Computer Architecture Quiz Reviews

Computer Architecture Quiz Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-15

🏷️ About: Computer architecture quiz app with free download to install is a complete computer app (iOS) to practice 800+ computer architecture quiz based MCQs. "Computer Architecture Quiz" app covers trivia questions and answers, BCS, BSCS computer science MCQs to solve self-assessment tests.


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Download "Computer Language and Instructions Quiz" app to install revision notes with MCQs: Computer instructions representations, 32 bits MIPS addressing, arrays and pointers, compiler optimization, computer architecture, computer code, computer hardware operands, computer hardware operations, computer hardware procedures, IA 32 instructions, logical instructions, logical operations, MIPS fields, program translation, sorting program.

Download "Interconnection Networks Quiz" app to install revision notes with MCQs: Interconnect networks, introduction to interconnection networks, computer networking, network connectivity, network routing, arbitration and switching, network topologies, networking basics, and switch microarchitecture.

Download "Computer Architecture and Organization Quiz" app to install revision notes with MCQs: Encoding an instruction set, instruction set operations, and role of compilers.

Download "Computer Arithmetic Quiz" app to install revision notes with MCQs: Addition and subtraction, division calculations, floating point, ia-32 3-7 floating number, multiplication calculations, signed, and unsigned numbers.

Download "Computer Performance Quiz" app to install revision notes with MCQs: Introduction to computer performance, CPU performance, and two spec benchmark test.

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Arshad Iqbal