Dunno if it’s me, my machine, or what, but given the positive reviews on QRCodeGeneratorQRMaker, I seem to be an outlier in any case.
Ipad is running 16.2. I initiated the monthly paid subscription for QRCodeGeneratorQRMaker immediately, before using.
My problem is that, in trying to make Contact QRs for my team, after the first one, subsequent QRs scan on iPhone (iOS 16.1.1) as “no usable data.”
I made the first one fine, but then the problem cropped up on the second, but after lots of futzing, I was able to get it to work, seemingly by hitting “done” on the contact info page before clicking “save.”
I tried making a third Contact QR, but no matter which combo of operations and even deleting all the saved QRs, I was not able to make a readable Contact QR, i.e. the ones which were created all scanned as “contains no usable data.”
Of course I tried quitting and restarting app, to no avail.
Needless to say, I’ve canceled the VIP subscription and will delete QRCodeGeneratorQRMaker . Actually, I will try restarting the iPad and trying again, but in any case, needing to do that is untenable for me, so QRCodeGeneratorQRMaker is a loser, unfortunately, as there were elements which I liked; my least favorite thing was the absence of a custom color picker.