infect your device and steal your personal information.
If you need to scan any QR code or barcode using the camera, give the app camera permission.
It supports all QR/barcode formats! Now scans QR codes, barcodes, Wi-Fi, text, products, books, puzzles, documents, E-mail, location, calendar and business cards.
You can also use it to scan promotion and coupon codes in shops to get discounts.
Scan promotion and coupon codes to get discounts.
Scan QR codes to set up credentials and be connected to Wi-Fi in a few seconds.
Scan product barcodes and compare prices online.
If you need to scan images from the gallery, give it permission only at that time.
All scan history will be saved for quick viewing at anytime.
Instantly scan QR code.
You can scan QR / barcodes from gallery.
The history list can easily manage and clear the history of visited locations and QR code links.
The lightning QR code scanner & reader & creator for iOS devices - download now for FREE.