My Mini Mart Reviews

My Mini Mart Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-18

About: Embark on a relaxing yet challenging journey of running your own Mini Mart. Grow
organic plants, tend to your animals, & sell produce to customers.

About My Mini Mart

Grow organic plants, tend to your animals, & sell produce to customers.

Embark on a relaxing yet challenging journey of running your own Mini Mart.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience


Positive experience

~ from NLP analysis of 114,547 combined software reviews.

780 My Mini Mart Reviews

4.6 out of 5


Very addicting, but some cons

I absolutely love this game. Basically, it’s about a boss building their business from ground up and multitasking while trying to keep the shelves full and then collecting the money for more products. There are multiple levels/marts once you finish one. Number 1. I don’t hate this game. I play it almost every single day and it’s a game that isn’t like the other 3D random games that you get non-stop ads for.
Number 2. There are some annoying features. Like your not able to play with no WiFi. It’s not too much of a problem, but if I’m on a long road trip with my family and I’m in the passenger seat I definitely want something to keep me busy for 3 hours. I get that they still need to make money off the ads, but it’s irritating at times. Also, the ads aren’t too much of a problem for me but I bought the “10,000 cash and no ads” thing, and I didn’t get it. It said I bought it but it never gave me no ads, and it didn’t give me the 10k. Every time I open MyMiniMart a little box pops up saying “perchase is deferred” I’ve had this game for about a month. I’ve still never gotten my stuff. But beside those, this game still is really fun. I play it almost every chance I get when I’m bored and it really is much better than I thought. All in all, I give it a 4star.


Great game but…

Hey, I don’t want to be one of those people who rate a game worse then it should be rated due to the amount of ads that are in it but there are SO many! I timed the amount of time you get to play before another ad pops up, it was 59 seconds 🫤. So basically you only get to play for 59 seconds until an ad will pop up and every time and ad pops up I just close the game because it makes me not want to play. So besides there literally being adds every 59 seconds the game is super fun and addicting. You start out with only a few tomatoes and a hundred bucks but you gradually start buying more things and earning more money. You can buy and upgrade workers/ machines to make them faster and allow them to carry more items making the game easier and there are always things to do like restocking your shelves, feeding the chickens, upgrading your workers/machines etc. I only got it yesterday and I love it ofc besides the ads. The ads are literally ruining the game for me 😐. That being said, I would’ve gave this a five star easily if the ads were less frequent but they aren’t, there for I'm only giving it four even though it deserves another.


Actually fun game without ads

I expected this to be like most other mobile games where I try it out, get bored of the main concept within 10-15 min, and move on. But I honestly enjoy this game a lot.

The main gameplay loop revolves around managing a small supply chain of produce to products for your mini mart, mostly by keeping all of your machines and shelves supplied. You can hire more workers and upgrade your machines to make this process easier, and as you continue in the game you unlock more products to add to what you manage. The game is well balanced so that you have enough products and customers to be always just about to run out of stock on your shelves, which makes the game constantly engaging.

I would recommend this game if you like games that involve survival or multitasking or upgrading things. This game scratches the right itch to be just engaging enough to feel fun to play without ever being overwhelming. The one big downside of the game is that the ads are very frequent and long. I would probably just think of this game as a $3 game with a free demo


Love the game 😊😊, BUT

Like I said already, LOVE THIS GAME ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ but there are some downsides to it. I am only on the first mart though I have had this game for over a month, and that’s just cuz I want to upgrade everything. Anyway, about the cons. I usually get AT LEAST 10 ads in a span of 5 minutes, but I understand that the dev is trying to get money off of the ads. Just maybe make less ads. The second con is that it keeps crashing. I read the other reviews and I see that it’s a problem for most of the people, not just my phone rebooting. Like I play for 5 - 10 min and BOOM it crashes and it gets annoying. Overall, great game, highly recommend it if u like tycoon or building games, or if u r just looking for a game to kill ur time. Dev, if u r reading this, I gotta say that u put SOO MUCH TIME into this game that it’s actually worth downloading, not like those other random 3d games. Thank u for ur time and effort. And PLZ PLZ PLZZ fix the other problems. Thank u for reading this review. Have a magical day/night!
Xoxo, Ocean_Crystal714



honestly when i got this game i didn’t really expect it to be fun but it was actually really addicting. i do have some problems with it though, like the little workers are so dumb that it actually infuriates me and makes me not wanna play. they will take the food u make and throw it away. Also they don’t stock the things that actually NEED to be stocked like the sauce and the bread. They will just take the food, use like one of the item, and instead of using the rest, they’ll throw it away. it makes me upset and annoyed because most of the time i’m about just about to grab it but it’s gone now because they threw it away😐. ALSO when i walk by a food station, sometimes I randomly collect a food item it’s frustrating because i don’t wanna have to throw it away but im forced to in order to get enough of the item i actually wanted to use. I know that’s not necessarily fixable but it’s just really annoying, and the ads are like every single minute and whenever i get an ad i just shut the game off because it makes me not wanna play. Anyways if u can get past all of that it’s actually a fun game.


Actually worth downloading

Ok so I’ve had this game for just 2 days and I’m obsessed. I’ll try to be quick but the game is actually really fun, like REALLY fun… without ads. It’s only about 3 dollars for no ads but I can swear on my life that it is so worth it. This game is like the only game I actually look forward to playing on my phone and takes up hours of my time. It’s not like most mobile games, I swear. It’s like they actually took the time to make an actual fun game, and I feel like the only reason there’s so many ads is cause they actually still need to make money off of it somehow. I only ever write reviews when I feel strongly about something, and this game, I feel very strongly, in a good way, about. I’ve only seen one ad about it so I could be wrong when I say: the ads don’t lie. All I can say is, if you’ve got the money, or you’re fine with ads every minute, GET IT. (And if you don’t have the money for no ads, or just don’t wanna buy it, it’s STILL a good download I can swear on it)


This is the best game ever! :D

I only started playing this game a week ago, and my business is already upgrading so fast! This is such a fun game, and it is very easy to upgrade your market quickly. It is completely ad-free, so I don’t know why people are saying there are ads. 🤷‍♀️ You can grow tomatos, wheat, and even make jam! As well as eggs, of course! You can hire cashiers and employees to help stock up the shelves as well. It’s so fun to upgrade and watch your market grow! I promise you, if you want a ad-free game where you can sell produce, then download My Mini Market for sure! I hope that you guys get rated 5 stars, because you deserve it for sure! Though, I have one suggestion. Could you guys add more things to sell/ more employees to hire? I’m already starting to run out of things to do, and I would love to be able to add way more stuff! Thank you so much!! 😋😋


Not Enough To Do And Too Many Ads

So I got this game a few days ago and it’s a really good game. There are just a few things I would suggest to make the game better. First of all, I would add more things to do in the game, like adding more things into the marts, or adding in daily missions. There are also too many ads. I completely understand why you have to add ads into the game, but I feel like the amount of ads is excessive. There are some points where I sware I get two ads in a minute. Some of the prices that you save up to are also really high, and it takes long to get the income back when you are just beginning. For example, I’m onto my second mart. I was buying more wheat, and I had to save $300 to buy one more square for the wheat to grow in. I understand that the prices increase as your mart expands, but that was outrageous, and less people are buying the wheat because there are more options on things to buy. Other than that, I love this game, and I would definitely suggest it to other people. Keep up the good work!


Super fun without ads

Absolutely love this little game, been playing for around 2 months and i’ve finally finished every mart so far and i am so excited for mart 9 to come, will definitely say the ads got very very annoying so i did cave in and spend money to get rid of them but honestly it was worth it, super fun and simple game and it kept me entertained for awhile, kinda sad that because i finished all the marts they have out rn i have nothing to do until they add more, but still i would recommend, i would give five stars if there were less ads or if getting rid of ads was cheaper, but great game, i look forward to the new marts to come, keep up the good work :) Id also suggest being able to turn on and off the chefs/shelvers because when you’re trying to do something and their taking the items it gets really bothersome, id also say maybe make it so you can pay the workers or customize them, or even make it so you can customize the marts and decorate so its more personalized, but besides that amazing game


Great game, Too many ads, and keeps Crashing

I am addicted to these types of tycoon mobile game and love them but they usually have a bunch of ads, I got an ad and around 1-1.5 minutes later I got another, I love the concept of the game but AI needs to be smarter, I will be making flour and I’m trying to collect it but since I have workers as soon as I’m making it they go over to the station I’m using and take the flour as soon as its processed, overall there weren’t any major problems with the game but over-time the game started crashing, I restarted MyMiniMart and it kept doing that, I thought since I had a bunch of stuff going on at once it might be overloading MyMiniMart , I went to my new mart too see if that did anything better, it worked for around 5 minutes then started crashing again, anyways over-all good game mini-mall bugs, some updates and bugs patches might need to be added and better AI, if it gets added at any point definetly going for 5-star. :)


Fun game, pretty addicting. But way too many ads.

This game is really fun for a mobile game and I have been playing it for the past few days. Everything about it is good except for the ad problem. Every like minute or two there is another ad which gets really annnoying to play after a while. If they could just get rid of a lot or all of forced ads it would be so much better. I do watch some ads on purpose like if I want to get the next upgrade for free but there’s just too many forced ads. And I dont want to have to pay $5 just to not have ads. If ur going to play this game then you gotta have a lot of patience with seeing a ton of ads or just spend money to get rid of them. Don’t get me wrong though, the ads are skippable after around 5 seconds but it’s like every minute and it just starts to get annoying. Please consider making less forced ads because it would make the game a lot more fun to play for a long amount of time.


Constructive critique

Hey guys!! I love the game, and it would get another star if there were less ads. You guys have a good game, and it’s fun and kind of addicting to play at times, which is why I and many other people STILL play despite the huge amount of ads (honestly a big feat with how attention spans are shortened these days sometimes , haha!) but still, the fact is people will stop playing if you try to bully them into sending you money by playing ads after 55-11 (yes I said 11) second intervals. Literally right after each other. While playing I could swear that the ads were getting WORSE as I played! I understand that you guys need to gain money by putting down ads but still maybe a smaller amount. It makes people that were going to buy the no ads tier NOT want to buy it.
Apart from the sheer amount of ads that needs to downplayed a little bit the game is nice. I like the artstyle, love how cute the characters are and I’m on my second mini mart now! (^ν^)Keep developing guys!


Fun concept with just a few bugs

Love this game so much that I bought the ad removal. The little characters and general design of the item about the markets are really cute and endearing. I can’t tell you how much joy I get from seeing the little smiley face emojis from the costumers as they walk off with their tiny groceries.
Other than some bugs here and there that seem to get patched out pretty regularly, I would say that the only issue I take with this game is how it seems to save progress. By that, I mean it will not save things that I just did before closing MyMiniMart , and that’s frankly infuriating sometimes. Occasionally, I just wanna open MyMiniMart , claim the money that my stores give me every 3 hours, and close MyMiniMart because I’m currently busy. Unfortunately, the game will not save my progress when I do that, and instead I end up putting my cash claim on cooldown for another 3 hours without actually receiving my reward. I would love to see this issue fixed, but until then, 3 stars.


Update Broken

Ok I want to just clarify I LOVE this game!!! Like I've played it non stop. Part of that is due to the fact that I did spend money to get rid of the ads because those were annoying. Once I did that, however I couldn't put it down.

However, the Mart 3 update completely broke my game. I got quite far in mart 3 and was just putting money into an upgrade when my game froze. This isn't super common but it had happened occasionally since the update came out. Usually I can just close out MyMiniMart and reopen it and everything would be fine. This time, though, I reopened MyMiniMart and not only did it undo all of my progress on Mart 3, but also all of my progress in the game period. This was honestly kinda heartbreaking since I invested a lot of time and even a little money in this game and I hope there's a way to fix this so it doesn't happen to other people.

But other than that I really do love and recommend this game as a time waster if nothing else.


Great game but app crashes far too much and there are way too many ads.

Love the concept of the game but it’s crashes way too much. The ads that you are forced to watch that show up in the middle of the game, cause you to lose your progress at times because it crashes MyMiniMart or it freezes. It either freezes with a black screen or the add you are watching. The same thing happens when you want to try a power up and you have to watch a video just for that. Freezes or crashes it’s dumb. Also the ads sometimes pop up in the middle when you are completing tasks kills it for me. When you come back from an unsolicited ad you are sometimes left all the way in the middle of the green field and have to run all the way back depending on where you are. There should be a second person as a security just in case you can’t catch them because it’s almost impossible if you are far away stocking no ,after if you have helpers or not.


My mini Ads

The title is the only thing small about the sheer amount of adds and length of those ads in game. I enjoyed the gameplay for the total minute I played before I was forced to watch an ad, while the game was still playing. This leads to customers lining up and overwhelming you right out the gate, because by the time you’ve caught back up, guess what happens? Yep, another ad. Rinse repeat. I understand companies need to make money, but you can see countless other games on the store that do this with ads WITHOUT forcing players to watch them. Also, if you think “I’ll just turn my phone to airplane mode”, think again. This game requires an internet connection to be able to play. So out of the little respect I have for the art of crafting games, I gave them 3 stars. However, in my opinion, any game or developer that forces players to watch ads deserves one star. I have since uninstalled and will not be reinstalling because I refuse to play any game that forces ads.


This is a great game…but

I play this game all the time. Bought no ads, have everything almost upgraded, and am so glad that the developers are putting the time into better the game, which is why I decided to write this. One thing is extremely frusterating in the game. When I play, I always help the shelvers/chefs with their jobs of course. But something that is extremely annoying is that you can have an entirely empty bread shelf, and the chief who’s job he’s doing just so happens to be very much full will continue to take the bread you need for your empty bread shelf. Sometimes he’ll take it while it’s full and he will just take the bread and throw it away. It’s extremely frustrating to me and makes the game less fun, I think it would be way better if the workers had come consolation as to what actually needs done instead of taking everything you need from you and then throwing it in the trash.



So this game I expected to be one of those badly animated and produced mobile tycoon games.. but this one is so much better! And I bought the no ads pack for 2.99 and it made it much more enjoyable. I love how this game is made and the animations are incredible, good job! And I even have a few ideas in mind! First off is with the flour and eggs, you can make bread, right? Well, I was thinking of more food combos to make new stands and food products for the game.. Like for instance, let’s say there’s a sugar farm where you can process sugar. Let’s say from a sugar cane to make it fun, then you can make a station where the sugar and eggs make cake. It would add so much more advanced levels to the game! And even a pizza making farm, or a potato farm! You can do so much more fun things with this game! Thank you developers and please read this! -DucPlayz



This could be great, I love the concept but it was executed poorly. First of all the ads, there are so so so many ads!! The game is basically unplayable unless you pay $2.99 to get rid of the ads. Why does it require an internet connection?!! I usually download silly games with a neat concept like this to play when I don’t have a internet connection, which this game, that doesn’t have multiplayer or anything, requires you to have for whatever reason. Also after ads sometimes the whole game glitches and your shop is gone and your just on the green part where your shop was. When you first open the game and after ads, which come up every like 2 minutes, the whole game lags really bad for like 20 seconds and then it’s fine, don’t know if it’s my phone, but a game like this should not do that, it needs a lot of optimization if it lags a iPhone 6s. Download it if you would like, just know that the game is almost unplayable unless you pay $2.99 to get rid of ads, and after you reach a certain stage it gets pretty boring in my opinion.



The ads are really inappropriate and showing stuff that kids should not see. And oh boy there is so many ads! But the game is really cool it’s really fun to play when your bored but please remove the ads! And lower your prices seriously!!! I’m having to pay more than eight dollars for just to remove ads?!!? To be honest I would rather suffer than pay more than eight dollars! But this game is really fun just please remove the ads especially the inappropriate ones but seriously you guys need to listen to me if four-year-olds and up are gonna play this then the ads need to be removed! All the ads I’m seeing are inappropriate ones people on top of each other and cheating on each other and so much more please listen to me just delete this if the apps don’t change 😐


Greedy developer eventually makes game un-fun

Update: I’ve had enough. The game has been fun, but this developer is obviously WAY TOO GREEDY. It’s either an unreasonable volume of ads that most are complaining about, but I paid to remove), or now this pay-to-continue model. Again, everybody deserves to make a buck. But average of $5 to be able to “finish” a level? Too much. Let me know if you decide to let up on the greed. In the meantime, buh-bye.

Look, I get you need to make money as a developer. As many have noted, there can be a lot of ads. Because I liked this game, I paid to have the ads removed, but also to support you. And I was still okay with a few more ads in order to achieve certain levels of upgrades. But now you have moved to this coupon system, and the only way to get them is to pay money for them. I’m sorry, this is a super fun game, but it’s not worth what I estimate as $5-10 per level. Every single level. I give MyMiniMart a week to fix this situation with an update before I delete it. Again, I’m fine with you folks making a couple of bucks. I do not accept blatant greed. Millions of other games out there folks. For 5 bucks a month I get access to Apple Arcade that has phenomenal games with no ads or paid upgrades. Know your audience.


Ads Every 15 Seconds… but Addicting!

i was getting sick of ads popping up constantly so i counted it out… approximately every 15 seconds, an ad pops up like clockwork. it’s really irritating. gameplay is soooo addicting and i easily lose hours at a time playing this! but it’s really difficult to make any decent progress in the game when the ads start popping up, because once they start they don’t stop.

i do love the option to watch a video to get perks (double the customers for 5 minutes, 5x speed, machine and worker upgrades, etc) because it’s always nice having the option to get a little extra boost, and i like that they aren’t slammed in your face, they are just located at the ATM or subtly on the side of your screen.

but developers: PLEASE fix this ads issue, having them come up literally every 15 seconds (yes i actually counted it out for quite a while just to make sure), is just way too often. i know you can skip after a few seconds, but when they pop up this frequently you’re still spending more time watching ads than actually playing the game, in the end. makes me consider deleting it :(



okay so i’ve downloaded and deleted this game a lot because of the ads. so i caved and bought no ads, and i can’t tell you the last time i played another game. i cannot stop playing this game. i don’t mind sitting through ads for extra cash and stuff like that. also, the little map with free money and tickets? developers know how to keep customers (no pun intended) because that is the best. i thought the game ended with the first shop, but there’s so many more and i’m so excited.

i do have an issue with things being too close. in the pizza shop i’ll grab tomatoes when i just need wheat. also, no being able to stack more and being stuck on an odd number royally bothers me.

other than that, i have no issues and i actually really really really love this game. i have never written a review before on a game but i had to write this one so others know just how fun this game is.


Really good game but bad ads convenience

Honestly, for all of those haters out there, I want to say for the record that I am NOT a hater. I feel like everybody on this darn planet hates ads and so do I. In this game, it is kind of a role play while ads in this game keep popping up and even the no internet connection sign is so annoying that it almost wants me to delete the game even though I don’t and; P.S. I do check for my internet connection during that bar and I do have connection and it makes me delete the tab and reload the game again. But here is my rating for the game my rating is 5 out of 5. Anyway, good game but please SuperSonic Studios if you’re reading this, please get rid of all the ads and the no internet connection bar because why does that matter it is a offline game, there are no other people playing in your mini mart. Good Game though.


Great game. Played it for hours. Here’s what I want.

I don’t mind the ads you get paid for them. Cinema mart is a dumpster fire when it comes to organizing the store. I would love love love the abilities to: 1) control what employees do what like I have 3 shelvers, let me choose if they pick up tomato’s or corn or machine made goods. Up to a certain amount. Certain levels I might choose to have multiple shelvers on just machines and I play the one who loads them. Or other times if I get behind I could have multiple shelvers on one machine to catch up something that is behind production. 2) let me choose the layout of my mart. Cinema mart is such a disaster when it doesn’t have to be. Even if you make me play it your way once I would love love love these extra things to make my OCD very happy when prestiging levels. Thanks!



I haven’t had this much fun with a mobile game in a very long time… but MyMiniMart WINS!! It’s so fun and gives you plenty to do so that way you don’t run out of things to complete in the game… it’s pretty addicting honestly haha… usually I don’t write app reviews but I just had to for this one because honestly this game deserves way more attention for how fun it is! I think it’s so cute they added pets too! (I have an adorable little crow helper now ❤️) and I love that there is so many marts to complete on the map, gives me plenty to do so that way I don’t beat it too quickly! The only annoying thing was that it had way too many adds that would pop up constantly… I love this game so much though that I ended up buying the ‘no adds’ option because it’s seriously soooo addicting and also oddly very calming to me. The music in the background is also very suitable for the mood in this game and honestly puts me in a good mood. If you’re looking for a fun and cute tycoon game with plenty to do in it, this is the game for you!


Be warned, you still get ads even after you pay.

Ok y'all, This game is fun don’t get me wrong I play it a lot, but I have 2 things that I srsly need to complain I about!

1.) Be warned, even if you pay the small fee to remove ads, you still get them ALL the time. Everything costs an ad! If I see another poorly acted out ad for fricken royal match I’m gonna go crazy!!! After a while it starts to feel like you never got rid of them in the first place… it’s seriously so annoying! Do better…. If you can’t remove them completely, at least lessen the amount of ads! T-T

2.) the amount of money you get while active playing the game is not much at all… you spend like 30 mins running around only to make like $2,000 which you then turn around and spend it all on some highly priced upgrade… you then end up broke again, but don’t worry there’s always another horrible ad to offer you crumbs of in game cash to fund your shops. If you don’t wanna go that route there’s always the path of opening your wallet to shell out real money so you can buy in game cash… it’s just crazy…. T-T

Is My Mini Mart Safe?

No. My Mini Mart does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 114,547 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for My Mini Mart Is 12.6/100.

Is My Mini Mart Legit?

No. My Mini Mart does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 114,547 My Mini Mart User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for My Mini Mart Is 29.1/100..

Is My Mini Mart not working?

My Mini Mart works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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